Reply to Falun Gong Practitioner
Dublin, 20 December 2000
Dear Ms. (practitioner's name withheld),
Thank you very much for your letter of 8 December outlining the terrible persecution affecting Falun Gong practitioners in China and highlighting the case of Mr. Ming Zhao, a student of Trinity College who has suffered torture and is currently being detained in China.
I enclose a copy of a personal message I sent to Zhao Ming, as well as a letter to the Chinese Premier. I do hope that this will be of some assistance and would you greatly appreciate if you could keep me informed on this.
With every best wish for Christmas and the New Year.
Your Sincerely,
Patricia McKenna, MEP
Letter To Zhao Ming From Ms. Patricia McKenna
Zhao Ming
C/o Suozhang
Beijingshi Laogai suo
People's Republic of China
Dear Mr. Ming,
I wish to convey to you full support in this very difficult time.
I know that your arrest is a terrible mistake and I do hope that you will be released as soon as possible and be able to complete your Computer studies in Trinity College, Dublin.
I would like you to know that many people in Ireland are thinking about you and campaign on your behalf.
You have my warmest regards,
Yours Sincerely,
Patricia MaKenna, MEP
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Category: Voices of Support Worldwide