- An Outstanding Middle School Student is Deprived of His Right to Go to School
- Police in Jilin Province Will More Strictly Monitor the Internet as a Means to Persecute Practitioners
- The Experiences of a Practitioner Being Illegally Detained in the Wanjia Labor Camp, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
- Jilin City's Lawless Officials Hold a Dafa-Slandering Exhibition
- Criminal Record of Policeman Xu Hongwei from the Dongfeng Police Station, Jincheng Police Sub-Department, Changchun City, Jilin Province
- A Ph.D. Practitioner Promotes Dafa during a Senior Enterprise Managers Conference
- Everyday People Clarify the Truth
- A Correction
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] An Outstanding Middle School Student is Deprived of His Right to Go to School
Owing to his outstanding test scores, 14 year-old practitioner Yin Xiaotian was admitted to Chaoyang District's No.69 Middle School in Changchun City, Jilin Province. The school authorities, however, discovered the record of his practicing Falun Dafa and appealing in Beijing. They immediately asked him to write a "renouncing statement" (an announcement of giving up Falun Dafa practice); otherwise he would not be allowed to attend this school. Yin Xiaotian and his mother promoted Dafa and clarified the truth to the president, Chang Nian, several times. He said, however, "If you come again, I will put you into a transformation class" (brainwashing class). He also told Yin Xiaotian that the director of Changyang District's Education Bureau ordered that Yin would not be admitted to the school or the classes if he would refuse to write the "renouncing statement."
Because Jiang Zemin's criminal regime persecutes Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners, an 14-year-old outstanding student was deprived of his right to receive an education.
[Jilin Province] Police in Jilin Province Will More Strictly Monitor the Internet as a Means to Persecute Practitioners
Nowadays, Dafa truth-clarifying literature is widely spread in Jilin Province and the vicious crimes [against Dafa] are exposed. Information from Minghui net is delivered to tens of thousands of families. Truth-clarifying flyers about the vicious police meeting with retributions make the vicious forces feel restless. So the vicious forces unrelentingly look for the source of these materials with all kinds of methods. Recently we suffered the loss of several computers that have access to the Internet as well as some equipment to make truth-clarifying literature. Some practitioners were even kidnapped. In order to block the Internet, many districts in Jilin Province sent people from the Computer Supervision Department to Beijing to learn advanced techniques. According to reliable sources, the vicious forces recently spent a lot of money installing new equipment designed to monitor computer use in Jilin Province. This time, the action is taking place at a much higher level. Top-level department officials are responsible for coordination. Specialized police and special agents are allocated to join in this action. Whenever someone is found reading Falun Gong articles, they can immediately find out the person's IP address and detect the phone number. In addition to cutting the reader off as was previously done, they now send special agents to arrest people and ransack their homes. We have heard that this equipment has already been installed and will be put to use before October 1st. (Chinese National Day).
[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] The Experiences of a Practitioner Being Illegally Detained in the Wanjia Labor Camp
I am from Acheng City of Heilongjiang Province. On July 22, 1999, as I went to the Provincial Government to ask for the release of Harbin City's Falun Gong contact persons, local police detained me for 48 hours and fined me 200 Yuan as I refused to sign the statement of "giving up Falun Gong practice." Afterwards, as I kept practicing Falun Gong, my work unit isolated me and forced me to attend a brainwashing class. In February 2000, I was detained 91 days and fined 4,000 Yuan for appealing in Beijing. During this period of time, my family spent nearly 10,000 Yuan to arrange for my release. I was also deprived of my party membership. In December 2000, I went to appeal in Beijing again and was sentenced to forced labor "re-education" after being detained 56 days. During my detention period, I was beaten up, force-fed and frozen with icy water. They forcefully took pictures of me and forced me to sign the detention certificate. On February 14, 2001, I was put into Wanjia Labor Camp. On February 22, I was put into solitary confinement because I practiced the Falun Gong exercises. On March 9, I was released from solitary confinement where I had been forced to stand still for 17 or 18 hours every day, deprived of sleep for 60 hours and handcuffed to the cell door for three days. I had also been hung up with my hands cuffed behind my back, and my toes barely touching the ground. Now my hands still often feel numb.
[Jilin City, Jilin Province] Lawless Officials Hold a Dafa-Slandering Exhibition
On September 22, 2001, a one-week Dafa-slandering exhibition opened in Jilin City's Museum.
The local newspaper reported that this exhibition was cosponsored by many units at national and city levels, including the Party Central Committee Propaganda Office, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Justice, the China Science Association, the City's Propaganda Ministry, the City's "610 Office", the City's Police Department and Judicature Bureau, Education Committee and City Museum. The newspaper also related that Jilin City is the exhibition's first stop in Jilin Province.
Since July 20, 1999, Dafa practitioners have continued to clarify the truth about Dafa to the public. More and more people have come to hate the vicious deeds of Jiang Zemin's criminal regime, as it uses so many valuable resources to persecute and kill Dafa practitioners, and ignores other serious social problems such as corruption, unemployment and so on. Few people have come to the exhibition. We don't know how many students in middle and primary school will be forced to visit and write their "thoughts after watching."
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Criminal Record of policeman Xu Hongwei from the Dongfeng Police Station, Jincheng Police Sub-Department
Xu Hongwei, male, about 40 years old, is a policeman of the Dongfeng Police Station, Jincheng Police Sub-Department/ Changchun City. Since Jiang Zemin's criminal regime began to ruthlessly persecute Falun Dafa, Xu has been closely following his direct supervisor, Mao Zhixun. He is the head of this police station, whose criminal record has been reported on MinghuiNet. Due to his persecution of Dafa practitioners, he has been promoted to head the Household Registration Department. Xu has been working very hard to catch Dafa practitioners. He once put Dafa practitioners in jail on a fabricated charge and was thereafter rewarded with a huge amount of money.
Recently, carrying forms in his pocket, Xu intruded into Dafa practitioner's homes to provoke and stir up troubles. When he knocked at a practitioner's door and found that only the practitioner herself was at home, he became thoroughly ferocious and tried to force this practitioner to sign her name and put her thumb-print on the form. The practitioner reacted with dignity, " I cultivate Falun Gong, I try to be a person of noble morality and try to become a healthy person. I work hard in my work unit and have never committed any crimes. Why should I sign the form?" This ruffian policeman became unreasonable and started to curse and slander Dafa and Teacher. The practitioner stopped him with her dignity. He then grasped the practitioner's clothes and pulled her out of her home. He pulled her hair and slammed her head against the water pipe in the corridor. He beat the practitioner to the ground several times, hitting her with his fist and kicking her with his feet. The practitioner's hair was disheveled, her face was swollen and bruised, and her hands were bleeding in different places from this abuse. Neighbors came out, one by one, astonished and shocked by the ruffian's vicious behavior. They condemned him, "Nowadays policemen intrude into residents' homes, beating and cursing people for no reason. They are actually much worse than scoundrels and bandits!"
[China] A Ph.D. Practitioner Promotes Dafa during a Senior Enterprise Managers Conference
A practitioner, the holder of a Ph.D. degree, presented a paper at a senior enterprise manager's conference. In his paper he discussed China's current economic situation and how enterprises ought to deal with and face the problem of surviving and developing after China participates in the WTO. He urged the entrepreneurs to "pay attention to bringing up professional morality," to "let go of fame and interests," and to "cultivate ourselves like Falun Gong practitioners." His report was greeted with warm applause.
[China] Everyday People Clarify the Truth
Much truth-clarifying literature has been distributed to tens of thousands of families. These handouts have enlightened kind-hearted everyday people who have not completely lost their conscience. They have truly come to understand what Falun Gong is. People who used to be against and hated Falun Gong now actively support us. A woman helped a practitioner distribute truth-clarifying materials at night; not only was she not afraid but she also helped with concerns for caution and care. She said, "The materials are hard-won; they are printed with practitioners' hard-earned money. We must cherish them and distribute them to every household to achieve result."
[Baishan City, Jilin Province] A Correction
This is a correction to the Minghui Net report of September 10 about practitioner Wang Juanfang (pseudonym as Li Jing) from Baishan City and others.
On July 3, Wang Juanfang was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor. She is now being unlawfully held in the 1st team of Unit No.6 of Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp in Jilin Province. As she steadfastly persisted in cultivating Dafa and refused to cooperate with the vicious forces, she was severely tortured, both physically and mentally (Details of the situation remain unknown). The other practitioners refused to talk to the inhuman and vicious policemen, to the traitors and to those who had been brainwashed. The practitioners would rather use gestures than talk to them, even at meals. By doing so, they effectively prevented the evil from finding any opportunities to stir up trouble. The wicked forces furiously commented that the practitioners were insane.
Our news from Mainland China on September 10, mistakenly reported that the practitioners had become mentally unbalanced. We are now making a correction to it.
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