- The Latest News Regarding Practitioner Wang Dawu from Hangzhou City
- A Fa-Rectification Feat in a Crowded Area of Beijing
- Detailed Information of Practitioners being Persecuted in Jianyang City, Sichuan Province
- Righteous Thoughts Suppress the Evil
- A Family Member Says, "You Falun Gong Practitioners are Really Remarkable. I'm Convinced."
- Vast Numbers of Dafa Flyers Have Been Distributed in a City's Business Center in Sichuan Province
- Wiretapping of Falun Gong Practitioners' Telephones in Beijing
- Coming Back To Dafa
- Parents Have to Leave Home; Their Non-Practitioner Son is Held in a Detention Center
- Officials Unlawfully Set up Sentry Posts to Stop and Body- Search Women on the Street in Hongcheng Village/ Handian Town/ Shuangcheng City/ Heilongjiang Province
- Dafa Banners Fly Everywhere in a Beijing District
- At Each Level, Shuangcheng City Detention Center Authorities Extorted Money from Dafa Practitioners
- Destruction of a Dafa Information Center in Hebei Province
- Unlawful Detention of Practitioner Hou Haiping from Handan City, Hebei Province
- Vicious Policemen from Qingyang District of Liaoyang City Take Away Local Practitioners Wang Huiming and An Jie
- Arrest of Some Practitioners from Chaoyang District, Liaoning Province
- Police from Jinzhou City's No.641 Factory and from the Huaxing Police Station Persecute Practitioners' Family Members
- Law-Breaking Policeman Hu Jun from Wenbao District/ Shanghai Police Department
[Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province] The Latest News Regarding Practitioner Wang Dawu
The truth-clarifying booklet "The True Story of Falun Gong," contains an article entitled, "Hangzhou City Falun Gong Contact Person, Wang Dawu, sent Explanatory Letter to CCTV about its broadcast of a fabricated story called 'Three Reports of The Crimes of Illegal Falun Gong Publications were Tracked Down." In the letter he wrote, "It is not easy to tell the truth. Sometimes we must pay for it. I have a 70-year-old mother and a 3-year-old child. Considering the current situation in China, perhaps I will be detained when I publish this letter. But after I thought it over thoroughly, I thought I should come out and speak the truth." Afterwards, for telling the truth, he was arrested and sent to a labor camp. He was sentenced to two years of forced labor to begin with. As he refused to slander Dafa, his detention sentence was extended to three years. His wife was also sentenced to two years of forced labor. His mother and father had to take care of their 3-year-old child. His father-in-law is very old and his mother-in-law is paralyzed.
[Beijing] A Fa-Rectification Feat in a Crowded Area of Beijing
On October 20, 2001, a lot of tourists congregated in the Gongzhufen area, one of the main transportation hubs and business centers of Beijing. At 12 p.m. a 9-meter long, 1-meter wide, huge banner with golden characters on the red cloth, reading, "Falun Dafa," was hung from the high building opposite the County Trade Center. It looked very brilliant in the bright autumn sunshine. At the same time, some dozens of Dafa truth-clarifying flyers were flying out of the building to nearby streets, residential yards and stores. The Dafa banner flew for at least 20 minutes. Thousands of people - many tourists, storekeepers and security guards looked at the banner from the sidewalks, pedestrian bridges over the streets, shopping center and stores. Some walked out of the stores and looked at the banner for a long time. Some passers-by picked up Dafa flyers and read them. Many people just watched the scene silently. Then a police car arrived. Police took away the banner and grabbed several flyers from some passers-by. Some people immediately folded their flyers and hid them inside newspapers or in a jacket and took them away. The police car did not turn on its siren this time. Maybe they were afraid that the siren would attract the attention of more people. From the people's silence and their reactions, we knew that the righteous voice of the universe had aroused immense and lasting movement in their hearts. Just as Teacher wrote in "New Life," "Righteous Fa spreading, Ten thousand demons blocking, Saving all sentient beings, Notions changing, The decayed extinguished, the bright light illuminating." (unofficial translation of Hong Yin--Teacher's poem collection) The day of the evil beings' elimination is drawing near.
[Jianyang City, Sichuan Province] Detailed Information of Practitioners being Persecuted
According to incomplete statistics, the following is information about practitioners being persecuted:
- Two practitioners were illegally sentenced to imprisonment. Seven were put into a labor camp. Among them, two practitioner's detention terms had been extended because they were determined to stay with Dafa. Ninety-seven practitioners were illegally detained for a total of 138 times.
- Five practitioners were expelled from their jobs due to practicing Falun Gong. Five practitioners' retirement pensions were suspended.
- Six practitioners were illegally detained for an extended period of time due to practicing Falun Gong.
- 204,000 Yuan was extorted by means of various excuses from practitioners who keep practicing Falun Gong.
When police extorted money from practitioners, the practitioners did not cooperate and refused to give them the money. Yet, the police looted over 900 pounds of dried mushrooms from one practitioner, and a pig and other home-raised poultry from another practitioner. When an official from the Security Department of Sichuan Province's Tractor Company went to Beijing to escort a practitioner back, he brought his wife, daughter and son as tourists on a sightseeing excursion. When they came back to town, the police forced the practitioner to pay all of their expenses. The practitioner's family was forced to pay more than 10,000 Yuan to cover that corrupt officer's personal vacation.
[China] Righteous Thoughts Suppress the Evil
On the third week after the start of the new semester in 2001, my school's propaganda board [Note: In China, all schoools are required to display propaganda reflecting the government directives] displayed articles slandering Dafa. Several days later I suddenly realized that as a Dafa practitioner, I should rectify all these unrighteous thoughts. I thought I would go to clarify the truth to the president who was in charge of political education and show him some truth-clarifying literature. As I was going to do this, I saw two students taking the board away. After the class, I noticed the articles were all changed. This fact shows that Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts are powerful. Righteous thoughts will suppress the evil.
[China] A Family Member Says, "You Falun Gong Practitioners are Really Remarkable. I'm Convinced."
On the night of October 16, 2001, I went to bed early. After I woke up in the middle of the night, I rode my bicycle to distribute Dafa materials. The next morning my husband asked me, "Where did you ride your bicycle last night?" I did not want to tell him at first, but he already suspected that I did something that had to do with Dafa. He then said, "You will be caught and our family will fall apart if you go on like this. I've already let you read books and do the exercises at home. What use is it to distribute those materials?"
I calmly told him, "I am trying to save people. I don't want our family to fall apart; on the contrary, I certainly want to save our family! If one person practices, the whole family will benefit. Falun Gong not only gives me a chance for a second life but also protects our family. I went to appeal in Beijing. Jiang Zemin's criminal regime confiscated our property, worth more than ten thousand Yuan. He caused great damage to our family, so you should not put the blame on Falun Gong. Falun Gong did not fine you a penny. It is one's own decision whether or not to join Fa-rectification activities. No one is asking you to do anything. Distributing flyers or posting signs on the walls is all done voluntarily. No one can stop what one wants to believe. If the government had not illegally banned Falun Gong, if they did not arrest people, persecute them and beat the practitioners to death, we would not need to appeal or tell anyone anything. If Falun Gong were not good, no matter how much money you would pay us, we would not do things to risk our lives."
On the other hand, you only know that 'this elderly woman or that older man' practices Falun Gong. If you just open your eyes, in our own Shuangcheng City there are doctors, nurses, police personnel, tax collectors, government officials and teachers, and people of other professions, who are all practicing Falun Gong. All are highly educated, noble people and all are doing things for Fa-rectification. It is only because many people still believe the government's rumors and take no actions towards the government's persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners that we have to tell the public the truth. If we did otherwise, we would be condoning the evil. Those kinds of lives will be eliminated. Only through clarifying the truth will people be able to understand the truth and will not go against the Law that creates them, and therefore they can be saved. Using the analogy of a child, this is the way it works: the parents give birth to him and nourish him, but in return, he is against his parents and beats them. What kind of crime has he committed? Therefore, we have to clarify the truth to people and urge them to correct their bad deeds. If we do not tell them the truth now and wait until after Dafa has rectified everything, what is the use then of putting Dafa banners around the city?
After listening to me, my husband admirably told me, "You Falun Gong practitioners are really extraordinary. I respect you."
[Sichuan Province] Vast Numbers of Dafa Flyers Have Been Distributed in a City's Business Center
On October 23, 2001, Dafa practitioners again took heroic action. At the famous Chunxi Road intersection business hub, a large number of Dafa flyers suddenly flew down from the Pacific Mall and Wangfujing Mall's overpass. Passers-by all went to pick up the flyers. Dafa practitioners' heroic deed once again severely struck the evil forces.
[Beijing] Wiretapping of Falun Gong Practitioners' Telephones
According to reliable information, during a meeting, every local Beijing government informed people that all Falun Gong practitioners' telephones would be wiretapped, regardless of whether they had been brainwashed or are firmly cultivating. Even the phones of the practitioners who stay at home, or those who have left home and are living in hiding will not be exempt. Practitioners living in other places who made calls to their own homes were caught from the wiretapping and arrested.
[Beijing] Coming Back To Dafa
According to some information, many practitioners who were brainwashed in Bejing's Tuanhe Labor Camp have gradually come to realize the truth. Some have declared to the Labor Camp that all their words and actions against Dafa in the past were invalid. They have come back to join the Fa-rectification. The numbers of these kinds of practitioners are increasing. We think it might have something to do with our sending forth the righteous thoughts. We hope all practitioners can do better to help Master rectify the universe.
[Beijing, China] Parents Have to Leave Home; Their Non-Practitioner Son is Held in a Detention Center
Under the pressure of the "70 days special action," all the police stations in Beijing did their utmost, exerting much effort to search for and arrest practitioners who live away from their homes. They went to practitioners' homes to threaten their family members to surrender the practitioners. One couple had left home long ago to live somewhere secretly. The police caught their son who is not a practitioner and put him into the detention center for 2 days to coerce him into handing over his parents.
[Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Officials in Hongcheng Village/ Handian Town Unlawfully Set up Sentry Posts to Stop and Body-Search Women on the Street
At midnight on August 22, 2001, a cow belonging to farmer Chen Shuxia was going to deliver a calf. The cow showed symptoms of difficult labor. Chen's husband, Dong Shubin, asked her to go to his younger brother, Dong Shuquan's home for help. On the way Chen saw some people in the dark at the roadside. Being afraid of coming across bad people, she was so frightened that she ran. When she got to the front door of Dong Shuquan's home, she was yanked away from the gate by these ruffians as she tried to jump into the yard. She collapsed on the ground and could not move. She asked them, "Why are you guys chasing me?" The assistant village foreman, Liu Xiaoping, and the director of the Administrative Security Department, Xing Zengchun, asked Chen Shuxia, "What are you doing here? Are you going to spread Dafa flyers?" Chen explained, "My cow is going to deliver. I am here to ask my brother-in-law for help." They did not trust her and searched her, threatened her with the flashlight close up to her face. Then they went to her home and searched. At last, they found that she spoke the truth and then stopped harassing her.
A village secretary incited Liu Xiaoping and Xing Zengchun to frequently go to Dafa practitioner's homes to harass them, monitor them and search their homes. This time, they got together more than 10 ruffians to privately set up illegal sentry posts to block women who passed by, and conduct body searches them. Due to living and traveling under the extreme fear of this harrassment, Chen Shuxia became so fearful that she had a mental collapse from the stress and the doctor diagnosed her as suffering from schizophrenia. Many people were angry when they learned of this and they all said, "These officials gang up with bandits and local tyrants to commit indecent acts and insult women under the excuse of Falun Gong. What they have done has already violated the legal rights of others. This is an illegal action."
Last year, some practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. Liu Renwu, a vicious individual, extorted several thousand Yuan from the practitioners' relatives, telling them they must reimburse the expenses of their business trip to Beijing. Some relatives did not have enough money to hand over. These law-breaking people then threatened them and not only said they would sell their houses and fields, but also confiscate their personal properties and dairy cows. Once when a practitioner went to another village to visit a fellow practitioner who was just released from jail, these bandits intercepted him and beat him up.
After Chen's incident, her relatives went to discuss the case with the town government officials and asked them to do justice in this matter. The officials claimed, "We don't care. You can go wherever you like to sue us."
[Beijing, China] Dafa Banners Fly Everywhere in a Beijing District
Currently, a lot of Dafa banners, slogans and truth-clarifying materials appeared everywhere in a district in Beijing. People talked about this, "How can there be so many Dafa banners and materials, in spite of Jiang Zemin's harsh oppression of Falun Gong? These materials appear not only in the buildings, but also in the mountains and even in bicycle baskets.
[Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] At Each Level, City Detention Center Authorities Extort Money from Dafa Practitioners
The city detention center is located in the yard of a Police Patrol Team. Practitioners who went to appeal were sent here. The officials at each service level extorted money from the practitioners. Everyone, from head policeman Zhang Guofu to the guards in the detention center, including those in the grocery store run by Zhang Guofu's wife all extended their dirty hands to the practitioners.
First, the head of the police department sets the detention terms, the fine amount and other conditions. It works like this: Initially they threaten practitioners' relatives. As a result, the relatives are coerced into giving these police officers "gifts" and inviting them to go to restaurants. If the head of the police department thinks it is ok, the illegal "fine" may be reduced from the original 3,000 Yuan to 2,000 or 1,000 Yuan.
Second, the officials in the detention center extort money from practitioners themselves. The detention center only provides two meals a day. Each meal consists of watery soup with some pieces of cabbage leaves and salt. The main food is a steamed bun of sorghum. There are bugs in the soup and flies in the steamed sorghum bun. Every Tuesday and Friday are the special days to have better food. Sorghum buns are replaced with steamed buns that are made of moldy flour. The taste is disgusting. The food is always the same and always bad. Practitioners are always hungry.
Living conditions are even worse. About 30 people are squeezed into a room measuring 12 square meters. Everyone housed in this space has to eat, drink, wash, sleep, and go to the toilet in this place. The chamber pots are in this room. Several people share one very dirty quilt. Practitioners have to lie on their side when they sleep. Sometimes several practitioners have to sleep on the floor. For the "privilege" of living under those conditions, the practitioners have to pay more than 200 Yuan every two weeks (the average monthly income in rural China is 500 Yuan). Actually, the amount of money is about 10 times the actual expense to the detention center. If we study the Fa and practice, they will fine us another 200 Yuan. Our relatives are forbidden to send in daily necessities. We are forced to buy them from the center grocery store where the inflated prices are 5 to 10 times higher than normal prices. They intercepted several practitioners on the way to Beijing. A female guard by the name of Ji looted all the money the practitioners had on them.
Their last step is to calculate the total amount of loot before releasing practitioners. The amount of money they ask for is usually from a few thousand Yuan to ten thousand Yuan. This includes the food, the "fine" and the release bond. Bail money so far has never been returned. All these punishments and illegal policies have created heavy financial burdens for the practitioners. They owe heavy debts and are living a hard life.
[Laishui County, Hebei Province] Destruction of a Dafa Information Center in Hebei Province
A Dafa information center in Laishui and Yi Counties was destroyed. This center is quite a big one and supplied materials to a large surrounding area. Numerous practitioners connected to this center were arrested; only a few were not. Even some practitioners from suburban Beijing were implicated. The loss was tremendous. The people who came to arrest practitioners were very high-level authorities that are above the Laishui and Yi County authorities. The local "6-10 Office" didn't dare to interfere with them. All this has shown that the "higher authorities" paid great attention to this case. In September, soon after the arrest, the practitioners were sentenced to jail. This time, the perpetrators cruelly beat practitioners. Details are under investigation.
[Handan City, Hebei Province] Unlawful Detention of Practitioner Hou Haiping from Handan City
Handan City practitioner Hou Haiping, female, 41 years old, was director of a local bank. On July 20, 1999, the ruling party cancelled her membership and fired her from her job, simply because she insisted on cultivating Falun Dafa. Later, she was illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. In March and April 2001, she was forcibly sent to a brainwashing class, where she protested with a 20-day-long hunger strike. She was sent home on the verge of death. Many uniformed and plain-clothes police officers monitored and kept her home under strict surveillance for about a month. After that, she was again taken to the detention center without due process of law. Her present situation is unknown.
[Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Vicious Policemen from Qingyang District of Liaoyang City Take Away Local Practitioners Wang Huiming and An Jie
Liaoyang practitioner Wang Huiming and An Jie were taken away by the vicious policemen in Qingyang District, Liaoyang City. They have been under arrest for more than 20 days. Wang Huiming's husband is on a business trip in another city. Her 11-year-old daughter is left at home by herself, without anyone to care for her.
[Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Arrest of Some Practitioners from Chaoyang District
On the evening of October 20, the evil forces madly conducted another round of searches in the Chaoyang District of Liaoning Province. Again, some determined practitioners were taken away during the search. At present, the copy machine room and some computers in Lingyuan Iron & Steel Group Company have been destroyed. The loss is more than 60,000 Yuan. The evil forces took away some other practitioners as well.
[Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Police from Jinzhou's No. 641 Factory and from the Huaxing Police Station Persecute Practitioners' Family Members
Without using due legal process, officials from Jinzhou's No.641 Factory, vindictive director Xu Wendong and four policemen, Zhang Jiye, Yang Qinghai, Wang Deshan and Zhang Xianglie from the Huaxing police station have been monitoring and following practitioners and ransacking their homes. They also threatened and persecuted practitioners' family members and have been harassing practitioner Wang Fang's spouse. Wang Fang had been forced to live away from home for almost one year and is now detained at the No.2 Detention Center. More serious is the fact that they kidnapped female practitioner Guo Shuxian and a male practitioner in broad daylight, without giving any reason or following any legal procedures. They ordered Guo's family to pay 5,000 Yuan, as a condition for her release. Her family was unable to hand in the money. Guo Shuxian was then illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor. She is now held at Masanjia Labor Camp.
[Shanghai City] Law-Breaking Policeman Hu Jun from Wenbao District/ Shanghai Police Department
Since the persecution started, practitioners at various universities in Shanghai City were persecuted on a large scale. Most of persecution cases were schemed by people from the Wenbao Police Station. Here we urge policeman Hu Jun to ponder his wrongdoing in helping the evil to carry out criminal acts. You are supposed to uphold the law, not break it.
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