As an English/Social Studies teacher, I have recently been teaching at adult education centers where a lot of the students are Chinese immigrants learning to speak English. I often introduce Falun Gong as a current events or human rights issue. Often the Chinese students look shocked at the topic and some openly scoff. I tell them that here in Canada, we like to look at all sides of an issue and we don't just believe what is put out by the media. We discuss the issue and sometimes I show them "The Real Story" and the "Human Rights Violation" videos.
I am careful with doing this because usually it cuts into the time that is supposed to be used for the work that the regular teacher has left for them to do. So each situation is different. But I know why we are all together on that specific day. "At present, humankind's every day is arranged according to Dafa's needs..."
Last week as I was preparing to teach a class of mostly Chinese people, I decided to wear my white Falun Dafa T-shirt under my sweater. I was with that particular class all day and I developed a good relationship with them. Later, I took off my sweater while I wrote an assignment on the board. I could hear a gasp and a lot of whispering in Chinese.
It was a small class of about 10 Chinese students; mostly women. We went through the usual - why would I practice being a Westerner, did I really know what I was doing, and did I know about those negative things that were put out by Chinese government propaganda.... I proceeded to clarify the truth of these matters. After about half an hour, we went back to our work - I could still hear them passionately whispering to each other in Chinese.
In the afternoon, one of the women said (as spokesperson): "We really like you, you speak very clearly and we can mostly understand you because of your voice and we think you are very wise. Can we have another discussion?" So we talked about ordinary things, thus the 'talking' hadn't been as successful as the chat we had had in the morning. Gradually we got back to Falun Gong and I asked them if they wanted to see a video that I just happened to have in my bag. Some, still, were nervous about it... but the consensus was to see it. So there it was - the live footage in Tiananmen Square in January and March of the year 2001.
I see clearly how Master has arranged for me to be doing this job. Many Chinese teachers also see my name in newspapers or see me on the TV news and are very curious about what I am doing. I am eternally grateful for these magnificent opportunities to clarify the truth to adults newly arrived from Mainland China.
Thank you Great Benevolent Master.
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Category: Clarifying the Truth