I live in the Inland Northwest where there are only a few practitioners, and when I can meet with other practitioners I always gain new insights. Master graciously arranged a small gathering of his disciples for an weekend of intensive reading and discussion. I would like to share a few of the insights that were revealed to me in hopes that it may help others.
I found that I had a very large attachment of complacency. For the past several months I figured that as long as I read a lecture a day, did the exercises when possible, and told more people about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China, that would be enough to reach Consummation. I maintained this status quo and began to find more and more excuses to not do the exercises on one day or all of the reading on another. On this special weekend I came to the understanding that I was not obeying some of Master's most fundamental teachings. He tells us "You must be strict with yourself. In cultivation of the Buddha Fa, you should strive forward vigorously." These demons of complacency, laziness, and tiredness must all be eliminated if I am to take that step from human to divine being.
I have since rededicated myself to my cultivation. Now I can see Master urging us on in many of his writings like in the very last line in Zhuan Falun "I hope that after going home everyone will make the best use of his or her time for genuine cultivation practice." Master reminds us again on 15 August 2001 in "Fa-Rectification Period Dafa Disciples," "If during the evil's persecution a Dafa disciple doesn't do well or slacks off, it's very possible all his previous efforts will have been for nothing." I have read these lines many times but never before with as much importance as now.
All of the activities of validating the Fa, that I have delayed with the excuses of not having the time or not being in the right place, are now even more important for me to complete. These activities may help other people obtain the Fa, clarify issues for other cultivators, and help eliminate attachments in my own cultivation. It is so important to cultivate and eliminate all attachments as quickly as possible and to be ever vigilant.
The most important thing that I truly began to understand is how fortunate we are to have a predestined relationship with Master. Every one of us who is a Fa-rectification disciple can reach Consummation. If Master did not know this we would not have such a tremendous opportunity.
Thank you for this opportunity to share.
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Category: Journeys of Cultivation