1. [China] During the past Two Years, 3000 More People Have Started to
Practice Falun Gong in a Certain Area of China
The criminal group of Jiang and his associates in China has repeatedly created false and wanton lies using the media. However, people are becoming more clear-minded. Since 7/20/99, in a certain area of China, including many other places, 3000 new practitioners have started to practice Falun Dafa. Some are joining in with their whole family and Falun Dafa books such as Zhuan Falun are in great demand. Falun Dafa is still broadly spreading as more and more people with predestined relationship are waiting to learn it. We can deeply feel the vast benevolence of Teacher Li.
2. [China] Two More Falun Dafa Practitioners from a City go to Tiananmen Square with Righteous Thoughts
On 10/27/01 two Falun Dafa practitioners from a certain city went to Beijing for Fa-rectification. Under the power of righteous thoughts, they smoothly arrived at Tiananmen Square to raise and display their "Falun Dafa Is Good" banner. At the possible risk of their lives, these two practitioners announced solemnly to the Gods in the universe and to the people in the world: "Falun Dafa is Good", "Falun Dafa is Righteous", "Restore the Reputation of Falun Dafa", and "Restore the Reputation of Master Li". The world was shaken by this brave and magnificent act. After this act they were then arrested. During their illegal custody, these two practitioners refused to cooperate with any demand and no identification or addresses were given to the wicked police. They were then illegally detained at the Shunyi Detention Center. Under the harsh treatment, the two practitioners then failed their physical checkups. The detention center was afraid to keep them there and therefore they were later set free. Thus these two practitioners safely returned home and joined the main stream of Fa-rectification.
3. [Beijing] Many Falun Dafa Practitioners are Still Illegally Detained at Huairou Detention Center
Huairou Detention Center in Beijing has illegally detained a large group of practitioners. The evil personnel in the Detention Center have separated the practitioners; they put each practitioner with criminals who have been sentenced with the death penalty and they then give hints to or instruct them to brutally beat up any practitioner in the same cell as them. The other inmates strip the practitioners of their clothes and then pour cold water onto them. They also beat the practitioners severely. The cries that came from the cells due to the torturing of the practitioners by the inmates could be heard loudly from time to time. Some of the cries even lasted for more than an hour, but there was still no police intervention.
Some practitioners who are detained in Huairou Detention Center have been on a hunger strike to protest this type of inhuman persecution. Their situation is very critical and we hope that the people in the free world will pay attention to them.
4. [China] An Elderly Practitioner Rectifies the Fa at Tiananmen Square and then Safely Returns Home
On 10/30/01, under the encouragement of stories of fellow practitioners who had stepped forward to rectify the Fa (Law and Principles) in Beijing, a senior citizen practitioner went to Tiananmen Square with righteous thoughts. Before this day, the old lady had never traveled out of town or to Beijing. She did not know how to get there and she couldn't find any companion for the trip. Many other practitioners had been to Beijing and had come back safely. No one notified her when they went, for she was not known by many practitioners as she always cultivated at home. Her husband had been sick and was bedridden, which meant that he was incapable of doing anything. At hearing her intention to go to Beijing, he cried out several times, as he was worried that she would be arrested and thus nobody would be able to take care of him. But the old lady was firm in her righteous thoughts to go and rectify the Fa. One practitioner asked this lady what she would do if she was captured and beaten. She replied that she would sacrifice her life for Falun Dafa, and that she wouldn't utter any names or addresses even if she were at the point of death. "If they question me about where I come from, I'll say from up there, with my finger pointing to the sky."
Going out of town alone, the old lady thought of taking a taxi and at a very high fare, she was taken to Tiananmen Square. Seeing that there were no police patrols around, she took out and unfurled the "Falun Dafa Is Good" banner. Meanwhile, she yelled out these words from the bottom of her heart: "Falun Dafa is Good", "Restore the Reputation to Dafa", "Restore the Reputation to Teacher Li". Her powerful voice shook up the evil and it also made some people realize the truth. After that, she found that no one came to arrest her so she walked away and asked someone how she could order a taxi to get to the bus station. Then with Master's help, she safely returned home on the same day and rejoined the main stream of Fa-rectification. As she was giving the banner back to the fellow practitioner who had loaned it to her, her friend admired her determination to go to appeal in Beijing by getting a taxi!
5. [China] Dozens of Practitioners from a Certain City Go to Rectify the Fa in Beijing in October
During a period of 10 days in October, dozens of practitioners in a certain city kept going like a relay to Beijing to rectify the Fa. Some came back home safely and some were arrested. But those detained were finally set free because of their refusal to follow the evil's command and thanks to the help of Master. As a result, the power of their righteous thoughts made the evil frightened. Two practitioners who had been arrested together were over 80 years old, yet they were still going to appeal in Beijing. Some elderly practitioners were touched and moved to find someone else who was older than themselves.
Back in the city, fellow practitioners exchanged experiences on Fa-rectification to see what shortcomings they had and how they could improve. This righteous act of rectifying the Fa is an inspiration to those who still haven't stepped forward. Within that short period of 10 days or so, the participating practitioners made speedy progress in the elevation of their Xinxing (Moral Character) Those who went to Beijing came to the same conclusion, that stepping forward is different than staying at home with their hollow theories or their enlightenment of vanity. The physical and mental sensation after breaking out and passing a big test will be an eternal heavenly mystery for those who cannot step forward. He who confines himself at home will never really understand or realize this experience. What he has is only covering-up or excuses. If one doesn't get rid of one's human notions or break through the human "shells", one may only be controlled by the evil old forces. It is painful and depressing to be controlled and to be unable to step forward. In this final period of Fa rectification, we hope to really establish our own mighty virtue so as to show to various deities in the cosmos the great acts of great enlightened beings on the eve of their Consummation. I hope that we can treat ourselves as true practitioners, take every step well, and really be worthy of the title "Fa Rectification Disciples"
6. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Crimes Committed by the Police of the Yanziji Police Station at Xixia District
Since July 1999, when Jiang Zemin started persecuting Falun Dafa, the Yanziji Police Station at Xixia District, Nanjing City has diligently followed Jiang's directives. They continue to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners, causing the break-up of many families.
During the China Commerce Conference in September, the police carried out a new round of persecution against practitioners. Many practitioners have not yet been released.
Zhou Liqin, female, an employee of Nanjing Chemical Plant, has been to Beijing several times to appeal for Falun Gong. She has been illegally sentenced to forced labor "reeducation" several times. During the Chinese New Year of 2001, she was arrested again while distributing Dafa materials in Beijing with her colleague, Shi Juan. She was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor "education."
Yan Yujun, male, is an employee of Nanjing Spark Plug Factory. Because a Dafa banner was found near his factory, the factory and the Yanziji police station concluded without any evidence that it was Yan who was responsible. To avoid being arrested, Yan had to leave his family. Later, the leading cadre in his workplace (Nanjing Spark Plug Factory) lied to Yan that the police were not after him. Yan was arrested when he returned to work. The Yanziji police station claimed that Yan would be sentenced.
Shi Jiaojie, female, an employee of Nanjing Xinlian Factory, has been to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong several times. She has been illegally sentenced to forced labor "education" several times. Now she is under 24-hour surveillance, losing all her personal freedom.
Zhang Lingxia, female, has been to Beijing many times to appeal for Falun Gong and has been illegally sentenced for forced labor "education" several times. Now the Yanziji police station pays her neighbors in cash to watch over her.
The telephone number of the Yanziji police station is: 86-25-5313468; the phone number of Nanjing Spark Plug Factory is: 86-25-5314462.
7. [China] No One Went to Call the Police
Lao Yang and his wife are Dafa practitioners. One day, his wife went to a market to distribute Dafa flyers. When she handed a flyer to a woman, the woman grabbed her and wouldn't let her go, asking the people around: Go call 110 (110 is the number to call into the police in China). However, no one made the call. The woman realized she was being snubbed, and after a short time was forced to let Lao Yang's wife go. It can be seen that many people are awakening to the truth about Falun Dafa. The rumor mongering and mudslinging by Jiang's political gang of scoundrels is totally bankrupt.
8. [Xinjian County, Jiangxi Province] Dafa Practitioners are Illegally Arrested
Dafa practitioners Luo Yunnan and Ge Jinlian (female) in the town of Shigang were misguided at the labor camp. When they realized their mistakes, they decided to re-enter the process of Fa-rectification. They were forcefully arrested by police officer Tang Jianqiang of Shigang police station and sent to the labor camp for brainwashing.
9. [Chengde, Hebei Province] A Publication Site Was Destroyed
At 12 o'clock on Nov. 2, 2001, a Dafa publication site in the city of Chengde, Hebei province was destroyed. A few dozen police seized the site and arrested the practitioners. Fellow practitioners who read this message, please send forth the righteous thoughts and assist the persecuted Dafa practitioners.
10. [Quegang City, Harbin Province] Another Three Practitioners Are Illegally Arrested
On the evening of October 30, practitioner Li Shengguang and his wife Cai Qingzhen in the area of Junde were illegally arrested by local police when they were compiling Dafa materials. Another practitioner, Sun Tinghai, was illegally arrested at the same time. The police illegally ransacked their apartments. Now they have unlawfully detained the three practitioners at the second detention center in Quegang.
Recently in Junde, practitioners have been continuously arrested. Hence, we remind fellow practitioners not to lower your guard. At the same time, we suggest that all practitioners in Quegang send forth righteous thoughts together.
11. [Quegang City, Harbin Province] The Criminal Record of Police Officer Zhao Gang at the Quegang Police Station
Zhao Gang is the director of Quedong police sub-station, a division of the Quegang city police department. He is relentless in persecuting Dafa practitioners. He often beats and verbally abuses Dafa practitioners. Within his territory, he ransacks the homes of practitioners and conducts body searches without showing any permit. He disregards the law, and makes unsubstantiated accusations against Dafa practitioners. During the Chinese New Year of 2001, in order to "let himself have a wonderful New Year Holiday", he arrested and detained several practitioners. He illegally detained those practitioners who would not cooperate for more than a month.
12. [Macheng, Hubei Province] The Telephone Number of Baiguo Town Police Station
Director: Qiu Tanqing, police identification number: 4262507, pager: 86-713|1292581298
Deputy Director: Zhou Ronghua, police identification number: 4262513 Phone86-713|2625210
Instructor: Dai Chunhao, Phone: 86-713|2625210
Policeman: Zhao Liuhuai, Phone: 86-713|2625210
Phone for appealing: 86-713|12912911
13. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] The Barbaric Brainwashing of Shenyang "610 Office" Fails Completely
The former "transformed" model set up by the Shenyang "610 Office," Practitioner Chen Xiu, was illegally arrested and detained in the Zhangshi reform school for forced labor education. He had suffered from brutal brainwashing by not being allowed to sleep for 18 consecutive days. He went astray from Dafa due to the extreme pressure from torture. His wife divorced him during his illegal detention. Later, in order to display their so-called "accomplishment", the Zhangshi reform school arranged a remarriage wedding ceremony for him and his wife. Their wedding was repeatedly broadcast and advertised numerous times on China's Central Television Station, Liaoning Television Station, and Shenyang Television Station. But no scene showed Chen Xiu being brutally tortured. When Chen Xiu was released, people from the "610 Office" and the Political and Judiciary Committee often called both his family and workplace pretending to be concerned. But actually, they did not want to relax their surveillance of him. His family members had also chided them for their unreasonable and illegal actions. Later, through reading Dafa and Teacher's new articles, Chen Xiu woke up and returned to the Fa-rectification. Unfortunately, about two months ago (around August) he was once again arrested by the evil force in Shenyang. It was said that his computer and other things had been confiscated. (The details are not very clear. Fellow practitioners who know the inside story, please provide it.) It is not clear where he is detained. The evil force fears very much that this kind of information will be released to the general public and Dafa practitioners, because this may imply that their brainwashing toward Dafa practitioners fails completely. It is just as Teacher said: "Coercion cannot change people's hearts".
Recently, Wang Fengzhen, Jiang Yingshun, and Song Xihuang from Qinhuangdao city of Hebei province have become secret agents. When Wang Guihong, who is from Yantai city renounced Dafa at Wangcun, she started doing evil deeds together with the local "610 Office" and caused many practitioners to be arrested. We hereby sternly notify those collaborators: wake up soon, stop damaging Dafa; the heaven's law will not permit it!
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