Earthquake in Yunnan Province Results in Economic Losses of 400 Million Yuan
According to a report on October 29, 2001, in Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily News, economic losses from an earthquake in Yunnan Province totaled 400 million Yuan.
The state run Xinhua News Agency reported that the magnitude 6 earthquake caused severe damage in 23 townships of Yongsheng, Binchuan and Heqing Counties. The earthquake affected over 200,000 residents. About 280,000 houses and buildings collapsed as a result. Among them, buildings and facilities of schools and healthcare units were most heavily damaged. The transportation, communication, electric power and irrigation infrastructure also suffered severe damage.
According to the Lieutenant Governor of Yunnan Province Li Hanbai, the earthquake has caused the deaths or severe injuries of more than 200 people, and over 20,000 people had to be urgently relocated. The direct economic initial estimates put the total to 440 million Yuan.
Since Jiang Zemin (Amnesty International's "Human Right's Scoundrel",) began the brutal persecution of Falun Gong, the Yunnan Province authorities have closely followed his political directives. As a result, a large number of Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested or sent to labor camps. Many practitioners suffered brutal beatings, and some were even tortured to death. Some practitioners were forced to leave home to escape the persecution, and many families have been broken apart as a result.
Male practitioner Kong Qinghuang openly disagreed with the government's policies on Falun Gong at his workplace. As a result, he was sent to the Jianshui County Detention Center for about a month. His father was unable to endure the shock and the emotional strain and passed away soon afterwards. In June 2000, Kong went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was sent to the Jianshui County Detention Center again, where he suffered inhuman mental and physical tortures. On September 1, 2000, the guards forced Kong to drink some "soup." After he drank it, he felt such intense pain that he clutched his stomach with both hands and tears rolled down his face. The next day he lost consciousness and went into a comatose state. On September 3, Kong passed away. His wife Wang Jiayue was forced to resign from work and leave her home to escape the persecution.
The evil acts of Jiang Zemin and his accomplices in Yunnan Province have brought about punishment from the heavens. They have disregarded their conscience to go against the universal law--Falun Dafa. They are not only imposing unprecedented torture on practitioners but also bringing endless disasters to many ordinary people, who for the sake of their own safety can only numbly watch the persecution of Dafa practitioners.
Six People Die from an Explosion on a Barge in Yantai City, Shandong Province
[Central News Agency/Taipei News on October 28, 2001] According to Shandong Province authorities, at around 6:00 AM this morning, an explosion took place on a barge departing from Yantai City. The explosion led to a fire on the ship as it approached the Longkou Sea. There were 32 crew members on this ship. Six of them were confirmed to be dead, and eleven were saved. The whereabouts of the remaining fifteen are unknown.
The China News Agency reported that when the accident occurred, there were 6 fuel trucks aboard the ship. The cause of the accident is unclear.
Shandong Province officials have been fervent in their persecution of Falun Gong. Since July 1999, they have closely followed Jiang Zemin's orders to cruelly torture practitioners. Their crimes and evil doings have been too numerous to record.
The Security Chief of the Yantai City Fishery Company in Shandong Province Pours Boiling Water on a Practitioner's Head
Male practitioner Xu Chengben was an employee of the Yantai City Fishery Company. Because he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, he was arrested and detained at a local police station. After being released, his company's security team took him back to the workplace. The security chief asked him three times, "Who is Li Hongzhi?" Xu replied each time, "He is my Teacher!" The security chief then took a kettle of boiling water and poured some of the water on Xu's head. The chief asked him the same question again, and Xu still answered that Li Hongzhi is his Teacher. The security chief poured more boiling water on Xu's head, and this barbaric act was repeated three times. Xu's face was severely scalded, and the scars remain to this day. After scalding Xu with boiling water, the security chief then handcuffed him to the iron door at the entrance of the company to humiliate him.
Ignoring the Vicious Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Is a Crime
Some people have asked that since it is Jiang Zemin, Luo Gan, and those vicious policemen who persecuted Falun Gong, why do so many common people suffer from natural and man-made calamities? Martin Luther King once said that those who remain silent in the face of wickedness are as guilty as those committing the crimes. Dafa practitioners are virtuous cultivators of the Buddha law who strive to be compassionate. The suffering that they are enduring in the midst of the brutal persecution is not a political issue. It is not just an issue about human rights or personal beliefs. Faced with this battle between righteousness and wickedness, right and wrong in the universe, nobody has the choice of being neutral. Everyone has to ask himself, "Which side am I on? To stand with the side of compassion or with the evil?" If you ignore the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, you are also guilty.
Some people believe that "evil will be met with evil" is just a curse or a threat, but it is not. If a person is standing at the edge of a cliff overhanging an abyss, is it not for his own good when someone tells him, "Please stop, otherwise you will fall into the abyss and smash yourself into pieces!" People only want short-term benefits, but divine beings have to be responsible for people's entire lives. "Immediate retribution in this lifetime" is a warning that comes from caring and compassion. If people still do not awaken, more severe consequences will follow. When people go past the point of redemption, further advice or warnings will be useless.
"Mankind! Wake up! The vows of gods throughout the ages are being fulfilled. Dafa is evaluating all lives. The path of life is under one's own feet. A person's own single thought will also determine his future." ("Further Comments on Superstition", Essentials For Further Advancement)
Five People Die From Poisoning In Guizhou Province
[Central News Agency/Taipei News on October 28] According to a report in Hong Kong's Ming Pao Daily News, from October 16 to 18, several cases of wine poisoning occurred in Huaqiu Township, Tongzi County, Zunyi City, Guizhou province. A total of eleven people suffered from wine poisoning, and five of them died. All of them had drunk the same brand of wine. The report stated that after investigations by the local police, those who were poisoned all purchased wine from a small shop in this township. This brand of wine contained a much higher than legal percentage of methyl alcohol.
It was also learned that before the incident took place, more than 70 people bought this kind of wine. The police are currently trying to apprehend the wine seller.
Torture Followed by Brainwashing, the Means Used by the Guizhou Women's Labor Camp to Transform Falun Gong Practitioners
When guards at the labor camp discovered practitioners doing the Falun Gong exercises, they cursed and physically abused these practitioners. Some practitioners were forced to put on shackles and handcuffs, while others were forced to keep a ninety-degree bending position for six days. Those who were unwilling to recite the camp rules were forced outside into the snow to kneel on a block of cement for more than three hours. Whenever the guards found someone practicing the exercises or studying the Fa, they would brutally beat the practitioner. They even called in hired thugs to punch and kick practitioners. In addition, some practitioners were confined in a bathroom for ten days. They were forced to eat and sleep on the ground, and only allowed to eat one meal a day. Some practitioners were forced to run more than fifty laps around the exercise yard. If a practitioner fell to the ground in exhaustion, others had to drag her up so that she could keep running. Some practitioners were tied up and left outside. Others were forced to stand outside for the whole night. The guards also forced practitioners to put their hands on their heads, and squat up and down more one thousand times. Sometimes they were also forced to jump up and down. Inmates such as drug addicts were allowed to arbitrarily beat those practitioners who did the exercises. The guards praised their brutality and even shortened their terms. In the labor camp, Falun Gong practitioners were not allowed to speak to each other or eat together. They were forced to perform heavy physical labor for eighteen to twenty hours per day.
Jiang and Luo's regime has used lies, violence, implicating practitioners' families, and other evil means to persecute those who believe in "Truthfulness Compassion Forbearance." Their behavior not only resulted in heavenly anger but also undermined the morality of the Chinese people as a whole. Poisonous wine, rice, vegetable oil, and even poisonous moon cakes appeared one after another. Unscrupulous merchants even use toxic chemicals as food additives to make profits. The moral standard has declined tremendously, and the people have wallowed in degeneration. Those who maintain an indifferent attitude towards warnings from heaven will receive retribution in the end. If one day the nightmare becomes reality for them, it will be too late to regret their actions.
On October 29, 2001
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