[Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] Female Practitioner, Yu Meihua, was Illegally Sentenced to 8-years in Prison
Practitioner Yu Meihua from Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, is a steadfast Falun Gong practitioner who often clarifies the truth about Falun Gong to the public. Because of this, she was illegally sentenced to eight years in prison.
Once the Governor of Heilongjiang Province, Tian Fengshan, visited Beishan Park of Yichun City. He saw a Falun Gong flyer on a street in Yichun City and became very angry. The Vice Mayor of Yichun City, An Rongjun, tried to ingratiate himself with Tian Fengshan and ordered the policemen and security department staff to arrest the practitioners. He personally tore down the flyers. A total of seven practitioners were arrested illegally. The home of practitioner Yu Meihua from Yichun District, Yichun City, was ransacked twice. All other practitioners were persecuted in different ways. The authorities separated the seven practitioners, placing them in seven different places.
From an inside source, we heard that these seven practitioners were brutally beaten up and their condition is very bad. We hope kind people will help and we can avoid such atrocities in the future.
Additionally, Yichun City Police detained practitioner Xu Wenying from Harbin City. Xu Wenying went to Yichun to visit relatives. The police suspected that Xu had brought some Falun Gong flyers to Yichun City because her husband, who was a lecturer in a university, was sentenced to three years of forced labor because of practicing Falun Gong. We hope kindhearted people will help them.
List of Responsible Parties:
An Rongjun, Vice Mayor of Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province;
Ren XX, Vice General Secretary of Yichun District, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province;
Yu XX, General Secretary of the Politics and Security Section of Yichun District, Yichun City, Heilong Jiang Province;
Hu Yalan, Political Supervisor of the Yichun District Police Department, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province;
Cao Fengtong, Director of the Politics and Security Section, Yichun District Police Department, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province;
Xu Xin, Vice Director of the Politics and Security Section, Yichun District Police Department, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province;
Zhang Hu, Staff of the Politics and Security Section, Yichun District Police Department, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province.
[Heilongjiang Province] Urgent Rescue Needed for the Practitioners Detained in the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp
On September 27, 2001, there was a ceremony for the newly finished dormitory building in the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp. Some provincial level officials were to attend and cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. The Political Supervisor of the camp, Li Hongjun, requested that all of the detained practitioners have numbers on their clothing when they attended the ceremony, just like criminals. All of the steadfast practitioners refused to put on the numbered clothing and refused to attend. The officials couldn't do anything with them, so they ordered five collaborators to attend the ceremony. The practitioners' action suppressed the evil and protected the dignity of Dafa.
The Fuyu Forced Labor Camp has four brigades and eight squadrons. The practitioners were detained in the No. 7 and the No. 8 squadrons. On October 7, 2001, practitioners of Squadron 7 sent forth-righteous thoughts in the cells. A criminal inmate from Squadron 8 saw it and reported to director Lu Zuoquan of Squadron 7. At first, Lu didn't listen to the inmate. But the inmate reported again and again. Lu was angered and he took an electric baton to shock the practitioners. Another police guard, Jiang Ruidong, also used an electric baton to shock practitioners. The practitioners were not deterred by these evil acts and they kept on sending forth righteous thoughts. The practitioners from Squadron 8 saw this and came to Squadron 7 to surround the vicious policemen. Practitioner Zhou Aiguo took an electric baton away from one policeman and broke it by throwing it on the ground. All of the practitioners wanted those abusing the law to be brought to justice. The police guards had no way to control the practitioners, so they ordered the practitioners to do exercises on the exercise yard. Practitioner Zhang Zaohua shouted, "Let's go outside to eliminate the Demons." The practitioners from Squadron 8 stood in two long lines on the playground and sent forth righteous thoughts. At the same time, the practitioners of Squadron 7 sent forth righteous thoughts in their cells. The Fa rectification lasted about 15 minutes. Many practitioners felt this action had eliminated many evils. The situation stunned the wicked people. They didn't know what to do. They simply begged the practitioners, "Please go back."
After the practitioners went back to their cells, practitioner Xin Yanliang led them in reciting the new scriptures. The police had no idea how to deal with such a situation. Finally they guaranteed that any criminal who beat the practitioners would be punished and that no such thing would happen again. In "Also In A Few Words", Teacher said, "Indestructible righteous thoughts toward the cosmos' Truth form benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Vajra Bodies; they frighten all evil, and the light of Truth they emanate makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate."
Through this Fa Rectification event, we felt Teacher's enormous compassion and learned the power of the group. Only through melting oneself into the Fa and getting rid of all selfish thoughts can one truly return to one's highest level.
In mid October, the practitioners requested to be released unconditionally. They practiced in groups and started a hunger strike to protest their illegal detention. So the officials began to suppress the practitioners with great fury. They called in a large number of policemen from the Fuyu County Police Department and ordered many criminal inmates from other brigades to beat the practitioners doing the exercises. The situation is severe. Some practitioners have been severely injured and may die. We are still investigating the details. Fuyu Forced Labor Camp closely blocked the information but we have heard that over twenty practitioners were transferred to the detention center for further persecution. The situation is urgent.
We call upon all practitioners and all kind people of the world to act urgently to support the practitioners in the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province, and to eliminate evil by sending forth righteous thoughts in groups. We shall eliminate evil completely and let the light of truth shine forever.
[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Illegally Held in the Seventh Large Group of Wanjia Labor Camp Strongly Demand the Release of All Practitioners
As a result of lengthy illegal detainment, Falun Dafa practitioners have not been able to practice Falun Gong or study the Fa. They have been locked in damp rooms, where most have developed a dry rash and/or skin ulcers all over their bodies. The yellowish pus that drips from the skin ulcers smells rank. Although the air in the labor camp is foul with the smell, the environment continues to deteriorate.
The sharp pain of open sores is taking its toll on the practitioners. The severely itching sores have ravaged their entire bodies again and again as the rashes came out one layer after another. This kind of miserable suffering would be unbearable to ordinary people. Although Falun Dafa practitioners are toughing it out by their firm, righteous belief and strong determination, they are forced to stay in poorly ventilated rooms, breathing the stench of rampant infection. Since their skin-ulcers remain unwashed for extended periods of time, most cannot fall asleep or remain asleep throughout the night. Even practitioners who have been locked inside for only three months have started to suffer from this symptom.
For example, as one practitioner was recently preparing to be released due to her poor health, it took her a long time to dress herself and then, an even longer time before she was able to get downstairs because of her many painful sores.
These practitioners have stated that continued imprisonment amounts to inhuman torture. We sincerely appeal to kindhearted people to please extend their timely assistance.
[Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province] Crimes of Persecuting Falun Dafa Practitioners in Xiangdong Police Substation at Muling Mine of Lishu District Police Station
On September 1, 1999, Lishu District Police Station of Jixi City, in Heilongjiang Province, arrested over a dozen Falun Dafa practitioners who were watching the videotape "Biography of Jesus Christ." These practitioners were sent to detention centers and placed under illegal custody on charges of "illegal gathering." Some of them were held for as long as ninety days. During the illegal detention, Falun Dafa practitioner Wu's foot wound, which had resulted from numerous shocks from an electric club, became infected. Prison doctors wanted to amputate his foot, but Wu refused to allow it. Later, Wu was released. Another practitioner, Zhao, was beaten so badly that his face became swollen and turned black around his eyes. Falun Dafa practitioners were gradually released, but not until they had first been subjected to extortion.
On the morning of January 31, 2001, several police officers broke into the home of senior, retired, female teacher, Wang Yuhua, to forcibly conduct a search. They also illegally took all five of her family members to the police substation. The police then handcuffed them individually to the heating pipes and deprived them of three meals in a row. It wasn't until late the next morning, just prior to their transfer to the detention center, that police officers with some kind thoughts brought them food. On the day they were arrested, Substation Chief Niu Jiayu and the Party Political Secretary Li, of Lishu District Police Station, had both beaten heavily on Wang's chest. Li ordered her to get on her knees, and Wang refused. He then began kicking her in the calves. Without any evidence or following any legal process, the couple was sentenced to two years of forced labor education. Their eldest daughter, in college, was given a one-year term. The two younger daughters became homeless, and an ordinary family was thus broken apart.
While no one was at home, the police returned to the home and searched it three more times, confiscating two savings deposit receipts. They extorted 800 Yuan RMB (the average monthly pay for an urban worker being 500 Yuan) from Wang's brother (his only stipend left for living expenses). The wicked Niu Jiayu lied, with the fabricated excuse that this was to pay for the meals. Meanwhile, the Lishu Police Station withdrew the salaries of both Wang and her brother, without their knowledge. In January 2001, another practitioner was also arrested and thrown into the detention center.
Contact information of the perpetrators:
Xiangdong Police Substation at Muling Mine of Lishu District Police Station, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province: telephone 86-4617-2373924.
Niu Jiayu, Chief of the Substation: telephone 86-4617-2486137.
Niu Jiayu's cell phone: 86-139-45839137.
[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Modern Drama Is Staged to Slander and Defame Falun Dafa
On October 31, the Hegang Municipal Government, the "610 Office" and the Hegang City Modern Drama Troupe, jointly staged a drama that slandered and defamed Falun Dafa, in the Beijing Opera Theater in Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province. The goal was to mislead people and vilify Falun Dafa. (The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.)
[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Exposing the Evil: Malicious Policeman Zhuang Shulong from Jianan Police Substation Reclamation Farm Tails Practitioners
A little past 9:00 AM on October 21, 2001, a practitioner arrived at a home-based retail outlet, run by another practitioner, to shop. He had not been in the house more than a minute or two before the malicious policeman, Zhuang Shulong, barged into the house and rushed toward him to grab the bag, saying, "Let me see what you've got in your bag! Aren't you delivering something to him (the practitioner who runs the store)?" It later turned out that nothing was found in the bag. The policeman then said, "I figured that you wouldn't dare [to carry Falun Dafa literature] during the day." He then added, "I have been following you all along."
The practitioner pointed out to him, "You are violating the law. I have personal freedom. Who gave you the right to tail me?" Only then did the policeman turn away to leave, crestfallen.
Telephone number of Jianan Police Substation at the Reclamation Farm of Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province: 86-454-8350276
[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Falun Dafa Disciples Abducted
On the afternoon of October 23, police from the Public Security Bureau of Bazhong County and Simaqiao Police Substation of Chengdu City searched Falun Dafa disciple Liao Guifang's house and took her to Bazhong County, accusing her of confronting police. It turned out that some local practitioners who had been arrested for going to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa had implicated her, due to their attachment of fear.
One day in late October, a fellow practitioner in Chenghua District, whose family name is Fang, had just gotten home from work and put the pot with pork ribs on the stove to be stewed. She apparently went out for a while and mysteriously disappeared. It is said that the police may have abducted her.
[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Disciple Liu Zhiyong Abducted
On September 20, Falun Dafa disciple Liu Zhiyong, an employee of the Heat & Power Plant in the newly developed area of Tangshan City, was reported by some loathsome people for distributing CDs containing the truth of the "self-immolation" incident to the working staff in the Plant. Liu Yitang, the Party Secretary of the Plant, tried to force Zhiyong to express a different attitude and give up practicing Falun Gong. Later, Liu Yitang called the police, who abducted and detained Liu Zhiyong at the Second Detention Center, in Tangshan City.
[Hefei City, Anhui Province] Falun Dafa Disciples in the China Science & Technology University Are Supposedly "Formally Arrested"
In August, Physics Professor Li Chuanfeng, Ph.D. and four other disciples were arrested. (It was reported in Clearwisdom Net on 09/06/2001.) Presently, their status has been changed from "criminal detention" to a so-called "formal arrest."
They had been arrested while creating truth-clarifying CDs. Please make note of their present situation.
[Anguo City, Hebei Province] Falun Dafa Disciples Forced to Leave Home
Falun Dafa disciple, Ma Huixin, and her husband, Li Feng, from Quti Village, in Anguo City, presently live in Eastern Paradise in Anguo City. They firmly cultivate in Falun Dafa, and on the evening of August 23, the police arrested Ma Huixin. Li Feng managed to escape the arrest, but he could not return home. Their house was searched several times. Now, nobody is taking care of the elderly folks or the child in the family. The police keep harassing their family members, by monitoring their telephone and employing thugs to spy on them.
Ma Huixin went on a hunger and water strike to protest her illegal detention, but she wasn't released until her life was in great danger. Even so, she had no personal freedom, since the police still keep harassing her every day. She had to leave home as well.
[Jianshan County, Hebei Province] Criminal Record of Wang Taichang, Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee
Wang Taichang, Secretary of the Politics and Law Committee of Jianshan County breaks the law while enforcing of law by bullying and oppressing the people. Since 1999, he has been wantonly arresting Falun Dafa practitioners, detaining them, depriving them of their work, imposing large fines (as much as 20,000 Yuan RMB, almost three and a half years income for an average worker in China.) He has also been sending them to labor camps, sentencing them to jail, and forcing them to become homeless. He connives with the police to break the law while supposedly enforcing the law, searching Falun Dafa practitioners' homes, and grabbing, smashing and beating them. Some police even climbed over the yard walls in the middle of the night in order to steal practitioners' tricycles, TV sets, and even used bicycles. They have made people's lives impossible. When he escorted Jianshan practitioners to the detention centers in Shijiazhuang and Tangshan, he even shamelessly bribed the police there to make sure the detention centers would accept all the practitioners. When some friends and former classmates persuaded him to forsake evil for good so that he wouldn't end up in misery, he instructed the police to arrest them. As a result, some more practitioners were arrested. His extreme persecution of Falun Dafa is remarkable.
In the past, many people, including practitioners' family and friends could not understand why Falun Dafa practitioners would go to appeal in Beijing. They are waking up now, and clearly seeing that the dregs who entrap the populace are the chief culprits who wreck the country and ruin the people. People who have woken up are sharply denouncing the professional liars who deceive their superiors and delude their subordinates.
People have witnessed the corruption of Wang Taichang. He spent tens of thousands of Yuan on a luxurious villa. It took over three months to be remodeled and furnished, and looks splendid in green and gold. Where does this money come from? It is definitely not within his income. He also built up a "brainwashing base" to deal with Falun Gong practitioners at Zengzhuang Village in western Jianshan County. They forcibly send practitioners to be brainwashed. Once, a female practitioner was literally dragged away and beaten up for not renouncing her belief in Falun Dafa, and was unable to sit or lie down because of the wounds all over her body. Even so, she was handcuffed and was not allowed to sleep. Moreover, they secretly administered psychotropic drugs by mixing them into the practitioners' food, severely harming their bodies and minds.
Hereby, we kindly warn all those who persecute Falun Dafa and practitioners: It is a heavenly principle that good and evil will each yield their due reward and retribution. This principle is fair to every being. Immediately release all Falun Dafa practitioners who are detained for no reason!
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