Breaking the Media Blockade, Clarifying the Truth
The Austrian Diplomatic Institute held a seminar at the end of October. A Chinese Ambassador was slandering Falun Dafa at the seminar; he even made the ridiculous accusation that Dafa books are too expensive. The audience made lots of noise, and some loudly expressed their disagreement. One audience member pointed out that Dafa books can be downloaded free from the web. The Ambassador fell silent because people realized that he was completely wrong.
A letter to author Ye Xin and others who do not know the truth about the persecution against Dafa asked, "How would you feel if you saw the vicious police and their assistants beat up, insult, and mentally abuse Falun Dafa disciples, and also not allow them to sleep? The mass resistance from Falun Dafa practitioners, who lay down their lives for justice, is the most praiseworthy!"
Break through the old forces' (ie. the old forces in the universe) suppression of all predestined people. Clarify the truth of the persecution of Dafa to major world corporations, all levels of governments, and all news media.
Mainland China
Ninety people solemnly declared that the documents they signed and actions they took under duress are null and void. A practitioner said, "Cultivation is serious and holy. It does not allow any doubt or disrespect. Maybe some of my mistakes have already been amended, but I need to once more declare with dignity, from the bottom of my heart (that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner)."
One wife of a Falun Dafa practitioner argued strongly on sound grounds, and spoke with the force of justice in facing the evil. She loudly stopped police from taking one practitioner away. She said, "Why can't my family have friends over?" She threatened, " If you dare to take her away, I will immediately strike my head against the wall and die!" She took back the illegally confiscated computer as well as other confiscated materials. She told them, "Police are supposed to protect people's private property, how can you steal these from my house?"
Police illegally abducted a Falun Dafa practitioner at the Daqing Linyuan Oil Refinery, and then tortured him. He sent forth righteous thoughts during the 24 hours of his detention, and he never cooperated with the evil. He walked out of the black den with dignity.
Jiang Zemin and his Followers' Persecution of Falun Gong Brought Disasters to Sichuan Province
--According to the November 12th issue of Central China News, a villager in Dianjiang County of Chongqing City held a birthday party. Thirty-six of the guests suffered from food poisoning, two teenagers died on the spot and another thirty-four people were sent to the hospital for treatment.
Natural disasters and man-made calamities are not coincidental. A corrupt local government official can bring affliction to the people. Recently, another Dafa practitioner, Mo Shuijin, was tortured to death. The total number of Dafa practitioners tortured to death by minions from Jiang Zemin's criminal group has reached 309.
--Qianlong News Net reports on the 11th that a rare fog suddenly attacked Chengdu City. Flights were delayed and numerous car accidents occurred.
Several days ago, Nanmen Bridge in Yibin City, Sichuang Province simply collapsed.
Up till now, at least 17 practitioners were tortured to death by authorities from the Sichuan Provincial Government.
Cultivation Story
A truth-clarification flyer was stuck to the ground in the middle of the road. Cars rolled over it and people stepped on it. In order not to let the flyer get mangled further, a practitioner picked up the pieces with his fingers, and was watched by many people. He rationally told the truth to passers-by who inquired. They could feel the power of benevolence.
When I was in the first grade of elementary school, I was diagnosed with anemia and dropped out of school. It didn't get better even after I took medication and shots all year long, and I lived in pain for five years. After practicing Falun Dafa, my body recovered to perfect health in a short time, and I returned to school, something I desired for a long time.
Walk a thousand miles a day: a practitioner who continuously eliminated bad notions and purified his mind, went to Beijing to validate Dafa with little trouble and safely returned home.
Completely denying the arrangements of the evil forces, a practitioner openly clarified the truth of the persecution of Dafa to the policemen trying to arrest him, to the surrounding crowd, and later to the nurses and doctors in the hospital. He told them that participating in the persecution of practitioners is actually helping the evil. He didn't follow any of the demands or directions of the perpetrators.
Around New Year's Day, a group of policemen broke into the house of a practitioner, robbed him of all his money and property, beat him, and sent him to the maximum security section of No.1 Detention Center, Changchun Police Department. The practitioner clarified the truth of Falun Gong to the inmates. They were all angry and complained, "the good people are being persecuted." Several of them said that they would practice Falun Dafa after they were released.
Media Reports
On November 2, 2001 Sing Tao Daily reported on the SOS! RescueWalk initiated by practitioners in Canada. The group that had started from Vancouver British Columbia walked across the provinces and arrived in Calgary Alberta. The walkers held a press conference asking for public support and calling for help to put an end to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
Chinese World carried news from Xinhua News Agency, Shijiazhuang City, on November 14, 2001. Hebei province is experiencing a large-scale drought without any sign of relief. Nearly 900,000 acres of land are affected. About 580,000 people suffer from a seasonal drinking water shortage.
Reports from Around the World
The Falun Dafa Association in Singapore and Houston sent congratulations to the establishment of Falun Dafa Associations in Austria, Belgium, and Israel.
The Public Television Channel in Colorado KBDI-12 broadcast the program "The Real Story of Falun Gong II" during prime time on the evening of November 9, 2001 and caused a sensation.
During the "SOS! Urgent Rescue" drive across Australia, Sydney practitioners introduced Falun Dafa and clarified the truth to the local governments, media, and people in the towns and cities they passed through.
On November 14, 2001, Sydney practitioners clarified the truth at the National Council of Churches of Australia. General Secretary Rev. David Gill met with them in person, and was very shocked upon hearing a practitioner's personal story of the persecution experienced in a labor camp.
The Brookings Register, a newspaper in South Dakota, USA, published an article on November 13 that introduced Falun Gong and exposed the persecution of practitioners in China. The article said that Falun Gong was good for a person's mind nature/moral quality. It focused on the story of Mr. Ren, an assistant professor at South Dakota State University, and his family, who have practiced Falun Gong for many years and benefited from it a lot.
Falun Gong practitioners from San Diego, USA, spread the Fa, clarified the truth, and exchanged experiences in Balboa Park. They broke through the notion of Chinese people that "one shall not make public disgraceful family/internal issues (a Chinese saying. Many Chinese people think the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is an internal issue of China and practitioners should not make it public by appealing to the international society and clarifying the truth everywhere)." The Chinese people were not only given a chance to awaken from vicious lies and come to know the truth, but also to become part of the righteous force.
Canadian practitioners endeavoring on a 1,200 km SOS! RescueWalk from Ottawa to New York City arrived in New York City on November 8. They visited many social organizations and government offices in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Chinatown, and other areas.
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