(Clearwisdom.Net) November 10, 2000, twelve of us Dafa practitioners, came to Beijing to clarify the truth of the persecution against Dafa and affirm Dafa to the people. At 10 pm, we divided into two groups and walked from Changping County to Tiananmen.
The eldest in our group was 65 years old. The eldest in the other group was 68 years old. Some of the Dafa practitioners distributed truth clarification literature, some posted Dafa flyers, some used paint to spray Dafa signs, and some were carrying balloons to hold up Dafa banners in Tiananmen. We passed through bumpy farmlands and streams. We passed through one village and another. Over the course of one night, many Dafa posters appeared on the lampposts alongside the highway.
Late in the evening, while we were spraying Dafa signs on the lampposts at the entrance of a village, one police car stopped next to us. We were not afraid at all. We continued to spray and the police drove their car away. While we were spraying Dafa signs on another street, the police drove out from the village and went past us. We saw them drive into a compound far away. It seems like they went to get more people. Our group of six quickly left and went to hide in the rice field across from the village. The police car went by us right after we squatted down in the field. It was a close call.
The other group of Dafa practitioners, were followed by the police. Most of them managed to lose the police. A 68-year-old practitioner could not walk fast and she was also carrying the balloons [for floating banners supporting Dafa]. Eventually, the police car caught up with her. The police asked her, "What are you doing?" The Dafa practitioner answered, "Traveling." The police asked again, "Then why did you run?" The Dafa practitioner answered: "I saw a car chasing after me. I thought there were bad people in it so I ran." The police had no choice but to say: "You can go now."
Another practitioner lost a shoe while escaping. He walked bare footed until he bought a new pair of shoes the following morning.
In the morning, we met up together in Tiananmen. Balloons carrying three Dafa banners were raised along both sides of Huabiao. Countless pairs of eyes were staring at the magnificent scene that suddenly appeared. With glorious hearts, the five of us opened a 7-meter long banner with the words, "Falun Dafa can subdue evil and abolish disorder." The other practitioners each opened a small banner stating: "Falun Dafa is the righteous way." We loudly shouted together "Falun Dafa is good," "Falun Dafa is the righteous way," "Restore our Master's name." Our righteous calling had drawn the attention from many people. We cried out, "Everyone, please do not be deceived by the lies on the television. Falun Dafa teaches people to be compassionate and offer salvation to all beings!" The police attempted to separate and arrest us. All of the Dafa practitioners simultaneously went to protect the Dafa banner that read, "Falun Dafa can subdue evil and abolish disorder." The police tried to grab the banner from our hands but all of us together protected the banner as one. We would not let go regardless of the outcome. The banner connected the Dafa practitioners. We shouted while tears flowed from our eyes. We carried on like that with the police for 20 minutes. A few times, we regrouped after being forcefully separated. Some of the practitioners were beaten unconscious before being dragged away. I was also beaten unconsciousness before being dragged away. In the meantime, we watched while many onlookers' minds awakened. Some said, "It is so nice to see Falun Gong," "So many people risked their lives to safeguard Dafa." We are willing to give all that we have just so that people can come to this righteous thought.
Later on, we were illegally detained in the iron cage of the Tiananmen police station. Because it was over-crowded with Dafa practitioners, we could only stand. There's not enough room even for us to squat. The Dafa practitioners loudly recited "Zhuan Falun," and loudly shouted, "Restore our Master's name," "Falun Dafa is the righteous way," and "to treasure Dafa is the same as treasuring your own lives." The police used electric batons to hit practitioners through the bars of the cage. The police are for the people; therefore, they should take care of the people. Instead, they are beating up people. There were also some policemen with goodwill. They tended to stay quiet.
As the night approached, the shouts of the Dafa practitioners were carried farther. We were illegally transferred to the Miyun detention center. That evening, some of the Dafa practitioners' faces were beaten black and blue, and very much deformed. A practitioner from Changchun ended up with two black eyes. The police slapped my face. They became quite helpless after they saw that I was not scared. The next morning, we heard the police saying that one of the policemen, who beat up Dafa practitioners, suddenly died at 9 pm the previous night. We knew that it was from receiving "immediate retribution in this lifetime" that had effectively stopped the evil.
Although it was too cold to sleep, we still upheld our Fa study and held firm to our righteous thoughts. We shared experiences together and came to a realization regarding what Master said about "one righteous mind can subdue one hundred evils" (Zhuan Falun). We went on a hunger strike together and forbid them from abusing Dafa practitioners further. We requested to be released unconditionally. The evil is most afraid when the cultivators let go of life and death. The righteous thoughts of the Dafa practitioners are pure and peaceful. The practitioners with weak righteous thoughts also improved their xinxing after sharing experiences together.
For one of the practitioners from Changchun, it was the first time that she had come out to affirm Dafa. As such, she felt guilty. I told her not to feel that way. I also told her that as long as she used her heart to clarify the truth about the persecution of Dafa to the police, as long as she wasn't thinking about her own self-interest, the police would listen. She truly went ahead to do as I suggested and she did quite well. Her pure and compassionate words had moved one of the police officers to tears. I was very happy for her ability to cultivate a compassionate heart.
One of the Dafa practitioners was afraid and he also had an attachment to sentimentality for his family. The effect of the righteous field had helped him break through both attachments. I told the police, unlawfully interrogating me that it's actually to his [the police officer's] advantage that we were able to talk about the truth about Falun Dafa. Due to pressure, he was afraid. He said he did not want to talk about it. Then, I replied, "there's nothing to talk about." He asked me for my hometown and my name. I told him that I did not commit any crime, therefore, I could not accept any unlawful interrogation. I told him that he should arrest Jiang Zemin since he is the one who is breaking the law and suppressing good people. The country is promoting law and regulations. It should not just apply to the people; it should also apply to the officials. We will sue Jiang Zemin for breaking the law. We are the most righteous people and yet we were arrested. What kind of principle is this? He lost his courage to talk to me. As such, he said, "How about this, why don't you just put down your number and mark your fingerprint here!" I told him that I would not do it. First of all, the number was originally assigned by this detention center. It had nothing to do with me. Second of all, I could definitely not press my fingerprint on that paper. Without any choice, he told me to go. One of the police officers had red eyes due to excessive drinking. He wanted to vent his anger at me. But, because I did not get angry, he was not able to vent his anger either. One minute he allowed me to sit, the next minute he would forbid me to sit. He refused to listen when I attempted to explain the true facts of the persecution against Dafa to him. He said, "I don't care whether you are right or wrong, we are just the tools, we are just carrying out what our bosses ask us to do." I said, "The Dafa practitioners are here to save people. You look like a human being to me and yet you called yourself a tool. Why don't you cherish yourself? I will stop talking to you if you don't cherish yourself." I could see that his mind was wavering. But because he did not want to show that he made a mistake he continued with his attitude and approach.
All of the Dafa practitioners did pretty well even after being confronted by the police two or three times. We went on a hunger strike together and we also encouraged each other. The police unconditionally released us on the fifth day. Although the Dafa practitioners did not know each other's names, we used the wisdom bestowed upon us by Dafa to suffocate the evil and to make breakthroughs together as a group.
October 29, 2001
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