- Jiang Zemin's Criminal Regime's "Implication" Policy: Three Generations in a Falun Gong Practitioner's Family Cannot Join the Army
- An Elderly Couple Validates Dafa in Tiananmen Square and Safely Return Home
- Xinjiang AR's Policemen's Beastly Behavior
- The Unlawful Behavior of Beijing Qianmen Police Station's Deputy Director
- Lawless Policemen in Tieling City, Liaoning Province Extort Money from Family Members of Dafa Practitioners
- A Dafa Practitioner from Nanchang City Is Kidnapped
- Stern Notice to Artists that Help with the Persecution Against Falun Gong: Immediately Stop Slandering the Buddha's Fa
- Partial Account of Extortion of Moneys from Dafa Practitioners in Harbin City
- Hegang City Police Register and Investigate Computer Users and Force Them to Sign Guarantees
- An Illegal Trial Will Be Held for Dafa Practitioner Chen Changlin from Daqing City
- List of Criminal Policemen from Nenjiang District, Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province
- List of Criminal Policemen from Yehe Police Station, Lishu County, Jilin Province
- A Case of Immediate Retribution
[China] Jiang Zemin's Criminal Regime's "Implication" Policy: Three Generations in a Falun Gong Practitioner's Family Cannot Join the Army
On November 4, 2001, at a conscription meeting, the director of the town's military department declared publicly that the so-called "instruction from top-level government" state that family members within three generations of Falun Gong practitioners cannot enroll in the army. This was the third year he announced the same policy. The regulation for military enrollment also applied in the years 1999 and 2000, when the same rule was in effect. This regulation actually violates the "Law of Military Service" and citizens' basic civil rights. Many colleagues in the town considered the policy an "implication policy." However out of fear of the high-handed policy, people dare not say anything. This situation is very common in China.
Editor's note: In China, due to the discriminatory "residence policy," farmers only have two ways to change their agricultural residency status - by either attending a university or enrolling in the army. Only in these two ways could they obtain legal city residency status and therefore make a living in a city. Since the number of universities in China is very limited and the competition is very tough, enrolling in the army almost becomes the only way open for a farmer to change his agriculture residency to city residency status.
[China] An Elderly Couple Validates Dafa in Tiananmen Square and Safely Return Home
On the morning of November 11, an elderly couple broke through many obstructions with mighty righteous thoughts and stepped forward on Tiananmen Square. Near the national flagpole they solemnly unfurled a Dafa banner and spoke loudly the most divine words from their hearts, which shocked the evil. With Teacher's help, they safely returned home the same day.
[Urumchi City, Xinjiang AR] Policemen's Beastly Behavior
After July 1999, policemen in the Wulabo Labor Camp, Urumchi City, Xinjiang Autonomous Region, inhumanly persecuted practitioners with all kind of brutal methods. They abused, beat, and electrically shocked practitioners and forced them to stand day and night. At present, these debased policemen tortured more than ten determined female practitioners especially severely, including Zhong Qiao, Li Guiqin, Niu Guifen, Niu Mengling, Zhou Haixia, Luo Chuanmei, and Tan Xianglu.
Because Zhong Qiao refused to write the "repentance statement" as required by these lawless policemen, in order to threaten Zhong Qiao, the police stopped providing food to all the detainees in her group.
The vicious policemen in northern China brutally inserted an electric baton into the vagina of a practitioner over 50-years-old named Li Guiqin. After receiving this sadistic and inhuman torture she was very weak. The abuse left bruises and wounds all over her body. When she first arrived at the labor camp, policeman Peng Huaidong beat her with an electric baton. Under the primitive and rough conditions in this camp, she could hardly recover. Later, the head of police, Li Zongping, shocked her with an electric baton and forced her to stand day and night. Still, afterwards, the head of the police group and other policemen repeatedly beat her.
In another incident, Niu Guifen was tortured to the point of becoming unconscious.
[Beijing] The Unlawful Behavior of Beijing Qianmen Police Station's Deputy Director
Clearwisdom.Net had exposed Ma Zengyong, deputy director of Beijing's Qianmen Police Station. His actual name is Ma Zengyou. He is a thug and commits many crimes. He has sexually abused many female practitioners during their so-called "interrogation."
Office phone number of the villains: 011-86-01-67031624, 67022018
Pager: 011-86-01-62046666
[Tieling City, Liaoning Province] Lawless Policemen Extort Money from Family Members of Dafa Practitioners
Officers from Chengnan District, Tieling Police Department demanded money from Dafa practitioners' families in the name of a "bail fund." They threatened family members that only after they handed over the money could their relatives be released; otherwise, the practitioners would be sent to labor camps.
[Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] A Dafa Practitioner Is Kidnapped
Dafa practitioner Ge Peilin, female, 44-years-old, is the family member of an employee from Jianglian Company. In 2001, she was sentenced to 3 years in a labor camp because of cultivating Falun Dafa. Before she was sent to the labor camp, a medical examination showed that her blood pressure was as high as 240, and because of this she was sent back home. Soon after she resumed Fa study and the exercises, her blood pressure went back to normal.
On June 12, 2001, more than 10 evil persons went to her home and forcibly took her to the labor camp. The "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) in the city ordered the labor camp to skip the medical examination this time and forced the labor camp to accept her. As a result, Ge Peilin's blood pressure went up to 260, and it reached the limit of the blood pressure gauge. Nanchang City's First Hospital issued a "terminally ill" notice based on her situation. To avoid responsibility, in fear the evil persons had to send Ge Peilin home.
At about 9 p.m. of November 8, 2001, a dozen police officers rushed into Ge Peilin's home again. They confiscated many Dafa materials and beat her up. Now the police have taken Ge Peilin away and her whereabouts are unknown.
[China] Stern Notice to Artists that Help with the Persecution Against Falun Gong: Immediately Stop Slandering the Buddha's Fa
On October 21, 2001, on page four, Guangming Daily, the mouthpiece of Jiang Zemin's criminal regime, published a so-called cartoon collection to viciously attack Falun Dafa and its founder. It twisted the facts and deluded the public. This layout event was sponsored by The Department of Photography and Art of the Guangming Daily, supervised by head editor Chang Tiejun.
Here we sternly put on notice those shameless artists who have been involved in this deed - Chang Tiejun, Miu Yintang, Fang Cheng and Jiang Fan. Immediately stop your criminal activities, otherwise, you will be punished by the law and principles of heaven.
[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Partial Account of Extortion of Money from Dafa Practitioners
Chen Yuan, female, 59-years-old, lives at 488 Xinyang Road, Daoli District, Harbin City.
On November 12, 1999, she 2,000 Yuan was extorted from her by policeman Wang from Harbin's Police Department.
On November 12, 1999, policemen from Harbin's Police Department demanded she pay 1,000 Yuan for their meals.
In October 1999, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth, was caught in Tiananmen Square and detained in the Xuanwu Detention Center. She and other practitioners went on a hunger strike for unconditional release. People at the local liaison office in Beijing escorted her back and extorted 400 Yuan from her. On October 31, she was taken back to Harbin's Second Detention Center. There she was illegally detained for 75 days and fined about 500 Yuan. During this illegal detention, they forced her to package toothpicks and put away chairs and beds at night. The food was too bad to eat. The guards and the person in charge abused her at will. Dafa practitioners suffered inhuman treatment. In addition, her family members has 2,000 Yuan extorted from them during her detention.
Bi Qinghua, female, 39-years-old; lives at 31 Songbin Street, Apt 661, Huabinli sub-district, Daoli District, Harbin City.
From November 1999 to January 2000, policeman Wang Libin extorted 4,000 Yuan from her.
At the end of November 1999, a policewoman in the City Police Department's Second Detention Center extorted 500 Yuan from her (one month's income for a rural Chinese worker).
From June to July 2000, Wang Libin again extorted yet another 4,000 Yuan from her.
She went again to Beijing to appeal in October 1999, was arrested in Tiananmen Square and sent to the Xuanwu Detention Center. On October 29 she was escorted back by personnel from the local liaison office in Beijing and was extorted 350 Yuan for the train ticket and 50 Yuan for a "management fee." On October 31,1999, she was sent to Harbin's Second Detention Center and illegally detained for 81 days. On June 19, 2000, she was sent to Harbin Second Detention Center again and illegally detained for 19 days because she resisted viewing the exhibition that slandered Dafa. During the Spring Festival of 2000 and 2001, people from the local police station went to her home or called and harassed her. She was prohibited from attending any meeting at her work unit because she once verified Dafa in a meeting. Her work unit suspended her from her job promoting admission to the school, since they feared that she would take the opportunity to spread Dafa flyers.
[Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Hegang City Police Register and Investigate Computer Users and Force Them to Sign Guarantees
Case No. 1
Around November 1, 2001, local police personnel kidnapped two more female practitioners, Gong Guizhi and Gong Guihua from Xinhua District, Hegang City. Now the two practitioners' whereabouts are unknown.
Case No. 2
In order to break local practitioners' outside contact through Clearwisdom.Net and also to prevent the public from knowing the truth about Falun Dafa, Hegang City police registered and investigated almost all entities that have anything to do with computers and forced them to sign guarantees. These include almost all schools, hospitals, banks, mines and computer companies. As long as they suspected any "unit" or practitioner of having something to do with Falun Gong, they would break into that unit to investigate, or break into the practitioner's home to search his house without following any proper legal procedures. What they have done has already invoked local people's worries and created dissatisfaction.
[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] An Illegal Trial Will Held for Dafa Practitioner Chen Changlin
According to reliable information, the old evil forces will utilize the judiciary system and court of Sa'ertu District, Daqing City, to put practitioner Chen Changlin on trial outside the law. Chen Changlin, who lives in Anda City, was arrested because of his Fa-spreading activities on a celebration day for the Daqing Oil Institute.
[Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province] List of Criminal Police Officers from Nenjiang District, Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang Province
Domestic area codes of Nenjiang District: 0456
Xiao Jiubo, director of the Nenjiang District Police Department; office telephone No. 7525218; home telephone No. 7529766, zip code 161400. This vile person has repeatedly searched practitioners' houses, confiscated their property, and arrested and sent practitioners to labor camps for any apparent valid reason. He also takes bribes. He is the man behind the scenes of the business known as "Singing Halls," which are in fact bordellos where one can solicit prostitutes. Everyone in Nenjiang County knows that his annual income from this illegal activity is 50,000 Yuan.
Liu Shusheng, deputy director of the Nenjiang District Police Department; office telephone No. 7525218; home telephone No. 7524450, zip code 161400. Since July 22, 1999, because he "contributed" a lot to the Falun Gong persecution, he has on several occasions been awarded prizes and bonuses.
Zhang Shihua, head of Nenjiang County; office telephone No. 7524813; home telephone No. 7564136, zip code 161400. He is the principal persecutor of Dafa practitioners.
Fan Ximin; works at the "610 Office" (an agency especially created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power of each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) of Nenjiang County's government; office telephone No. 8282814; home telephone No. 7521124, zip code 161400.
Liu Jianbo; Tiexi Police Station police officer, Nenjiang District. Tiexi Police Station telephone No. 7522417; home telephone No.7537059, zip code 161400. This vile person has illegally arrested three practitioners within one day.
Yue Yuhong; female officer, Nenjiang District, Dongfeng Police Station; telephone No. 7523615, zip code 161400. She insanely persecutes practitioners. In the middle of September she broke into practitioner's home and seized Dafa books and searched everywhere for Dafa materials.
Liu Jianmin; policeman from the Politics and Security Section, Nenjiang District Police Department; home telephone No. 7536458. This vile person has cruelly beaten practitioners.
[Lishu County, Jilin Province] List of Criminal Police Officers from Yehe Police Station, Lishu County, Jilin Province
Yehe Police Station telephone number: 011-86-434-5496377
Policeman Dong Wendong's telephone number: 011-86-434-5496122; other police officers who can also be reached at that number are Dong Wenjiu, Liu Jiandong, and Mao Qingsong.
[Benxi City, Liaoning Province] A Case of Immediate Retribution
Zai Mei'e, female, about 40-years-old, lives in West Liutangliu Street of Xihu District, Benxi City, Liaoning Province. She is a janitor. One morning in April 2001, when she was cleaning Taiping Goukou, she saw a Dafa banner hanging on a tree. She wanted to climb up the tree to take it down so she could hand it over to the police. But for some reason she did not take the banner down. Instead, she fell to her knees on the ground and could not move. After checking in at the hospital, she was told that her right kneecap was fractured. Until now, she has already spent more than 3,000 Yuan for treatment. She has not yet recovered and cannot return to duty.
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