House of Commons
Ottawa, Canada
September 5 2001
The Honorable John Manley
Cabinet of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Ottawa, Ontario
Mr. Minister,
Over the past few weeks I have had the pleasure of having a meeting with a group of representatives of Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa). I hurry to show you my support of their cause aiming at the respect of human rights.
The repression to which this group is the victim must be denounced and I suggest to transmit to the Chinese government a message that this practice be ended. I thus ask you to intervene and to apply pressure so that this group of people can exercise the expression of their freedom.
I thank you for the interest given to this letter, which I permit myself to send a copy to the Prime Minister, Mr. Jean Chretien. I wish you, Mr. Minister, all the best.
Jean-Yves Roy, MP
MP for Matapédia-Matane, Québec, Canada

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