During the process of clarifying the truth to the public and to Chinese people in particular, Toronto practitioners have realized some of the more effective ways of making full use of the forms and formalities enjoyed by local people. For example, "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance Day" in May of this year attracted thousands of Toronto citizens from numerous professions and walks of life along with various organizations, and community groups. With the help of the City of Toronto and some city councilors, we have decided to hold another day-long festival called "Peace and Compassion Day" on Saturday, November 03, 2001. The theme of the event is to help create a more peaceful and harmonious world through nurturing and celebrating the universal principles of truthfulness-compassion-tolerance. It will include table displays, an on stage ceremony, performances and a writing contest for local students.
Organized by Falun Dafa and Friends of Falun Gong, Peace and Compassion Day is supported and/or sponsored by more than 20 organizations, caring professionals and elected officials, including City Councilors, United Nations Association in Canada (Toronto Region) - Human Rights Committee, South Riverdale Community Health Centre, Peace Brigade, University of Toronto Student Administrative Council, Ryerson University Student Administrative Council, Members of Parliament Colleen Beaumier and John Godfrey, Member of the Provincial Parliament George Smitherman, "Eye for the Future" Magazine, "Strand" Newspaper, and Laurence Cohen & Associates, Barrister & Solicitor. The event will be hosted by a fellow practitioner, Gemini Award winning actor Michael Mahonen.
The Day's Events
The festival will run from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Throughout the day there will be tables set up in the square by various local businesses, organizations, community groups and artists whose products, services or ideas are in line with the festival themes. The presentations at the tables will be via literature, displays, music and demonstrations, representing a wide range of multicultural backgrounds.
An on-stage ceremony will be held, during which speeches will be made by elected officials and other dignitaries. The ceremony will include performances from local artists, readings from contest winners and the release of peace doves.
Writing Contest
The writing contest was extended to students from elementary school, high school, college and university. We asked the students to write about what they could do to contribute to a better world through their own commitment to principles and virtues, giving them the examples below. These examples were also contained in our pamphlets that went out to the general public to promote the festival, so many people read about the courage, virtue, and dignity of our fellow practitioners in China. It has been a great opportunity to clarify the truth. The examples are as follows:
"History has taught us the power of compassion. While the seemingly strong and invincible quickly fade from memory, the virtuous and oppressed are long remembered by future generations. We remember their sufferings and treasure the lessons they taught us about compassion and forbearance. History teaches us that peace and harmony are ultimately accomplished by the benevolent actions of brave and compassionate people who are willing to suffer for the sake of goodness. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his life to all oppressed people in the name of his civil rights movement. Nelson Mandela was shown to be a man of high integrity, as he endured 27 years of imprisonment to emancipate the people of South Africa. Persisting on his quest for freedom and justice, Mahatma Gandhi advocated non-violent resistance in the face of brutality. At this point in history, Falun Dafa practitioners in China are peacefully and courageously stepping forward in the face of torture and death at the hands of their own government to preserve their right and the rights of all people to practice the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
"As we enter a new millennium, once again the world cries out for peace and all people of compassion and forbearance are answering the call."
The pamphlets containing the above information were sent to the Toronto District School Board for approval to be mailed out in their internal mailing system. With their strict requirements, they approved our materials and the information was mailed by the school board to all of the public high schools in the greater Toronto area.
A number of Toronto practitioners are still busy preparing for the festival. They are determined to host a successful event, which will offer an opportunity to clarify the truth and enable the local people to understand the nobility of Falun Dafa.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events