(Clearwisdom.net )
Before April 25, 1999, (the date on which thousands of Falun Gong practitioners went to the Appeals Office in Beijing), there was a practice site in the university residential area. More than a hundred practitioners used to practice in the yard during the weekends, and in the evening they would go indoors to study Falun Dafa books together. Many practitioners are army members, including teachers, doctors and students, and employees and their family members.
After July 20, 1999, (the date on which Falun Gong was banned by Jiang Zemin's Regime), this university actively followed orders from the Jiang Zemin regime to persecute Dafa practitioners. They established a 6-10 office (an agency specifically created to persecuteáFalun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems), members including director Jin Jin, security department head Liu Weidong, Luo Can and Xu Laichang etc. Among them, Liu Weidong and Luo Can are mainly responsible for the persecution. Liu stated in public that if he were sent overseas to deal with Falun Gong, he would asassinate them all. Luo Can personally beat up every practitioner arrested by the security department. Now almost all army members who practice Falun Gong have been transferred to civilian work or decommissioned.
Dafa practitioner Lin Guoxiong (male) wrote an appeal letter to clarify the truth after July 20, but it was discovered right away. It is said that the local officials spent more than 200,000 Yuan to pay(Chinese currency, the average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan) to get that letter back [thus avoiding bringing higher level criticism to the local officials for allowing an appeal letter to be sent from their area]. Lin Guoxiong was under house arrest at the time of this incident , and the previous politics director Lei Jie talked with him, asking him not to appeal or practice. Defending his beliefs, Lin refused, so Lei Jie sent him to a mental hospital twice; Lin spent a total of 8 months in the mental hospital.
This past spring, Lei Jie died of leukaemia and received his retribution, but still, the university didn't learn a lesson from his case.
The university wouldn't even let go of several practitioners who already graduated and worked in other places, sending people to check their situations, and try to collaborate with their working units to force them to give up cultivation practice.
In June 2000, practitioner Liu Jianwen (female), a contract nurse in Nanfang Hospital, went to practice the exercises at the Tianhe Sport Center and got arrested. She was quickly dismissed from her duties at the hospital.
This past June, the university dismissed a temporary worker who practices Dafa. While this practitioner was packing up his/her personal belongings, Luo Can passed by and asked if that practitioner still practices. Not satisfied with the answer, Luo Can with the local Tonghe police substation, ransacked the practitioner's home and beat them up. They sent the practitioner to an asylum, but the asylum refused to admit the practitioner and sent the practitioner back to their hometown. The practitioner's family spent more than 600 Yuan in bail.
The security department repeatedly urged a teacher to send his wife Shi Yawen, a firm Dafa practitioner, to the brainwashing class. Having not much choice in the decision he sent her away to such a class. Since this past July (the time she was forcefully sent to the brainwashing class by the Tonghe police substation) she has been illegally detained there and has not been released to this day
Last December, more than a thousand copies of truth-telling literature appeared in the dining hall, and the university leaders tried desperately to find the source as if they were facing a formidable enemy. At last, they suspected that a practitioner who was a graduate and living in another area outside of Guangzhou City was responsible for that. The security department and Tonghe police substation arrested the practitioner from his home outside the university, and held him in the detention center ever since. In the following days Luo Can circled around that practitioner's home on his motorcycle, in hopes of arresting more practitioners who came into contact with him.
The university's 610 office enthusiastically participated in pressuring practitioners to give up their cultivation. Many times, they forced practitioners of the university to attend an evil exhibition, watch a videotaped speech [slandering Falun Gong], and visit the labor camps to be brainwashed by those who have "enlightened" along an evil path [renouncing their belief in Falun Dafa under pressure and now colluding with the government authorities to avoid their own persecution]. After attending the speech given by a group of persons who enlightened along an evil path, the 610 office personnel seemed to truly admire their achievements and told the university's practitioners: Now we are listening to others' speeches, after you give up the practice, we will meet together in a group and give speeches around the country as well.
This March, they asked a previous practitioner who appealed many times but eventually enlightened along an evil path to brainwash the university's practitioners. Everyone was required to fill out forms, sign their names, give their fingerprints, sign the guarantee letter of not practicing and give a talk about their understanding while being videotaped. For those practitioners who refused to talk, they then brought out a prepared piece of paper full of slanderous words against Dafa to let them read. But exactly like Teacher said in his article named "Coercion Cannot Change People's Hearts," after the publishing of this article, the majority of practitioners in the university who once took the wrong path gradually awakened and rejoined the current of clarifying the truth and saving people.
In the middle of this May, the General Logistic Bureau and General Political Bureau sent people to recheck the 610 office's achievements in brainwashing. They requested to see the seven so-called "central practitioners" in person one by one. Yan Chenbi, a retired cadre in Nafang Hospital which is affiliated with the Military Medical University, used to have an blood disease and she tried many medical treatments with no effect. Since she began to practice Falun Gong in October 1997, it had healed. And from that point on, she quit all kinds of western or traditional Chinese medical treatment, and her health condition increasingly got better. This time she didn't want to cooperate with the evil forces and decided not to meet with them, so she rented an apartment and lived outside her home for several days. During this period, the university searched all possible places for her, including her relatives' and friends' homes. The security department tracked all the numbers she called using her mobile phone, and threatened her daughter, who is a Ph. D candidate in this university (not a practitioner), that she would not be permitted to graduate if they could not find her mother. Four days later, in order to release her family member's pressure, and after the university leaders guaranteed her family that there would be no punishment as long as they saw her in person, Yan Chenbi met with the people from the General Logistic Bureau and General Political Bureau.
Early in June, leaders of her work place came to talk with her again. They requested that she write an article according to an outline they provided. They also said they would find a place for her and a person would accompany her when she was writing. Again she left home. She lived outside for over half a month. This made the Military Medical University go into a state of panic. While people from the General Political Bureau were waiting for confirmation [of her article], staff from the General Logistic Bureau still remained in the University. Using the same approach as before, they began to search for her and threaten her family members. Broadening the scope of their search, they went as far as her home town -- Chongqing City in Sichuan Province, her brother's home -- Xingjiang Province, as well as all persons related to her. Local police conducted a door to door search for her. It is said over 20 people, accompanied by peacekeeping soldiers, went to Beijing Tiananmen Square to seize her. Finally Yan Chengbi was forced to come out. She was confined in a hospital for more than two months. She wasn't freed until they achieved their guilty purpose. It is said they spent over 700,000 Yuan to look for her. In the hospital, because she was unable to practice Falun Dafa, her disease had relapsed. Purple scars appeared on her body again. The hospital checked her blood platelet level one to two times a week but she wasn't informed of the test results. Later on it was known that her situation was becoming worse. Her blood platelet had dropped from 44,000/mm3 (what a healthy person has is 100,000 -- 300,000/mm3), then to 22,000/mm3, at last to 12,000/mm3. Disregarding her safety, they still rushed to force her to give up Falun Gong. The so-called helpers from University and General Logistic Bureau took turns forcing her. After they got what they wanted, they asked her children to come. They shamelessly told her children: "Your mother is handed over to you. She is in a good state."
Another practitioner who didn't meet their "standard" is Peng Tianxiong (female). Disregarding her baby who is only several months old and is still breastfeeding, they forced her to go to Beijing to receive brain washing.
Practitioner Lin Guoxiong waked up after going over Teacher's new articles. In late September, he dropped a letter to the university's political bureau, solemnly stating that anything he said or wrote disagreeing with Dafa is invalid. He left home and merged into the current of clarifying the truth to the people. The university began to search for him frantically just like they did for Yan Chengbi. Security Department Liu Weidong and others questioned all people who called Lin Guoxiong. They went to the home of Lin's girl friend (she is a practitioner), tapped her phone, and forced her work place to lay her off. They also sent cars to other cities to seize Lin Guoxiong...
Telephone list of the No. 1 Military Medical University
University leaders
President: (O) 86-20-85148000; (H) 86-20-85140218
Commissar: (O) 86-20-85148001; (H) 86-20-85140118
Vice-President: (O) 86-20-85148002;(H) 86-20-85140001
Vice-President: (O) 86-20-85148003;(H) 86-20-85140266
Political Department
Director: (O) 86-20-85148070, (H) 86-20-85140116
Vice- Director: (O) 86-20-85148071, (H) 86-20-85140363
Vice- Director: (O) 86-20-85148072
Community Center
(O) 86-20-85148076
610 Office
Jin Jin: (H) 86-20-85140109
Security Department
Director: Liu Weidong (O) 86-20-85148098, (H) 86-20-85140163
Guard:(O) 86-20-85148099, Luo Can (H) 86-20-85149010
Xu Laichang: 86-20-85140299
The First Affiliated Hospital (Nanfang Hospital)
Hospital leaders
Dean: Zheng Muming (O) 86-20-85141001, (H) 86-20-85141301
Commissar: Wu Yonglin (O) 86-20-85141002, (H) 86-20-85141302
Vice-Dean: Tan Xuelian (O) 86-20-85141003, (H) 86-20-85172332
Vice-Dean: Yang Xishan (O) 86-20-85141005, (H) 86-20-85141305
Vice-Dean: Su Yuanlin (O) 86-20-85141006, (H) 86-20-85141306
Political Department
Office: 86-20-85141050
Director: Chen Lihua (O) 86-20-85141051, (H) 86-20-85148627
Vice-Director: Jiang Wenfu (O) 86-20-85141052, (H) 86-20-85141352
Assistant Manager Office: 86-20-85141053
The Second Affiliated Hospital (Zhujiang Hospital)
Hospital leaders
Dean: Chen Xiangcai (O) 86-20-85143000, (H) 86-20-85143001
Commissar: Chen Zhidong (O) 86-20-85143002, (H) 86-20-85143003
Vice-Dean: Kang Zhaonian (O) 86-20-85143004, (H) 86-20-85143005
Vice-Dean: Song Yugang (O) 86-20-85143006, (H) 86-20-85143007
Vice-Dean: Huang Zhen (O) 86-20-85143008, (H) 86-20-85143009
Political Department
(O) 86-20-85143081
Director: (O) 86-20-85143075, (H) 86-20-85143076
Vice-Director: (O) 86-20-85143078, (H) 86-20-85143079
Assistant Manager Office: 86-20-85141053
Cadre Retirement Home
Director: (O) 86-20-85149000, (H) 86-20-85149001
Commissar: (O) 86-20-85149002, (H) 86-20-85149003
Vice-Commissar:(O) 86-20-85149004, (H) 86-20-85149005
Information Directory Desk
The No. 1 Military Medical University: 86-20-85148114
Nanfang Hospital: 86-20-85141114
Zhujiang Hospital: 86-20-85143114
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