(Clearwisdom.net) Qu Yanqiu, female, 39 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was imprisoned in Shuangcheng government's liaison office in Beijing. Police took 500 Yuan [average monthly income in rural China is about 300 Yuan] away from her and have not yet returned the money. She was then illegally imprisoned for over six months in Shuangcheng's Detention Center. In April 2000, only days after she was released from the detention center, she was illegally arrested again when seen in the company of other practitioners. Among the practitioners who were arrested with Qu Yanqiu was a practitioner who is over 70 years old. For a third time Qu was illegally imprisoned, this time for 45 days, and was extorted 2,000 Yuan.
Zhao Heirong, female, 32 years old, went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for Falun Dafa on January 7, 2000. She was arrested and escorted to Shuangcheng government's liaison office in Beijing, where she was forcefully body-searched, handcuffed, and punished by being made to stand for a long period of time. She was then escorted back to Shuangcheng and locked up for 41 days. After she went on a hunger strike she was then transferred to the commune's senior citizen's home and illegally locked up for 50 days. Only after An Qingjiu from Dancheng Town and village official Zheng Yanguo extorted 2,000 Yuan from her, was she released. On December 20, 2000 she once again went to Beijing to peacefully appeal. However, she was beaten and kicked while being dragged into the police vehicle. Ms. Zhao was escorted to the Congshan Police Station where she was body-searched, not given any food, prevented from using the restroom and forbidden to sleep. The police officers took turns interrogating the practitioners. On the third day they were escorted to Jiaomen Detention Center where they demanded to be released with no charges and started a hunger strike. The detention center police ordered the inmates to splash cold water on them. Practitioners were made to stand bare-foot on the cement floor and were also tortured with force-feedings. The police then sent the practitioners to various county detention centers in Tangshan City, Hebei Province. Ms. Zhao passed out while being tied up and brutally beaten. On January 5, she was transferred to Shuangcheng Detention Center. On January 21, she was unlawfully sentenced to forced labor and sent to the Wanjia Detention Center. She was informed of her sentence only after she boarded the car.
Zhang Rongzhi, female, 53 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and validate Dafa with 3 other practitioners on December 26, 2000. Upon arriving at Tiananmen Square, they shouted "Falun Dafa Is Good." They were beaten and kicked as they were escorted to the police car by plain-clothes police officers. They were also brutally beaten, bound with rope and had their mouths sealed with transparent tape. Later during the interrogation, the police demanded the practitioners' addresses. The police had to let them go because they refused to answer. On January 3, 2000, the head of the military section of the police station, Luo Yanbin and the secretary from the town's political and judiciary committee, Liu Guoping, brutally beat Ms. Zhang. They grabbed her by the hair and slammed her against the wall. They repeatedly asked her if she would continue to practice Falun Gong, to which she replied in the affirmative each time. They then brutally beat her and hit her in the face while her hands were cuffed behind her back. As a result, her face was deformed and her mouth bled profusely. They finally stopped when a female official intervened. Zhang was then cuffed to the heating pipe. This time, she was illegally locked up for 17 days and extorted 4,200 Yuan by Liu Guoping from the township government.
Lin Qinjie, female, 38 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for justice on March 8, 2000. She was escorted back by people from the township government, was forced to pay a fine and had the title to her house withheld. Her family was extorted 6,000 Yuan and some people were assigned to monitor her.
Tan Chengqiang, male, 40 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa on August 5, 1999. He was brought back and illegally locked up in Shuangcheng Detention Center. On September 5, 1999, he was arrested again when he went to Beijing once more to appeal. The police forcefully took 200 Yuan that they found on him. After being escorted back, he was illegally sent to 2 years of forced labor in Harbin City Yimianpo Forced Labor Camp. During the imprisonment he suffered inhuman tortures. His family members only got to visit him after handing over 500 Yuan. The wicked policemen at Yimianpo are: Guard Shao Mingming and No. 3 team leader, Sun Fuping, who used a big lock to pound on practitioners' heads, declaring, "This will open up your celestial eye." Lumps swelled on practitioners' heads as a result. No. 1 team leader, Zhang Dianjun is another corrupt official. Zhang Dianjun and Shao Mingming supervised practitioners while they were forced to carry stones in baskets. If one stone happened to fall out of the basket, they beat the practitioners mercilessly. When resting at noon, Shao Mingming watched Tan Chengqiang being tortured in the position of "flying the airplane," in which his head was put under the bed while his hands stretched upward from the back. Several inmates watched over him. If Tan's hand came down, one of the inmates would poke his hand with a needle. He fainted a few times and was also was kicked until he fell under the bed. In May 2001, his family's property was confiscated. His wife, Guo Jinglan, was unlawfully taken away and imprisoned for one day before being released. Sui Guangcheng wanted to demand 800 Yuan but did not succeed. He finally took away 150 Yuan, and gave no receipt.
Sun Xiuchun, female, 31 years old, went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and validate Dafa in 2000. On March 4, 2000 [Chinese lunar calendar], she was illegally imprisoned at Shuangcheng Detention Center for 39 days, at a senior citizens home for 9 days, and in her own village for 2 days. She was extorted 340 Yuan by Shuangcheng Detention Center for "food and boarding expenses." While in the detention center, people from the village government went to her home many times to harass her family. Around July 1, 2000 [the ruling Party's founding day], she was again detained in a brainwashing class. Later she was released on bail, guaranteed by her father's wages. [Note: an aspect of the "implication system," whereby practitioners' family members are forced to become guarantors and are punished either financially or physically or both if the practitioner appeals in Beijing or takes part in other Falun Gong activities] On January 15, 2000 [Chinese lunar calendar], the local police station officers asked her, "Is Falun Gong a [slanderous words omitted]?" She answered, " No." The police then seized her and illegally detained her at the senior citizens home for 11 days. During the daytime they put her in freezing cold rooms. In the evening, they would interrogate her, trying to get a confession and to write statements to give up practicing Falun Gong. Later, her brother-in-law gave them 5,000 Yuan as a guarantee and they released her. She was extorted 200 Yuan by the township government officer, Liu Guoping.
Zhang Lijun, male. In December 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for justice but was brought back by authorities from the township government and illegally detained. Zhang Guofu and Liu Chunyang from Shuangcheng City Police Department and Liu Guoping from the township government extorted 3,000 Yuan from him. While in detention, he was forced to write anti-Falun Gong statements and made to tell lies. On December 29, 2000, without any valid reason, the village officials lured him to the township government and illegally imprisoned him for one month. During this period, the township government hired some local ruffians, including Liu Niu, and others, to hit and curse Zhang Lijun. The persecution of female practitioners was even more serious. Zhang Lijun was extorted 3,000 Yuan by Liu Guoping and Luo Yanbing, and others from Jincheng Township's government. If a receipt was requested, the fine would be doubled. In order to be released, in each case the practitioners had to hand over fines or provide the family member guarantee or use the family property as bail.
Wu Xiaoping, female, 33 years old. On October 26, 2000 she went to Beijing with two other practitioners to appeal for Dafa and Beijing's Fengtai police station officers illegally seized her. The next day, police beat and kicked her, causing her head to swell and her nose to bleed. Her arms, legs and the outer side (above knee) of her right leg were all kicked until black and blue. On October 30 she was brought to Shuangcheng's "610 Falun Gong Special Case Team," and forced to sign a document. In the afternoon of that day, she was illegally imprisoned in Shuangcheng No. 2 Detention Center. The police lied, saying that she would be detained for 15 days. This is one of the methods that the corrupt police habitually used. Their actual purpose is to get money from the family members. If they refuse to make a payment, the practitioners will be imprisoned indefinitely. While being imprisoned, Wu suffered inhumane abuse. She was not released until November 14, after she was extorted 2,000 Yuan by Zhang Guofu and Jin from the "610 Office" in the name of the guarantee and for boarding expenses. [The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems]
Fu Weihua, female, 33 years old. On November 1, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. She was illegally detained at Beijing's Qianmen police station and was later transferred to Shuangcheng City government's liaison office in Beijing. While there, Shuangcheng township's leader Ye Fulai and village police officer Zhou Minjiang asked her family to pay them 1,600 Yuan. She was sent to Shuangcheng detention center and illegally detained for 17 days. On November 20, she was released.
On January 8, 2000, at 11 a.m. the township head, village official and personnel from the suburban police station--over 20 people altogether-- came to her home. They arrived in two horse carriages in a fierce manner and claimed that she needed to hand over money for the Beijing "trip expenses." Seeing this, the neighbors were extremely angry. They went to find her husband, who then again borrowed 1,102 Yuan and gave them the money to settle the matter. On January 4 [Chinese lunar calendar], the party secretary of the street and four police officers came to her house again. This time they illegally detained her in a brainwashing class for over 40 days. On March 10, she was extorted 700 Yuan by Shuangcheng township government official Ye Fulai and Liu Yuhua.
Yue Baoxue, male, 35 years old. After practicing Falun Gong, he recovered from many diseases he previously had and his family became harmonious. On July 22, 1999, Hongqi police station sent Ning Yunsheng and other lawless police to his family's home to search for Dafa materials. Simply because he asked them not to take the materials away, the police forcefully sent him to Shuangcheng Detention Center and illegally imprisoned him. After one month he was extorted 200 Yuan for "food expenses" by the detention center and released.
At the end of 1999, he was again forcefully taken away and detained for half a year. Later, he was transferred to the brainwashing class organized by the town. After going on a hunger strike for 7 to 8 days, he was released. He was extorted 400 Yuan for "living expenses" by the detention center. From then on, the village head and Hongqi Street police station frequently went to his house to harass him. After several months it was said that Yue Baoxue would be locked up in the detention center again. He resolutely started off for Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Then, because he went to Beijing to say words of justice for Falun Gong he was sentenced to 2 years of forced labor. According to some witnesses, he suffered all kinds of tortures there. Roughnecks who had been hired by the "610 Office" hit him repeatedly, causing him to pass out many times. They used every kind of torture instrument they could find. Later, he was transferred to Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp. There, he also suffered all kinds of agony. Only a few days later his wife was forcefully taken away from the market and was illegally detained and forced to attend a brainwashing class Family members handed over 1,000 Yuan before the authorities agreed to release her.
Meng Xing, female, 51 years old. On April 3, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. She was sent to Shuangcheng government's liaison office in Beijing. Meng Xing was cuffed for three days and nights, and was later taken back to her hometown and detained for over 40 days. She was extorted 1,000 Yuan by Shuangcheng Work Committee officials Tang Zhizhong and Guo Renmin. On August 7, 2000 at noon, when she was taking a nap at home, police officers from the No. 3 criminal detective team of the city police department, Zhao Xiaoliang, Li Dongya, Li Wenqi, and Mu Yexin from Dongfeng police station suddenly broke into and searched her house without a warrant. They deceived her into following them to the police station. The next day, they sent her to the detention center to be imprisoned for more than 4 months.
On December 22, 2000, she once again was on her way to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. But on the Harbin City train, because she did not curse Falun Gong as required, and thus was believed to be a Falun Gong practitioner, she was apprehended and detained. Later, she was transferred to several Harbin City transition stations. On January 21, 2001 she was transferred to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp and sentenced to forced labor without due process of law.
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