- [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Female Practitioner Chen Guijun's Eighteen-Day Hunger Strike
- [China] If We Persecute Kind-hearted People, Then What Kind of Policemen Are We?
- [Northern China] People Awaken to the Truth
- [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Manifests Dafa's Magnificence
- [China] Practitioner Mounts Righteous, Stern Defense in Court
- [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Violent Acts of Policemen in Gaopian Township Cause the Death of Another Practitioner
- [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] The Atrocities of the Lawless Police from Nanxing Township
- [Sichuan Province] Practitioner Zhang Cheng Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp
- [Changping District, Beijing City] "610 Office" Uses Former Practitioners Who Have Turned Against Dafa
- [China] "A Wave of His Hand"
- [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Two Young Children Suffer Hardships After Their Mother's Illegal Arrest
- [Xindu County, Sichuan Province] Deplorable Acts Committed by the Local Police
- [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Record of Criminal Deeds Committed by Local Officials
- [Tianjin City] Practitioner Wang Guifang Kidnapped
1. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Female Practitioner Chen Guijun's Eighteen-Day Hunger Strike
Chen Guijun is a nearly 60 year old woman whose story has been reported many times. She has been illegally detained for nearly 8 months, because she refuses to give up her belief in "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance." With her great compassion and forbearance, she was always kind to those policemen who tortured her and hoped to awaken their conscience. But the policemen continued to commit crimes. In order to safeguard the dignity of the universal principles, Chen Guijun decided to put all her effort toward resisting the persecution. On December 1, 2001 she went on a hunger strike that is still ongoing.
On Monday, December 17, Chen Guijun's husband and daughter went to Xindu County's Suburban Police Station looking for her. The police said that she had been sent away. Her daughter made a phone call to the county's forced labor camp, but she was informed that Chen Guijun was not there. Then Chen's husband and daughter looked for her in the county's police department. The officers there were very nervous and hastily drove them out. We are wondering what they have done and why they do not dare to let others know? Where is Chen Guijun, and what is her condition?
Xindu County Police Department: Tel. 011-86-28-3964803
Xindu County's Chengxi Police Station: Tel. 011-86-28-3969938 (Many practitioners were sent to labor camp from there.)
Xindu County Detention Center: Tel. 011-86-28-3972939 (Many practitioners are being detained there now.)
Xindu County Postal Code: 610500
2. [China] If We Persecute Kind-hearted People, Then What Kind of Policemen Are We?
About a dozen policemen and some riot police were having dinner in a restaurant, and I overheard them talking about Falun Gong.
One of them said, "I think Falun Gong's reputation will be definitely restored within ten years." Another replied, "I do not think it will take ten years. Maybe within two or three years." Someone else said, "Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. They do not fight back when they are beaten or abused." Yet another said, "Yes. There is no doubt that Falun Gong practitioners have high morality, righteous minds, obey the laws and are the best people. If we persecute Falun Gong, then what are we?"
Yes. These policemen knew the truth. What is the fate of those who are against good people?
3. [Northern China] People Awaken to the Truth
- The director of the "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems) in a county of Northern China said in the brainwashing class, "Who wants to set up this class? This is inhuman. But the central government's pressure is pressed upon us, again and again. This class is just for the purpose of passing the higher authorities' inspection. After that, you are all dismissed."
- When a practitioner was distributing truth-clarifying literature, someone made a phone call to the police to report the practitioner. The policeman who answered the phone call scolded him, "What does it have to do with you? Do you have nothing better to do?"
A police department director said, "Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. I will not detain them. I just arrest murderers, thieves and robbers. In the meantime, one's belief is a personal issue. Why should everyone believe in the corrupt Party? "
4. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Manifests Dafa's Magnificence
An employee of a district police department in Harbin City told his family a story about what he witnessed. He had interrogated a practitioner during the Spring Festival of 2001. During the interrogation, he saw the older female practitioner in front of him surrounded by beautiful, multicolored rings. He was stunned and immediately released the practitioner.
5. [China] Practitioner Mounts Righteous, Stern Defense in Court
A practitioner was sentenced to 6 years of imprisonment. In court he faced the wicked people with righteous thoughts and defended himself, "What kind of crime have I committed? Why do you sentence me to so many years? There is nothing wrong with clarifying the truth of Falun Gong! I am offering to save people by helping them to know the truth; there is nothing wrong with that!"
The practitioner spoke assertively with intensity and determination, and the court had to take a recess. When the court came back from the break, the sentence was reduced by two years. The practitioner continued to expose the evil and clarify the truth. He told the court, "Your decision doesn't count. Only our Teacher can decide. " Again the court called a recess. The third time, the sentence was reduced to 2 years. He clarified the truth as he did the last two times. As a result, the court couldn't continue their proceedings. After the fourth recess and reconvening, his sentence was reduced to 6 months. As it turned out, he would be released 10 days later.
6. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Violent Acts of Policemen in Gaopian Township Cause the Death of Another Practitioner
On December 31, 2000, more than 80 Dafa practitioners went to Beijing to appeal, exercising the lawful rights given to every citizen by the Constitution. However, they were illegally escorted back by officers from the local police and detained in Gaopian Township's police station.
Policemen at the station cruelly and inhumanly persecuted Dafa practitioners. The only meal practitioners had every day consisted of one bowl of thin porridge, covered with a layer of hot pepper sauce. After eating this kind of food, practitioners would get swollen, sore throats and severe coughs. The policemen also deprived practitioners of sleep for one whole week. During the night, the police tricked practitioners to come out, with the excuse of "having a talk." Then 7 or 8 policemen ganged up to punch, kick and beat the practitioners with spiked clubs. Some practitioners were beaten black and blue, and could not walk for a long time. Practitioner Wu Xianzhi, who was from Gaopian Township, was beaten for hours to the point of losing consciousness. When she was escorted back, her face was red and swollen, and her entire body was covered with wounds. Her condition was so bad that she could not stand up.
At the same time, another practitioner named Chen Dengyi from San Shui Township was beaten so severely that he bled from several places and was unconscious for several hours. He was also force fed with urine after he woke up.
Another female practitioner, Tan Sufen, 58 years old, is from Heping Village, Nanxing Township, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. She was beaten black and blue and at the verge of death. Officials from the Gaopian Township Police Station were afraid of taking responsibility, so they hastily called her family to take her back home. She died at home six days later. (See related report on Clearwisdom.net at http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/4/25/6769.html) Dafa practitioners were illegally detained here for 45 days and forced to pay 1,000 Yuan to cover their living expenses. Everyone was also extorted 5,000 Yuan as a "fine."
7. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] The Atrocities of the Lawless Police from Nanxing Township
In June of 2001, the police from Nanxing Township, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, broke into the house of a Dafa practitioner. They arrested the practitioner after finding Dafa materials in his home. The practitioner did not give in and refused to give them information about the source of the Dafa materials. As a result, the police severely beat this 60-year-old senior citizen until he was black and blue. He was unconscious for more than two hours. The criminals, afraid of taking responsibility and having their crimes exposed, immediately woke the practitioner up with cold water and rushed him to Nanmen Detention Center in Guamghan City. He is still being detained there.
Director of Nanxing Police Station: Cai Shizhen
Home telephone: 011-86-838-522-6431; cell phone: 13909023899
Police officer Zeng Guanghua, beeper 1270565927
Police officer Xian Lingxian, beeper 1295055231
Telephone for Nanxing Police Station: 011-86-831- 550-0115
8. [Sichuan Province] Practitioner Zhang Cheng Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp
On December 20, 2000, policemen again forcibly removed practitioner Zhang Cheng from the Sichuan Boiler Factory. At the same time, Lin Xianrong and other policemen went to search Zhang Cheng's house and took away his Dafa books.
At the Jintang Detention Center, Zhang Cheng appealed for his unconditional release. But Huang Buming, policeman of the No.1 section of the police department, told Zhang Cheng that he would be released if he slanders Dafa and Master on television. Even a normal person would despise such behavior, not to mention a Dafa practitioner! Half a year later, the county prosecutor sent the case back to the police department due to lack of evidence. According to regulations, the next step is to collect evidence or unconditionally release him. But instead, the police authorities handed over this case to the provincial government and authorized them to send Zhang Cheng to a forced labor camp. The police tried many times to entrap Zhang Cheng to write the so-called "guarantee" renouncing Falun Gong, but they never succeeded.
Soon the paperwork for sending Zhang Cheng to forced labor camp was approved. At that time, Zhang Cheng was extremely weak from the torture. The police officers didn't inform his family, nor did they take any measures for his health. Even his family's request for bailing him out for medical treatment was rejected. The police hastily sent Zhang Cheng to the "transfer station" of Ningxia Street's Forced Labor Camp in Chengdu City. Because of Zhang Cheng's poor health, the transfer station authorities refused to accept Zhang Cheng, but the policemen simply left him there. Finally Zhang Cheng was sent to Xinghua's Detention Center in Mianyang City. He has been detained in the No.3 "high-discipline team" for the last 4 months.
There is often a loud speaker mounted behind the forced labor camp that broadcasts Falun Dafa radio in the middle of the night. It tells the people nearby about the greatness of Falun Dafa's "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and the evil essence of Jiang Zemin and his associates.
9. [Changping District, Beijing City] "610 Office" Uses Former Practitioners Who Have Turned Against Dafa
Wang Zhenhua, associate secretary of Changping's District Committee, Beijing, together with officials from the "610 Office" made use of several former practitioners who have turned against Dafa to persecute practitioners. They drove these former practitioners to detention centers and practitioners' homes to spread evil thoughts and delude practitioners. Some practitioners were turned in by them and had to leave home to avoid arrest. The "610 Office" agents and these former practitioners are currently running rampant in Beijing
10. [China] "A Wave of His Hand"
A young military officer read Zhuan Falun once before, and he knows that Falun Dafa is good. His mother is a practitioner who has cultivated for many years, and she has done lots of work for Fa-rectification. Last year, she was brutally persecuted by followers of Jiang Zemin's regime and was hung in an iron cage for three days. When she was released, she was already on the verge of death. But through practicing the exercises and studying the Fa, her paralyzed arms recovered. The young man supported what his mother did and helped her to spread the Fa. One day he told his mother, "Today, I will go somewhere." Then he waved his hand, and his mother asked why. He said, "You are a veteran practitioner, can't you understand this? Master said, 'A Buddha is mighty capable, and he could wipe out all of humankind's illnesses with a wave of his hand.' (Zhuan Falun). Today I want to do something for you that is as easy as waving a hand." His mother understood and gave her son some Fa-promoting fliers. She then happily saw him to the door.
11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Two Young Children Suffer Hardships After Their Mother's Illegal Arrest
In October 2001, Harbin practitioner Cui Xiuqin was arrested while distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials at a railway station. She is currently being held at Harbin's No.2 Detention Center. During her detention period she was once sent to a mental hospital to be tortured for several days. As she resolutely refused to cooperate, she was sent back to the No.2 Detention Center. Since her unlawful arrest, her two sons, ages 7 and 5, are left at home without care in the middle of winter. We ask all kind-hearted people with a sense of justice to please pay attention to the plight of these two children and their mother.
12. [Xindu County, Sichuan Province] Deplorable Acts Committed by the Local Police
On December 15, in order to arrest more than 20 practitioners, a large number of policemen from Xindu County's Police Department surrounded Baoguang Garden. They even harassed and searched other tourists.
13. [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Record of Criminal Deeds Committed by Local Officials
Wei Jianguang is director of Yangli Township's Police Station and has instructed his men to monitor, follow and harass practitioners. Wei Jianguang has also sent practitioners to brainwashing class or Laiwu City's Detention Center. His phone number is 011-86-634-6521284.
Qi Xinguo is the security section chief of Laiwu City's No.2 Textile Factory. The address of the factory is No.026 Daqiao Road South, Laiwu City. He has been actively persecuting practitioners who are employees of the factory. He illegally detained practitioners and severely beat them. On November 24, 2001, he arrested a practitioner who is an employee of the factory and discussed with the police department on how to persecute him. The next day, Qi Xinguo's wife suddenly became ill and had to have surgery. However, he still didn't relent in his wrongdoings. Previously he also restricted the personal freedom of a married couple who are practitioners by not allowing them to go home after work. He forced them to stay at the Security Section overnight, and they had to go directly to work the next morning. This kept the practitioners from having a normal life and hurt them both physically and mentally. Running out of choices, the two practitioners left the factory where they had worked for many years and started to live in exile to avoid persecution. Qi Xinguo's phone number is 011-86-634-8805741.
The director of Laiwu City's No.2 Textile Factory even printed many copies of a letter written by a person who turned against Dafa and distributed the letters to everyone in the work unit. His phone number is 011-86-634-8806908.
14. [Tianjin City] Practitioner Wang Guifang Kidnapped
On December 3 or 4, 2001, policemen kidnapped practitioner Wang Guifang from home.
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