Dafa Practitioners from Harbin Salute the Western Practitioners Who Went to Tiananmen Square
Dear fellow practitioners from 12 countries,
Harbin Dafa practitioners salute you!
You came from different countries on the other side of the ocean, tens of thousands of miles away from China. You came to Tiananmen Square to shout out your sincere words from the bottom of your hearts: "Falun Dafa is good," and "Return justice to Master Li."
Your unprecedented act frightens the old evil forces and the evil in the human world that persecute "Zhen-Shan-Ren" (Truth-Compassion-Tolerance), the Great Law of the cosmos. The time for the evil to meet their end is close at hand.
Your majestic deed awakens the consciences of the people of the world and offers them salvation.
Your magnificent act is encouraging your fellow practitioners in Mainland China to be more diligent in Fa-rectification and cultivation and to do better in clarifying the truth.
Dafa practitioners from Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province
November 26, 2001
Congratulations to 36 Fellow Practitioners: Our Minds Are Connected
We are happy to hear that 36 Western fellow practitioners came to Tiananmen to rectify the Fa. We Dafa practitioners in Hebei Province feel very cheerful and encouraged: The minds of Dafa practitioners worldwide are connected! Your unprecedented act tells China and the world: The whole world knows, Falun Dafa is good! People are awakening and no longer believe the gang of Jiang Zemin's defamation and false charges against Falun Dafa. The evil is panicking and cannot deceive kind people's hearts with lies and false impressions any longer.
Thank you, 36 Western fellow practitioners, for all you have done for Dafa. Let all Dafa practitioners worldwide make a joint effort to greet the day of the Fa rectifying the heaven and earth!
Dafa practitioners from Hebei Province
November 29, 2001
Honorable 36 overseas fellow practitioners:
Your majestic act of rectifying the Fa in Tiananmen Square is a great encouragement to our practitioners inside China and shocks the evil. We print and hand out the pictures of your majestic act to let more people know the truth so that more people can be saved.
Let's work as one to thoroughly eradicate the remaining evil.
Dafa practitioners from Jilin City, Jilin Province
All Dafa Practitioners from Hebei Province Salute 36 Western Fellow Practitioners
We are glad to hear about the majestic act of 36 Western fellow practitioners' rectifying the Fa in Beijing and feel greatly encouraged. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Hereby all Dafa practitioners in Mainland China would like to send out highest regards to you!
Dafa practitioners from Hebei Province
November 29, 2001
Dafa practitioners from Qinghai Province Salute the Western Dafa Practitioners Who Went to Tiananmen Square to Rectify the Fa
The unprecedented act on Tiananmen Square of thirty six Western Dafa practitioners that shocks the whole cosmos is encouraging us to "Clarify the truth thoroughly, eliminate the evil with righteous thoughts, save all beings, and safeguard the Fa with determination" (Dafa is Indestructible) in northwest China and play a more solid role of Dafa particles in Fa-rectification.
We hereby represent all Dafa practitioners in Qinghai Province in sending out highest regards to our respected Teacher and to the Western practitioners who rectified the Fa at Tiananmen Square.
Dafa practitioners in Qinghai Province
November 29, 2001
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