Since July 20, 1999, the Pingshan police and authorities at every level have illegally detained and tortured Falun Gong practitioners. They have also searched their homes. The following is a record of the employees who have participated in the persecution:
On the morning of July 20,1999, Jiang Zemin's regime mobilized various government departments and started to illegally arrest Falun Gong assistants all over the country. Pingshan practitioners Feng Xinyan, Feng Minghai, Li Shoue, Zhang Gentong, Wang Yunduo and a few others, totaling over ten, went to Beijing to appeal . They were stopped on the way for no legal reason and were escorted back to the Pingshan County Police Station. The police Station imposed a fine of 200 Yuan on each of them, and then sent all of them back to Dawu Township. The township government leaders, Hou Tongxiao and Lu Sufang, and others, forced more than twenty practitioners to participate in a "transformation class." They also extorted an illegal "fine" of 150 Yuan from each practitioner. Afterwards, practitioner Mi Xinqin went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and escorted back to the Pingshan County Police Station. The Pingshan County's political security section forced her family members to pay a 1,000 Yuan fine. After she was escorted back to her home, the township illegally extorted another 500 Yuan from her.
On February 13, 2000, practitioners Feng Xinyan, Zhan Gentong, Mi Xinqin and some others went to Beijing to appeal. They were escorted back and tortured in the police station by Feng Qingfang from the political security section of the Pingshan County Police Station, and Lu Sufang, the deputy supervisor of Dawu township,(there were some other policemen involved as well). They forced Feng Xinyan to kneel down. Five or six of them used wood sticks and brooms to beat him at the same time. They beat him for more than two hours. In the end, the wood sticks and brooms broke. Zhang Gentong, Mi Xinqin were also brutally beaten. Later on, three of the practitioners were sent to the county detention center and illegally detained. Practitioner Li Shouer was detained there because she kept practicing Falun Dafa. During their detention, Feng Qingfang extorted 2,000 Yuan from Feng Xinyan, Li Shouer, and Mi Xinqin's family members, respectively, and he extorted 1,200 Yuan from Zhang Gentong's family.
On February 17, 2000, Hou Tongxiao, Lu Sufang, and some other executives illegally detained more than ten practitioners, including Feng Sihai, Feng Minhai, Xu Huaping, and Wang Yunduo for three days. They also took 3,000 Yuan from each of them. In addition, Hou Xiaotong and those with him broke into Feng Xinyan's house and confiscated his tractor and motorcycle. They also broke into Mi Xinqin's house and took a tricycle and four bicycles. Afterwards, they forced Feng Xinyan and Mi Xinqin's family members to pay 1,000 Yuan to redeem the property. But the bicycle taken away from Zhang Gentong's house is still in the township hall.
To prevent practitioners from appealing and clarifying the truth of Falun Gong, Hou Xiaotong and Lu Sufang once again broke into Feng Xinyan's home and took away his tractor on July 18th, 2000. They also took Zhang Gentong's electric carpentry plane and tractor, Mi Xinqin's bulldozer, TV set, and noodle cutting machine, and Li Shoue's bicycle. All of these properties are still locked up in the township hall.
On the evening of November 24, 2000, township officials and local police station officers arrested Feng Xinyan, Feng Sihai, Zhang Gentong, Mi Xinqin, Xu Huaping, Li Shoue and others--a total of nine practitioners for no legal reason. These practitioners were illegally detained for three days.
On the afternoon of December 30, 2000, township police station chief Huo Sanshuan and deputy Xi Huiting along with some policemen, drove police cars around and illegally arrested and detained Falun Dafa practitioners Feng Sihai, Zhang Gentong, You Jianru, Xu Huaping, Wang Yunduo, Mi Xinqin, Hao Yanxing, Li Yuanhai, Li Shoue, and Li Shoue's son. The practitioners went on a hunger strike in order to protest the government officials' ignorance of human rights and their violations of the law. They demanded their release. Rather than set them free, however, the township government and local police station sent three practitioners, Feng Sihai, Li Shoue, Mi Xinqin, to the detention center. They are still in detention right now.
The number of prosecution cases of other Pingshan County Falun Dafa practitioners is countless. The following records are only the tip of the iceberg:
Zhao Jianmei, female, was accused of being in charge of the "organization" (Falun Dafa does not have an organization-editor) and was sentenced to three years in prison. She was jailed in Taihang Prison, Mancheng County, Baoding City.
Ma Suping, female, went to Beijing to appeal three times. Around October 1, 2000, she was illegally sentenced to one year of labor re-education. She is currently being detained in the female labor camp in Shi Jiazhuang City. She was fined 1,000 Yuan for her first appeal.
Li Jingli, female, graduated from a medical university. She went to Beijing to appeal twice. She was illegally sent to a labor camp on January 10, 2000. Now she is being detained in the second detachment of the fifth group, the female labor camp of Shi Jiazhuang City. For spite, they also took away the tractor belonging to Li Jingli's brother. His tractor is still locked up in Nangang township hall.
Kang Ruizhu, female, is an employee of a chemical fertilizer plant. She went to Beijing to appeal twice. Her family members were fined 2,700 Yuan for her first appeal and she was fired from her job. The Pingshan County Police Station searched her house after her second appeal in Beijing. The policemen broke down the security door to gain access and confiscated her Falun Dafa books. Because she appealed, her husband was also laid off from his job.
Wang Guolian, a retired person, went to Beijing to appeal on July 18, 2000. She was taken to the detention center. The political security section of the county police station took 2,000 Yuan from her. After her release, her work place cut off her pension. In December 2000, she was arrested again while spreading Falun Dafa materials and revealing the truth to people. The political section of the county police station extorted another 5,000 Yuan from her family members. Now she is being detained in the County detention center.
Liu Tianqing, female, was an employee in the Industry and Business Department. Because she was found reading Falun Dafa books, the police searched her by force and took away 200 Yuan. The political security section of the county police department also fined her 2,000 Yuan. She was arrested while spreading Falun Dafa materials and revealing the truth to people in December 2000. In addition, the political security section extorted another 5,000 Yuan from her family members. Now she is being detained in the County detention center.
Liu Erzeng was brutally beaten after he went to appeal in Beijing on February 15, 2000. The political security section of the county police department extorted 5,000 Yuan from his family members.
Feng Hongming is 29 years old. He was detained for 40 days and was fined 3,000 Yuan because he participated in a practitioners' experience-sharing meeting. Since he refused to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong, the township authorities sent him to the county detention center, where he was detained for one month. On July 20, 2000, he went to appeal in Beijing and was escorted back to the county police station. In order to avoid persecution and torture, he escaped. To this day no one knows his whereabouts. The furniture and fan in his house were confiscated by township authorities.
Qi Junlian is 50 years old. The township authorities believed that he didn't sincerely renounce Falun Gong, so they illegally searched his home. His total loss in property was 3,100 Yuan.
Feng Siquan, 30 years old, was reported to the township government while he was doing the exercises at home. The township government searched his home and fined him 2,000 Yuan. Then they sent him to the county government and detained him there for half a month. He was fined another 1,000 Yuan.
Tian Cuizu, female, fifty-seven, was fined 200Yuan RMB because she went to Beijing to appeal on July 20, 1999. In February 2000, she was tricked into going to the local sub-county government office. There, she was brutally beaten by Xiao Suilong, Xi Huiting, and others from the local department for political and security issues. Afterwards, she was sent to the county detention center. During her detention, the local department for political and security issues made her family pay them 3,000 Yuan. On December 26, 2000, Tian went to Beijing to appeal again. Then, she was escorted back to the local county police station and brutally beaten. They handcuffed her hands behind her back, with one hand going over the shoulder and the other one coming from behind the waist. They hit her face with sandals until it became swollen and deformed. They even spun her around in circles by her hair. Later on they cuffed her hands to a bed and did not let her sleep for two nights. She is still being illegally detained. In addition, the policemen made her family pay another 2,000 Yuan.
Liang Yinxue is about fifty years old. After she went to Beijing to appeal in January 2001, she was taken to the local county police station, where she is still being detained. The policemen forced her family to pay a fine of 2,000 Yuan (they are still short of the requirement).
Zhao Haiwei is over fifty years old. The local sub-county government got news that he attended an experience-sharing meeting for practitioners in January 2000. They deceived him into going to the local government office on April 25th, 2000, and then forced him to pay a 2,500 Yuan fine for no reason.
Dong Junting is in her mid-forties. She went to Beijing to appeal in January 2000. Afterwards, she was escorted back from Beijing by the local police. She was illegally detained, during which time she was brutally beaten. The local evil policemen cuffed her hands behind her back and they even put things on her hands and back to make her suffer more. They slapped her face numerous times. After their hands ached, they began to use books to slap her. Her face became abnormally swollen to the point where she could not even open her eyes. The evil policemen then asked her to sit on the ground so they could cuff her left hand to her right foot and her right hand to her left foot. Then, they trampled her legs and spun her around by her hair. She was beaten into unconsciousness several times. Every time she lost consciousness, the policemen sprayed water on her to wake her up. Then they continued to beat her. They did not let her sleep or eat for several days. Later, the policemen sent her to the hospital where the doctors had to spend three days treating her. For this the police forced her family members to pay 1,000 Yuan for medical expenses in addition to the 2,000 fine. At the same time, the local sub-county government searched her house and took away family valuables worth 600 Yuan.
Guan Cuizu is over fifty. The local sub-county government searched her house because she kept practicing Falun Dafa and refused to write a statement renouncing Falun Gong. The government took away 1,500 Yuan in cash, a cabinet, and a desk. Afterwards, she was taken to the local government and fined 1,000 Yuan. She was then sent to the county and detained illegally for several days. She was fined another 1,000 Yuan. Then she was released.
Thirty-seven year old Han Samei is Fen Jianchen's wife. The couple was detained in the county detention center for 40 days after they attended an experience-sharing meeting in January 2000. They were also fined 3,000 Yuan. During their detention, they were beaten brutally by Hu Yuetao, Xiao Suihong and some other policemen. Their house was searched and 100 Yuan in cash plus a radio was taken. In July 2000, Han Samei went to Beijing to appeal. Afterwards, she was escorted back to the county detention center where she was held for a month. On October 28, 2000, they were deceived by Mi Chunyin, secretary for the local sub-county government committee for political and legal issues.. They gave her 300 Yuan. On January 1, 2001, the couple was tricked into going to the local sub-county government office where they were detained illegally for 20 days. This time, when facing illegal detention, the couple refused to pay any fine, deposit, or so-called 10-Yuan per day living expense.
Feng Qiang is forty-seven. He was detained for 40 days because he attended the experience-sharing meeting held in January 2000. He was fined more than 1,000 Yuan. Because he refused to write a renunciation statement, Feng was tricked into going to the sub-county government office where he was illegally detained for 15 days in January 2000. Facing the illegal detention, he refused to pay the so-called 200 Yuan living expense.
Qi Shuqing is thirty years old. He went to Beijing to appeal in January 2000. From Beijing, he was escorted back, though he escaped soon after. Now, no one knows his whereabouts. The local sub-county government took his walking tractor away, and his family had to pay a 2,000Yuan fine to get it back.
Cui Jianglian is thirty. The local sub-county government searched his house because he kept practicing Falun Dafa and because he refused to write a renunciation statement. His refrigerator, bed, and cabinet were all taken away.
Han Shitang is over forty. He was brought to the local sub-county government office because he was suspected of going to Beijing to appeal. He was brutally beaten by Zhang Nangua, Yang Xicong, Yan Bo, Su Shihua and some other soldiers of joint defense. He was hit repeatedly with an electric baton. After this inhuman torture, he lapsed into a coma. The local government asked three doctors to save his life. Ironically enough, he was forced to pay 1,000 Yuan for this "service."
Cui Xinhui, a thirty year-old, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa in January 2001. He was escorted back by the local sub-county government and is still in detention. The local sub-county government searched his house and took away a cabinet and a black TV set.
Qiu Feng, a forty-year-old female and Cui Jingliang's wife, went to Beijing to appeal in January 2001. Afterwards, she was escorted back by the local sub-county government; where she is still in detention. In addition, the local government illegally searched her house and took away a cabinet, desk, a table and chairs, and all of her stored grain.
Li Tiaoni, a forty-one year old female, is Feng Tongshu's wife. She went to Beijing to appeal in January 2001. She was escorted back by the local sub-county government. She is still in detention. The local government illegally searched her house and took away her cabinet, her chairs and all of her stored grain. She has nothing left.
Han Wenwen is over forty years old. He went to Beijing to appeal in January 2001. He was escorted back by the local government. On the way to his hometown, he was brutally beaten. The policeman, Jiang Jiang, took 300 Yuan in cash from him. He is still in detention. The local government illegally searched his house and took away a cabinet, TV set, a satellite receiver, a desk, and all of his stored grain.
The local government at each level of Pingsha, Hebei Province should enforce the law. Instead, they violate the law. Mi Chunyin, the secretary of the political-legal committee claims the central government has the following guideline: "The family can be ruined but the country cannot be broken up." As of December 31, 2000, the Xiahuai sub-county government has stolen huge amounts of cash from practitioners. They have illegally seized materials, including large agricultural machinery, trucks, grain, furniture, large household appliances, as well as small things such as kitchen utensils, clocks, table lamps, even electric irons, etc. The Xiahuai sub-county mayor himself urged the searches of practitioners' homes. He even supervised many of the searches. Falun Dafa practitioners only want the right to be good people. Should we be forced to lose our families, our jobs, all of our worldly goods and the full use of our bodies for this? Should we be tortured and abused for this? All kind-hearted people, please think about it; what has happened to "our" country and "our" governmentand who is the person who has wantonly destroyed the lives of "our" people everywhere?
The partial names and telephone numbers of the criminals:
Zhao Zhenfang, the former head of Shangbo country, Pinshan County. He is currently the president of the community party of Xiahuai Sub-county. Tel: 011-86-0311-2829287
Chen Yuefeng, the head of Xiahuai County. Tel: 011-86-0311-2829256
Wang Xintang, the head of the local police station in Xiahuai Sub-county, Pingshan County. Tel: 011-86-0311-2829031
Li Chunmei, the leader of the joint defense team in Xiahuai Sub-county, Pingshan County. Tel: 011-86-0311-2829046
Li Guoping, the head of the detention center in Pingshan County. Tel: 011-86-0311-2913496.
Mi Chunyin, the secretary of the political-legal committee of the local government
The hired thugs: Fen Qinfang, Su Shihua, Zhang Nangua, Yang Xicong, Yan Bo, Xia Suilong, Hu Yuetao, Jiang Jing, ect.
Written by a mainland practitioner
March 10, 2001
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