Compiled by Falun Gong Practitioners
On the Occasion of
The 57th UN Commission on Human Rights
April 2001
For distribution free of charge
Falun Gong is an ancient cultivation method designed to improve the mind and body through exercise and meditation, and to improve the moral character by following the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
First introduced to the public in 1992 in China, the practice of Falun Gong was originally supported and acclaimed by the government. However, as time went by and the number of people practicing Falun Gong grew to outnumber the Communist Party, certain leaders felt threatened by its popularity and decided to eradicate it. Consequently, in July of 1999, Jiang Zemin launched an all-out offensive against this peaceful spiritual practice. Thousands of practitioners were rounded up and beaten, homes were ransacked, books and tapes were shredded and burned. The government also instigated a vicious propaganda campaign designed to demonize Falun Gong practitioners and their founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi.
Twenty months later, after withstanding wave after wave of persecution and brutality, Falun Gong practitioners in China are still standing tall, defending their basic human rights to follow their spiritual beliefs. But the cost has been enormous. Over 180 are dead, the vast majority of whom were tortured to death in China's jails, detention centers, and labor camps. This torture continues as of this writing, and includes a variety of beastly measures, including physical beatings with fists, boots, and clubs; shocking with electric batons; shackling with heavy chains; exposing people to extremes of temperatures; sexually abusing female practitioners and much more. Over 1,000 healthy and psychologically sound individuals have been sent to mental hospitals. Over 10,000 practitioners have been sent to labor (concentration) camps for up to three years, while over 50,000 have been illegally detained and arrested without trial. And this does not count the number of innocent people who have been fired from their jobs, kicked out of school, or bankrupted with exorbitant fines.
Meanwhile, throughout the rest of the world, Falun Gong is flourishing, as people from all nationalities and walks of life are finding out for themselves the many benefits of this practice. Far from being persecuted abroad, Falun Gong practitioners outside of Mainland China enjoy broad-based support from government leaders and organizations in all corners of the globe. In the United States alone, state and local governments have issued hundreds of proclamations honoring Falun Gong's contributions to society. (These proclamations are not included here because of the length of this document.)
Throughout their persecution in China, Falun Gong practitioners have not wavered from the high standards they set for themselves. Despite extreme provocation, they have not retaliated when being beaten or verbally abused. They have no political agenda, and even after everything that has been done to them, they are still not against the Chinese government. They ask only for a non-hostile environment in which to practice their spiritual beliefs.
Falun Gong practitioners in China need and deserve the support of conscientious people everywhere. This booklet contains a small sampling of this support, as government leaders and organizations throughout Europe and the world lend their voices to the cause of freedom and human rights.
Table of Contents
Support During 57th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (2001)
European Parliament Resolution on Freedom of Religion in China
Amnesty International Launches "Signature-Signing" Activity at the University of Geneva
The Association of World Citizens: "Rape and Sexual Slavery: A Crime Against Humanity"
Falun Gong Gains Support During UN Human Rights Assembly in Geneva Despite Interference
AFP: China Human Rights Group Urges EU to Support U.S. Resolution
AFP: EU to Voice Concern Over China at UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva
AP: EU Ministers Back UN Resolution On China's Rights Violations
AFP: EU Urges China to Respect the Rights of Falun Gong Members
AFP: Britain Denounces Rights Abuses in China, Zimbabwe, at UN Forum
Washington Post: US House Resolution Condemns China (April 2)
NGOs Urge Canadian Government to Co-Sponsor UN Resolution on China's Human Rights Record
Excerpts of the Speech by the Head of the U.S. Delegation at the Meeting of U.N. Commission on Human Rights
Open letter to Canadian Prime Minister from 16 Non-Governmental Organizations
Ottawa Citizen: Canada Must Co-Sponsor UN Resolution on China
Swedish Foreign Minister Strongly Against Chinese Government's Treatment of Falun Gong
Congressmen on the German Government's Human Rights Committee Meet with Falun Gong Practitioners
Reuters: US Blasts China on Rights, Sets Tone for Bush
Reports from the US Congressional Human Rights Caucus (CHRC) meeting
Support During 56th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights (2000, Very Incomplete)
European Parliament Resolution on the Human Rights Situation in China
Speech by German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer at the Fifty-Sixth Human Rights Conference (March 22, 2000, Geneva)
Statement by the Germany Government at the 56th Human Rights Assembly (March 22nd, Geneva ?Excerpts)
Letter from the Permanent Mission of Austria to the United Nations
Other Support from Worldwide Governments and Institutions
CNN: Falun Gong Wins Religious Freedom Award
Falun Gong And Mr. Li Hongzhi Are Among 2001 Nobel Peace Prize Nominees
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Urges China to Scrap Its Re-Education Through Labor System
Friends of Falun Gong: Beijing Violates Olympic Charter
European Parliament Delegation hand over a list of arrested Falun Gong practitioners during its meeting with the Chinese Congress
World Psychiatric Association Urged by Committee to Investigate Chinese Use of Mental Hospitals in Tracking Down on Falun Gong
Reply from European Commission President to Falun Gong Practitioner
European Union Council's Correspondence Regarding Falun Gong
Letter from a Member of European Parliament to the Ambassador of the Chinese Mission to E.U.
Member of European Parliament Gives Support to Swedish Falun Gong Practitioners
Member of the German Parliament Supports Falun Gong in a Letter to the Falun Dafa Association of Germany
Letter From The French Foreign Minister's Office To The French Falun Dafa Association
French Senator Writes to Foreign Minister Concerning the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China
Letters from the Danish Foreign Minister
Amnesty International of Canada Launches Campaign for Professor Zhang Kunlun
Amnesty International: China: Conditional release of Kunlun Zhang raises serious concerns
Canadian Prime Minister Responds to Professor Zhang Kunlun's Expression of Gratitude
Amnesty International Vancouver's Letter to China
A Letter from the President of Australian Council of Trade Unions to the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China
Australian Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Women's Rights Funding Meeting
Human Rights Advocate Robin Munro Cites Pronouncements of Chinese Scientists in His Psychiatry-Critique
News Release by Amnesty International on the Death of 77 Falun Gong Practitioners in Custody
Amnesty International Ireland Dublin Central Group Drafts Letters to Rescue Zhao Ming
Thirty-Seven UK MEPs Express Support for the Freedom of Belief of Zhao Ming and Other Falun Gong Practitioners
Portuguese member of the European Parliament appeal to Chinese Premier for Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming
Dublin University Writes Chinese Ambassador About Detained DU Student
European Parliament Members from Denmark Sent an Appeal Letter to Premier Zhu Rongji Regarding Zhao Ming
Portuguese member of the European Parliament appeal to Chinese Premier for Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming
Members of the European Parliament write to Zhao Ming in labour camp to offer sympathy, support, and solidarity
Member of Parliament from Luxembourg Calls for End to Persecution of Zhao Ming
Irish Senate Calls upon Irish Government for Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Ming
A Letter From a Concerned Member of the Quebec National Assembly to Quebec's Prime Minister
A Letter to a Falun Gong Practitioner from Austrian President's Office
Letters from Members of the German Federal Parliament
Swiss Government Opposes Suppression of Falun Gong
Italian Parliament Invites Falun Gong Practitioners to Dies Memoriae to Testify About the Persecution of Falun Gong In China
Swedish Media Denounce China's Crackdown on Falun Gong
Swedish Government Officials and Experts on China Condemn the Persecution of Falun Gong in a Symposium on China
Letter from the Far Eastern Bureau, Asia-Pacific Department of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Selected Letters of Support from UK
Letter from U.K. Queen's Office to U.K. Falun Dafa Association
Letter from U.K. Princess' Office to U.K. Falun Dafa Association
Selected Media Reports and Commentary
Reuters: U.S. House Panel Opposes China's Olympic Bid
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden): Falun Gong Threatens China's Dream of Olympic Games
Hufvudstadsbladet (Finland): "Falun Gong Problem Also for the West" and "The Persecution Must End."
La Tribune De Geneve: Why Jiang Zemin And His Associates Are Afraid of Falun Gong
Tribune de Geneve: China and Falun Gong Confront Each Other at Geneva
The Metro (Geneva): Fears Unfounded About Falun Gong
Editorial, Tribune de Geneve: Falun Gong: the City's Blunder
New York Times: Contortions of Psychiatry in ChinaFor full text, please see here.
In Front of The United Nations in Geneva
Falun Gong Practitioners Appeal the World to Help
Stop the Persecution of Falun Gong in China
March 2001
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Category: Voices of Support Worldwide