To show our appreciation for the strong support of NGO's, government delegates, and others, Falun Gong practitioners from various countries organized a multicultural event at an elegant hotel in central Geneva on April 18. About 150 individuals, countries and non-government organizations (NGO) attended--a wonderful turnout. They were from various countries in North America, Asia, Europe and Africa.

The reception began at 7:00 p.m., and was hosted by an American and a Swiss practitioner. In a very short speech, a Swedish Western practitioner told the audience that before she left China, Falun Gong practitioners regarded her as their only hope to spread the truth to the international community. A practitioner from Australia told the audience that he and his fellow practitioners traveled more than 30 hours just to clarify the truth about what was happening in China. A practitioner from Taiwan delivered a very short but powerful appeal that moved all. He said that he hopes one day Chinese practitioners could come to the podium and deliver their thanks in person. A practitioner from the U.S. informed the audience of the wide support of Falun Gong around the world in the form of government recognition.

Practitioners from Germany, France and Switzerland prepared delicate Chinese, Japanese and Thai cuisines for the guests. Several guests said that it was the best food they had ever had.

While the guests were enjoying the food, 10 practitioners demonstrated the five exercises. The guests were so pleased to enjoy the calm and soothing atmosphere. Followed by the exercise demo were performances by practitioners from different countries. The audience enjoyed listening to a Chinese song and a Chinese folk dance performed by Canadian practitioners. A Swedish practitioner sang a song by John Lennon--"Imagine"--that moved the audience. The performances of several professional musicians and vocal artists impressed the audience.

The perception that the guests had about Falun Gong in the past were that it was "a peaceful group of people that have been persecuted in China." Through talking with the practitioners, the guests not only understood Falun Gong better, they also learned first-hand that Falun Gong practitioners are just like everyone else, having careers, family lives and social responsibilities.

Many guests stayed for a long time after the reception to talk with practitioners. Among the guests was a member of the royal family of an African country. She wanted to invite practitioners to give classes in her country. An ambassador from another African country also came to schedule a date to have practitioners come to his country to teach the exercises not only to the people of his country but also to the people in the surrounding countries. Many other guests expressed their sympathy for the practitioners in China and explored ways to help them.

Through this event many practitioners felt that the effort of spreading the Fa and clarifying the truth over the past few weeks had definitely born fruit. More and more people, organizations and governments have come to a better understanding of Falun Gong and come to be aware of the lies disseminated by the Chinese Government. It has become clear to many practitioners in Geneva that the process of clarifying the truth is more important than the results of the United Nations vote.

Practitioners in Geneva

April 18, 2001