[Liaoning Province] Reporters from a TV Station Pay Off a Local Villager to Provide Phony Testimony to Slander Dafa
There was an old couple living in the village, and the wife unfortunately passed away not long ago. Coincidentally, a television crew came to the village for a news production. When they heard that this old man had just lost his wife, they were quite happy -- here was an opportunity to gather phony evidence to slander Falun Gong. They visited the old man at home and explained to him the purpose of their visit. These people from the TV station coached and encouraged this old man to lie, "You just say that your wife died from practicing Falun Gong." At the beginning, the old man refused. The crew kept working on him, "If you do what we say, we'll pay you 100 Yuan (the average monthly income in rural area is around 183 Yuan) every time you say it." It seemed so easy -- a few words could generate 100 Yuan. How much work in the fields equates 100 Yuan! As a result, lured by the money, this old man said things against his conscience twice, and he made 200 Yuan.
[Zhengzhou, Henan Province] Middle School Exam Slanders Dafa
It was discovered that a standardized exam given by a middle school in Zhengzhou, Henan asked test takers to write an article according to a given topic, which was a slanderous cartoon of Falun Gong and Master. If test takers said Falun Gong was good, the article would be declared invalid, and the test takers would be disqualified. This caused dissatisfaction among kind-hearted teachers and students. One student went back to her mother and cried, "I don't know what to do."
[Dengta, Liaoning Province] Righteous Thoughts of Dafa Practitioners Shock Police
After 8 pm on May 8, five Dafa practitioners of Dengta City in Liaoning were sharing their experiences at a practitioner's home. Between 20 to 30 police officers and military police officers came to arrest them. They practitioners didn't cooperate with the police's illegal act and didn't open the door. Acting like criminals, the vicious police officers pried and struck at the door. After half an hour, they broke in and demanded that the practitioners stand along the wall for videotaping. The Dafa practitioners didn't cooperate. With righteous thoughts, they told the police the principle of "kindness and evil will reap what each justly deserves." The police were speechless at the righteousness of the Dafa practitioners. At that time, they didn't have a search warrant or an arrest warrant, so they made a call to ask for a blank one and tried to fill out the form on the spot. When the bureau chief was ready to read out the document, the practitioners snatched it away and tore it into pieces. These vicious police officers then started to take away the practitioners by force. Liu Dapeng, a vicious policeman, experienced immediate retribution -- he broke his leg on the scene, and was hospitalized that evening. During the process, many ordinary people surrounded the place. They condemned the sordid conduct of the police and said that Falun Gong practitioners were good people. Also, quite a few policemen on the scene were aware of the good nature of Dafa practitioners. They had just participated in this action to appease their superiors. Affected by the righteous thoughts of the practitioners, some police officers left the scene and ceased their involvement in this illegal arrest.
Four practitioners were taken to the Public Security Bureau Dengta Branch and locked up in a conference room. At that point, these practitioners thought, "We shouldn't be detained here. We should walk out and continue to rectify the Fa." With only their hands, they bent the iron bars installed on the windows and left the Branch Bureau. During that time, the Dafa practitioners made quite a bit of noise climbing through the windows, but the police didn't hear any of it. This is an example of the fact that Dafa disciples' righteous thoughts are powerful.
[Jilin, Jilin Province] Policeman Liu Zhicheng Receives Retribution for His Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
Liu Zhicheng, a police officer at the Legal Supervision Department of Jilin Public Security Bureau, was responsible for reviewing and approving labor camp sentences, and he sent many Dafa practitioners to labor camps illegally. Around October 1 of last year, the city administration issued an order to send all Falun Gong practitioners who went to Beijing to appeal to labor camps. Liu Zhicheng became the executor of this new order. Some Dafa practitioners were sent back after being arrested in Beijing. They were sentenced to 1 year in labor camps, and their cases were submitted to Liu for approval. Liu changed all of the sentences to 3 years, including elderly women's. Liu even bragged about it everywhere he went, "These Falun Gong people, they were given 1 year of labor re-education. I changed all of them to 3 years. Let's see if they still practice." One Dafa practitioner learned abut his vicious acts, and thought, "This person is indeed too evil. Dafa practitioners are the kindest people in the world. Yet you treat them this way. You truly have no human conscience and it is impossible for you to be saved."
One evening, Liu Zhicheng was driving two women to a hotel for drinks. When he was backing up the car, he knocked out one of the signal lights of a taxi. The taxi driver asked him to pay for the damages. Liu not only refused but also started to curse at the driver. Out of anger, the driver called his friends over and they stabbed Liu to death.
[Longkou, Shandong Province] Policeman Song Xuelei Receives Retribution for His Persecution of Dafa
Around April 5, Song Xuelei, a policeman at the Public Bureau of Longkou in Shandong Province, was driving while drunk. He died after hitting a tree. Everyone believed that he received retribution for his vicious deeds. Less than 3 months ago, Song bought his way into his job. When he was in the office, he encouraged the brutality of the police toward local Dafa practitioners. He also instructed students from grammar schools to destroy Dafa flyers posted in the streets.
[Hong Kong] A Hong Kong Police Officer Knows Right from Wrong
On May 10, when a Dafa practitioner was distributing flyers at a public square in Hong Kong, a plain-clothes policeman quietly told the practitioner that the pressure from Jiang Zemin's group had forced the Hong Kong police to monitor Falun Gong practitioners. He said, "Although we felt angry, the Hong Kong police didn't dare to speak out against it. Jiang Zemin came to Hong Kong for one day and caused a great deal of disruption in Hong Kong. People's complaints could be heard everywhere. I could pretend that I had not seen you distributing flyers, but it would be better if you could distribute the flyers somewhere else." Dafa practitioners told him the truth of the criminal acts of Jiang and his group in murdering Dafa practitioners in Mainland China and introduced Falun Dafa to him. When they said good-bye to each other, this police officer bid his farewell with "heshi."
[China] Once Hesitant Calligrapher Paints "Zhen-Shan-Ren"(Truthfulness -- Compassion -- Forbearance)
One day, I went to a shopping mall and happened to stop at the sixth floor where a calligrapher from the China Calligraphy Society was giving a performance. I asked the calligrapher to write a banner that reads "Zhen-Shan-Ren."
In the beginning, the host kept delaying my request. Later, I went up to the calligrapher myself, and he finally agreed to write it. At that moment, time seemed to have stopped. I felt people looking at me, but my heart remained calm. I was also happy for this once-hesitant calligrapher. Perhaps he didn't know that he had just accumulated an enormous amount of virtue.
When I took the banner to frame, the person working there read the banner half way and closed it quickly. He immediately said, "Frame it." It looks like there are still many people holding righteous thoughts.
[Beijing] Dafa Practitioners Resist Illegal "Transformation" with Righteous Thoughts
A practitioner from Beijing, over 60, was forced to go to an illegal "transformation class" by the District Public Security Bureau, Administrative Office and Neighborhood Committee. Because of her righteous thoughts, she came back after an hour and a half from a class that was supposed to last four days. Apparently, before the "transformation" workers had had a chance to open their mouths, the practitioner had spoken seriously and loudly, "Transform into what? What is wrong with cultivating truthfulness, compassion and forbearance? Why do you have to transform us into bad people? Do you really want to go to hell?" After she finished, she turned around and strode towards the door. The "transformation workers" grabbed her by her arms twice, yet she shook them off with dignity and returned home. After that, no one ever dared to bother her. This same practitioner then distributed Dafa materials outside, while maintaining righteous thoughts in her mind. She did this in broad daylight, passing flyers out to foreigners and Chinese alike. In a few minutes, the materials were all accepted by passers-by.
[Jilin Province] The Truth Behind the "One Million Signatures Campaign"
Some officials in Jilin Province applied unlawful pressure to their subordinate offices, companies, grammar schools, middle schools, colleges, and even kids in kindergartens, forcing them to join the signature campaign. Otherwise, the leaders of the units would have to bear the responsibility, including demotions or layoffs. If factory workers refused to sign, their paychecks would be stopped. This is the truth behind the "One Million Signatures Campaign."
[Wuhan, Jiangxi Province] Master's New Articles Awaken Lost People
The Teacher's new articles have woken up many people who had lost their way. Because they failed to maintain righteous thoughts at all times, some people detained at the Hewan Labor Camp in Wuhan accepted the evil in a self-deceiving way or pretended to be "transformed." When they were hesitating and not knowing what to do, some of them had the opportunity to read Master's new articles. Afterwards, more than 50 people in the male labor camp cells woke up. One after another, they gave solemn statements to the labor camp expressing their determination to continue to practice Dafa. The act of these Dafa practitioners was critical. The atmosphere in the entire Hewan Labor Camp was tense for the first time. They had to cancel a plan to release early a group of people in May who had been "transformed."
The unlawful "transformation class" in Hongxia, Wuchang District in Wuhan had already been moved to Yangyuan in Wuchang District -- the former location of the Wuchang Flood Control Headquarters. The Wuchang District Administration and the 610 Office spent three million Yuan to reconstruct this illegal and completely sealed-in site where many "transformation classes" are to be held. Because it is spacious and not many people have been sent there yet, these vicious people are trying to find every possible way to send more practitioners there. We'd like to alert practitioners who live in Wuchang.
[Masanja, Liaoning Province] Guards Torture Dafa Practitioners with Cruel Punishments
Guards at the Masanja Labor Camp forced some of the not-yet-transformed Dafa practitioners to squat on tiles about 30 centimeters (approx. 12 inches) in length and width, from 7 am to 1 am the following day. This torture would last over 5 to 7 days. There were other practitioners who had been locked up in small cells that were 2.5 meters (approx. 8 feet) in length and 1 meter (approx. 3 feet) in width. The same basin was used for washing and for the toilet. The practitioners were also forced to squat on small squares. This kind of physical punishment lasted 1 to 2 weeks.
I was illegally sent to Masanja Labor Camp in Liaoning for going to Beijing to appeal. Masanjia used those "transformed" people, along with various physical abuses, to torture Dafa practitioners. Through fabricating articles, depriving practitioners of sleep, talking to Dafa practitioners nonstop until late into the night, slandering Master with lies, they threatened, deceived and applied pressure.
Li Xiaoyan from Suizhong County went through various physical abuses including squatting in small cells, electric shocks, and vicious beatings.
[Nongan County, Jilin Province] Circumstances Surrounding the Torture of a Female Dafa Practitioner
Practitioner Zheng Yongwen (female) from the town of Kaian in Nongan County was arrested in February 2000 in front of the Appeals Office in Beijing. The police took her personal belongings and money and then she was deported back to Nongan County through the administrative center in Beijing. She was illegally detained in the Nongan County Wugongli Detention Center. While in the detention center she maintained her determination to practice Dafa, and because of her clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa, she was inhumanely tortured and continuously beaten by Officers Cai and Huang. She was released after 47 days.
The detention center unlawfully charged each practitioner 20.50 Yuan [Approximately 1 day's salary of an average urban worker] per day for food and they were given only two meals a day: one steamed bun in the morning and a big bowl of porridge at night. When she was released, she was not given any receipts for the money she had paid. If the family insisted on a receipt, she would not have been released. This act is illegal; that is why they do not want to leave any evidence. In total, Zheng Yongwen paid close to 1,000 Yuan [Approximately 2 months salary of an average urban worker] in food money and, in addition, her family was fined 2,000 Yuan.
During the Spring Festival, 2000, the county police arrested her without a warrant and took her to the local detention center for re-education. During this time, they changed the banner on the detention center to "Re-Education Center." She fasted for 9 days before she was released, so she spent the entire Spring Festival inside the detention center.
In April 2001, she placed a leaflet explaining the truth about Dafa on the door of the county's Party vice-secretary, Wang Zijun. He reported her to the police and on the same night she was arrested and deported to the Nongan County Wugongli Detention Center. A few days ago Nongan County held a public trial for a few criminals. Police forced practitioner Zheng Yongwen into the trial but she refused to conform to the police's unlawful actions. She called out, "I am a Falun Dafa practitioner, I have committed no crime, Falun Dafa is good. Restore the reputation of Falun Dafa and of our Teacher!" The police officers were scared that their unlawful actions would be revealed so they came up and forcefully covered her mouth and started to beat and kick her and pushed her under the police car. These police, who should be enforcing the law, are breaking the law and have seriously violated basic citizens rights. These events hold a mirror to the real situation of human rights in China in the 21st Century.
We strongly call for the release of all innocent practitioners and pay our highest respects to those determined practitioners.
[Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Police From Shashi District Raid Homes
Since the last report on police raiding homes in Shashi District, they are still continuing their criminal actions. Cases include the raid of practitioner (female) Yang Xianfeng's home. They took away thousands of Yuan hidden in drawers and under her pillows.
Before and after May 1st, these police have organised re-education camps in Shashi District. Police use deceit, force, and threats to arrest practitioners. Cases include practitioner Li Delin who was mislead and ordered to go to the local administrative center to verify some materials but was in fact arrested; practitioner Si Liangyuan was arrested by police after they broke through his front door.
[Kaifeng County, Henan Province] Henan Opera Company Slanders Dafa
Henan Kaifeng Opera is performing an opera which is slanderous to Dafa and Teacher and poisonous to humanity. They are also intending to perform in Beijing. We hope that all kind-hearted and righteous people in the world will step forward and stop this criminal act. We hope that all fellow practitioners will suffocate and eradicate the evil with righteous thoughts. Those who slander Dafa will definitely meet their punishment. We hope that the opera singers will awaken and think about their future.
Kaifeng County Opera Company Chief: Liu Zhiwang
Contact: 86-139-37877885, 86-136-08606175
Opera Company: 86-378-9269217
Kaifeng County Opera Company Editor: Que Wangyun
[Nanyang City, Henan Province] Sixty Year-Old Dafa Practitioner Illegally Sent to Labor Camp
Practitioner Li Xianzhi from the factory in Chuanguang was arrested by police while handing out pamphlets to clarify the truth about Falun Dafa. He was jailed in Shangzhuang Detention Center. Twenty brutal and violent policemen took turns torturing this 60 year-old man continuously for 11 days, until he hardly looked human. Police fined his family a few thousand Yuan and then sentenced him to one year in a labor camp. His whereabouts are unknown.
We hope all fellow practitioners will suffocate and eradicate the evil with righteous thoughts when they are doing Dafa work.
[Meihekuo City, Jilin Province] Officer Niu Zhenkiu Swindles Practitioners' Money
Meihekuo City and County Substation Chief Niu Zhenkiu has repeatedly stolen practitioner's money. For the past two years he has separated practitioners into groups: those who practice at home, those who practice outside, those who clarify the truth of Dafa and appeal, and those who went to Beijing, and so forth. Practitioners are fined according to which group they belong to. The lowest fine is 500 Yuan and the highest is 10,000 Yuan. If practitioners do not pay, they are sent to forced labour camps. His main goal is to earn money. As long as they pay, they are released. Many practitioners are forced to pay even though they have hardly any money.
At 9 o'clock on March 23, 2001 Officer Niu Zhenkui from Hongmei County Police Substation along with a group of gangsters broke into the home of practitioners Gao Yongxin, Liu Yongan, and Li Chunwen. They were arrested and they have still not been released to date. For the past two years, with Niu Zhenkui in the lead, police officers have used every conceivable kind of torture. As long as someone in his area practices Falun Gong or goes to appeal in Beijing, they are arrested. Officer Niu fabricates criminal names for those he wants to arrest. He fines practitioners and confiscates their personal property with no authorizations; afterwards, he denies any involvement. Many workers in China are unemployed and live in poverty while Officer Niu makes a profit on practitioners' money.
[Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Arrested Before Spring Festival Still Not Released
Thirty practitioners from Dongshan District were arrested from their homes, supposedly to attend "re-education classes" before the Spring Festival this year. They were illegally detained at Level 6, Building 6 of the Meihuayuan District Army Camp. They were locked in a room and forced to watch revolutionary and "re-education" movies everyday. They were threatened with labor camps if they did not become "re-educated" and if they refused to write a statement declaring that they will not practice Falun Dafa or appeal to the government. This unlawful 're-education' class organized by the government political department is in violation of China's constitution, is destabilizing society, and causes practitioners to lose their jobs and disrupts people's families and lives. At this time, there are still around 10 practitioners detained and the other 10 have been thrown into mental hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Continuous torture awaits them.
[Jilin City, Jilin Province] Criminal Actions of Xia Chunlin, Shuiquliu District Police Station
1. The brutal policeman, Xia Chunlin, from the Shuiqulin District Police Station arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Jianwei (male) on March 13. Yang was beaten in the police car while being driven to the station. After arriving at the police station, he was cursed at and punched and kicked violently in his head and face. Yang Jianwei said firmly, "Police should not hit people." After that, the police car driver, Liu Wenxia, started to beat him furiously on the head using a rubber pipe. There were 10 witnesses to this scene, including Yang Jianwei's fellow worker. Later, at the Government Protection Division of the Shulan City Police Department, policemen Li Jiazhi and Wang Ximin beat and kicked him savagely in the head, saying, "So what if we hit you? If you can, go ahead and sue me." (Witnessed by: Liu Peilan from the Shuiqulin District Police Station).
Police officer Li Jiazhi took away Yang Jianwei's mobile phone, beeper, IC phone card and other personal belongings without completing any formal documentation. Later, when his relatives asked for Yang's belongings, they were not returned.
2. After the New Year and before the Spring Festival, Officer Xia Chunlin from the same police station arrested practitioners Meng Xiangfeng, Tang Shicheng, Liu Shuxiang, and a male practitioner from another District, all of whom had gone to Beijing to appeal. After arriving at the Shuiquliu police station, that male practitioner was told to hand over 500 Yuan and that then he would be released. This practitioner did not have this much money so Liu Shuxiang and other practitioners collected some from their savings and handed in this money for him. Officer Xia took the money and released him, but no receipt or any other documentation was given.
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Arrested While Applying for ID
Changchun practitioner, Wei Lisheng (male), was arrested without legal procedures at his local police station in September 1999. He was applying for an express Identification Card after losing his old one. He is now being jailed at the Changchun Fengjing Re-Education Camp and there is no news regarding his present situation. Please give this matter close attention.
Note: there are many other cases in Changchun, such as this, of illegally detaining and jailing practitioners, many going beyond lawful terms of detainment.
[Zhucheng City, Shandong Province] The Crimes of Policeman Cao Jinhui
At the beginning of May 2001, a group of around 20 violent policemen, led by Cao Jinhui, broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Li Xue (alias; female) and illegally took away many Falun Dafa materials. Li Xue escaped while the policemen were busy searching the house. After discovering this, the police sealed off the entrances to all the houses in the neighborhood, pushed everyone out and started to search house by house. During this time, Li Xue's brother-in-law, a non-practitioner, tried to send Li Xue's two-year-old son to his grandmother's house. Those cruel policemen forcefully took the child, ignored his frightened cries and used him as bait in order to force the relatives to reveal the whereabouts of Li Xue. The boy's grandmother chased them on a pedicab and said, "These are matters concerning adults that have nothing to do with children. You might frighten him." The police knew that they were in the wrong and said, "If you want to keep an eye one him, do it here but you are not allowed to take him away." Li Xue's brother-in-law was unlawfully brought to the Lubiao County Police Station simply for trying to bring the boy to his grandmother's house. He was severely tortured, hit with an electric rod, and ordered to plead guilty. After that, they arrested Li Xue's husband and illegally detained him for nearly 24 hours.
Police from Zhucheng City often break into civilian's homes, search their houses with no legal documentation, and take practitioners' property. They interfere with people's peaceful and harmonies lives and will one day be bought to justice.
[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Arrested After Solemn Declaration on Minghui Net
Practitioner Ye Fubi (female) from Lianhe District was arrested yesterday by police from Wannian Square Police Station after publishing a Solemn Declaration on Minghui Net stating that she would continue practicing Falun Dafa. She was illegally detained and her current situation is unknown.
[Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Two Female Falun Dafa Practitioners Missing
Lanzhou practitioners, Fan Jianping (female) and Zhao Yuying (female), who work at Lanzhou Minbai Company lost their jobs without any legal proceedings simply because they refused to give up practicing Falun Dafa, as already reported by Minghui. They went missing on 30 April when handing out leaflets about the truth of Falun Dafa to celebrate the ninth anniversary of Master's bringing the Fa to the public.
[Shulan City, Jilin Province] Events Surrounding Enforced Labor Camp Sentencing
Chen Yulong (male) went to the Appeal Office four times; he was detained each time, and after that he was sentenced to two years in a labor camp. His house was raided and all the food was taken away.
Niu Yuhui (female) went to the Appeal Office three times; she was detained each time and then sentenced to one year in a labor camp. She was also fined 1,200 Yuan.
Niu Junhui (male) went to the Appeal Office once and was sentenced to two years in a labor camp.
Liu Yusheng (male) went to the Appeal Office twice; he was detained twice and sentenced to two years in a labor camp. He was fined around 1,000 Yuan.
Sun Linmin went to the Appeal Office twice, was detained twice and sentenced to one year in a labor camp. Sun was fined around 1,000 Yuan.
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