Mr. Pan Zhanlin, |
The Honorable Chinese Ambassador |
Peoples Republic of China, |
The Chinese Embassy |
Ben Yehuda, 222, Tel Aviv |
13th May, 2001
Dear Ambassador,
China's Persecution of Falun Gong
As practitioners of Falun Gong in Israel, we hereby condemn the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China, by the Chinese government.
China will go down in the history books with its head hanging in great shame as it stands in opposition to the highest principles of being - "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." Can President Jiang Zemin and all those that support this senseless persecution not see beyond their own power concerns and see the immense damage that this is doing and can do to China, the people of China, and the world? Can those few good people that still remain in the communist party not see that their President is driving China on a collision course with all good people of the world? Can these few good people not see that China will be forced to become more aggressive outside of China in order to maintain national sentiment and control over its people? Can you not see the danger of this policy? How must people of the world see China when it considers people that merely want to work internally to return to a pure state of "truthfulness, compassion and forbearance" a national threat? How can people that practice "Truthfulness, Compassion & Forbearance" have political goals? Can you not see the immense shame that this position against the highest principles in the Universe will bring to them and to China? Can these people not realize that the world can see through their propaganda attempts to slander of Falun Gong?
A growing dossier on "China's Record: The Persecution of Falun Gong" is now thousands of pages long and growing daily. You must know that every step you take is being recorded! Falun Gong is growing outside of China with over 100 million practitioners in over 40 countries and the world will know what you have done. Can you be proud of China at this time? Why are you so afraid of good people? Can you not see past your own propaganda?
We ask sincerely, for your own sake and for the world, do what you can to stop your President from ruining China and the world. Does he have the right? Are those few good people going to allow one man that has become paranoid and obsessed with power and control, to do this?
It does not take much education to realize that once people re-discover the universal principles of "truthfulness, compassion & forbearance" in their hearts, that nothing in the world can change their minds. No matter what letters of slander they sign under the torture and coercion that you apply, it counts for nothing. How is it possible that you can't see the wrongness of this persecution?
We condemn this persecution and appeal to all good people of China and the world not to allow Jiang Zemin to continue this persecution.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Israel
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