[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Practitioners Send Forth Righteous Thoughts to Eliminate the Evils
On May 27, 2001, at 5am, 6am and 7am sharp, Dafa practitioners in Changchun City concentrated their minds and hearts in unity to send forth their purest and most resolute righteous thoughts: "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos, the Evil is completely eliminated." During these three time periods, most Dafa practitioners enlightened while sending forth these righteous thoughts, and their thinking became more pure, more virtuous and more truthful.
[Northeast China] Practitioners from a City in Northeast China Send Forth Righteous Thoughts and Clarify the Truth
On the night of May 26, 2001, when practitioners from a city in Northeast China received the announcement and directive from the Minghui Net to "Send Forth Righteous Thoughts," many of them walked out of their homes and, using red paint, sprayed Teacher's verse on the walls in streets all over the city, to jar common people into awareness. Some practitioners sprayed Teacher's verse in the residential areas where the high-ranking officials live. They also sprayed this verse on the walls of the chief local leaders' residential buildings and on the walls across the street from the buildings. People who observed this spraying activity said nothing but left quietly. When another Dafa practitioner sprayed the verse on the walls across the street from the leaders' residential building, two men tried to stop him. The practitioner calmly kept on spraying and asked them, "Do you see what I am spraying? They are all good words." When the practitioner looked around after he finished, those two who tried to stop him had already left. Two different people stood nearby and whispered, "Falun Gong." When two practitioners walked past the high-ranking officials' residential area, two guards on duty questioned them, "What is making that noise in your pockets? We need to see your identification card." "It is the spray-paint bottle," the Dafa practitioner replied, "My home is nearby, so I did not bring the identification card with me. The paint is for bicycle-painting." Then he showed them the bottles. After the guards saw the bottles, they said, "You are okay as long as you explain it clearly." That was the way Dafa practitioners returned home safely.
Since July 22, 1999, the city police department has been brutally persecuting Dafa practitioners. Personnel from the Department of Politics and Security detained Dafa practitioners at will and brutally tortured Dafa practitioners. They used electric stun batons to beat practitioners for long periods at a time. In the morning of May 27, Dafa practitioners, using the color red, spray-painted the characters of Teacher's verse on the walls on the side of the Public Security Department building. At 4pm, the spray-painted characters were still intact.
[Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] The Sound of Dafa, A Recording of the Falun Dafa Radio Program, Resounded in the Sky above the Jails
On the night of May 22, the sound of Dafa resounding in the sky above the No.1 and No.2 jails encouraged all the practitioners who are illegally detained and persecuted there. It also effectively suffocated the evil. We urge the Chinese government to immediately stop the persecution and release all unlawfully detained Dafa practitioners.
[Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioners from a City in Heilongjiang Province Suffocated the Evil
Dafa practitioners put up Dafa banners and spray-painted slogans on streets all over the city, which effectively suffocated the evil.
Previously, the city government would ask people from the residential committee to tear down the banners and make the painted slogans unreadable. As more and more banners appear, however, there are fewer and fewer people likely to do this. A police leader told his friend, "We cannot suppress Falun Gong practitioners. The harder we try to suppress them, the more practitioners there will be. We have no alternatives. We just ask primary school students to tear down banners and obliterate the slogans." His friend commented, "How can you control the practitioners? Now even more people are distributing flyers. Don't even think about asking the primary school students to tear down the banners. A lot of those students themselves actually distribute the Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials."
[China] I Want to Learn Falun Gong Right Now
After a copy center owner had more contact with Dafa practitioners, he told us his thoughts. "Formerly, I just helped you copying Dafa materials to make money. Now I copy Dafa materials because I want to learn Falun Gong." With Dafa practitioners' help, he has finished reading Zhuan Falun and decided to read all Dafa books thoroughly. Along with the practitioners, he sometimes even took the initiative to validate Dafa.
[China] When Practitioners Sent Forth Resolute Righteous Thoughts, the Evil No Longer Exist of Itself
On a day in April 2001, when a couple of practitioners were reading Zhuan Falun, a director and four vicious policemen broke into their home. The two practitioners covered the book with their jackets and put it on the bed. Under the instruction of the director, the police thugs searched the room from top to bottom. They found nothing, although the Dafa books were right in front of their eyes. They forcibly took the two practitioners to the village committee headquarters and interrogated them separately. The two practitioners told those people of the positive changes they themselves had experienced after practicing Dafa. They also condemned the policemen for causing disturbances to their practices. Although the practitioners still had some human thoughts, the vicious director and policemen all listened and were stupefied. Their debased behavior disappeared. The four policemen and the director walked silently out of the room. Afterwards the practitioners enlightened that during this time of demonic persecution, as long as Dafa practitioners have resolute righteous thoughts, of itself the evil would no longer exist.
[China] Details of the Beastly Behavior of Demon Policemen Chen Feng and Zhang Dianhui in the Fangshan District Detention Center
On December 14, 2000, I (female) arrived in Beijing to validate Dafa. At 3pm, when I walked in the street across from the People's Congress Hall, I had an unbelievable, outrageous experience, something one does not imagine taking place in the 21st century. Here is what happened. Because I refused to slander our Teacher as the police required, I was arrested. I was first taken to the Fangshan Police Station and then transferred to the Fangshan Detention Center. When we arrived at the detention center we saw a truck full of policemen armed with rifles, pointed at us. We were forced to walk in at gunpoint. After that, I was transported to Beijing's Fangshan Police Station /Zhangfang Sub-station. There I had to submit to interrogations by the savage policemen Zhang Feng and Zhang Dianhui. I validated Dafa to them and told them that good will be met with good, and evil is met with evil. They refused to listen to me. As I did not tell them my name or address, they took turns slapping my face and handcuffed my hands behind my back and put my neck between their legs. That was not enough. Following that, those who had become animals without any humanity left, inserted an electric stun baton under my clothes and shocked my breasts; they shocked my face, nose, ears, mouth, eyes, head, hands and then all the rest of my body. After they finished abusing me like this, they then handcuffed me to an iron bed and continued their abuse in a different manner. Here is how it continued: The vicious police beast Zhang Dianhui brutally beat my legs with a 1-meter-long stick 2 inches in diameter [about 3 feet long, 2 inches in diameter]. My body was covered with bruises from the waist down. That was still not the end of their hellish treatment. Following the beatings they ripped up my clothes and tore them off my body. Even that was not the end. Next, Zhang Dianhui shocked my breasts with his electric stun baton and trampled on my breasts with his heavy leather boots. As I still endured and refused to cooperate with them, they decided to pull off my pants to shock my genitals. By that time I had already been tortured for 10 hours.
Jiang Zemin and his regime have ironically declared this to be the best period for human rights in China's history. What happened to me is an example of how Chinese society functions under her present legal system. As a female citizen, and by telling my story, I want to show the whole world how Jiang Zemin and his accomplices have managed to turn the Chinese government's institutions into hell on earth.
[Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Police Brutality and Extortion in Fengchen City; Exposure of Vicious Acts of Persecution Against Falun Gong Practitioners
Since July 20, 1999, unscrupulous people from the City Police Department and the Politics and Law Committee fined practitioners illegally and detained them for a long time. Every practitioner had to hand over 3,000 to 5,000 Yuan extortion money. [about US$350-$590, average monthly income is about $60] Fengcheng County by itself has collected over 120,000 Yuan without going through any legal process. The citizens have lost trust in the police and officials from the police and the Politics and Law Committee. By collecting money and violating the law, the officials live outside the law and can therefore be called criminals.
Xu Wenjun, from the police department, the secretary of the Politics and Law Committee Xing Dongxian and Li Yichen deliberately cheated and swindled practitioners and covered up their acts. In April 2001, at a "reform" class, the officials told practitioners there would not be a fine assessed, but they colluded with the local police station to force the relatives of each practitioner to hand in 1,500 Yuan. Otherwise, they said, they would not release the practitioners. Many people realized the viciousness of the persecution from the officials' bad examples and deeds.
[Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Details of the Vicious Acts Happening in the Xishanping Labor Camp
Here are some things that went on there:
1. Authorities from the labor camp established an "education team" to supervise only Dafa practitioners. They used the common criminals who are serving sentences on drug charges to watch practitioners, one-on-one, 24 hours a day. These drug-charged criminals are allowed to rest at noon, but practitioners were not allowed to do so. They had to sit on the benches instead.
2. Without giving an explanation, they arbitrarily prolonged the terms of detention for Falun Gong practitioners.
3. The violent leader of the "education team," Tian Xiaohai, staff persons Li Yong, Gao Ding and Ye Hua often beat up practitioners and instigate the common criminals to also beat up the practitioners.
4. Practitioner Mei Liang, who was only 17 years old and in Team 11, was in turn beaten up by the team leader and by the "education team" staff member Ye Hua because he insisted on practicing Falun Gong. His nose was beaten bloody. Most of the police witnessed this vicious beating. When the superiors came to inspect the staff's work, the staff was afraid of their crimes being discovered by the superiors. Therefore they locked Mei Liang in a restraining cell. Other practitioners in Team 11 were also beaten up.
5. In Xishanping Labor Camp, the guards often beat, and otherwise physically punished and psychologically abused practitioners at will. They withheld practitioners' food and fed the left-over food meant for practitioners to the pigs. They gained huge profits by manipulating the food and supplies monetary supplement. Now Dafa practitioners who wrote the "three letters" [to guarantee to stay away from Beijing, to stay away from other Falun Dafa practitioners and to guarantee never to practice Falun Dafa again] due to their misunderstandings have come back to firmly cultivate in the Fa. They also doubled their efforts to make amends. Only a few persons who betrayed Dafa are being made use of by the vicious force.
The list of names of the vicious persons at the Xishanping Labor Camp:
Sub-team leader of the "Education Team:" Tian Xiaohai
Staff members: Li Yong, Gao Ding, Ye Hua
[Bin County, Helongjiang Province ] Dafa Practitioners were Arrested for Holding an Experience-Sharing Conference
Fifteen practitioners were arrested for holding an experience-sharing conference. They include Wang Dongzhe, Sun Xiuying, Li Yaoqin, and others. We would like to alert our fellow practitioners to Master Li's words: "Of course, even though the situation is still improving, the evil has yet to be finally eliminated and is still playing out. You can't lower your guard."(From Master Li's lecture at the Great Lakes Conference in North America). We hope Dafa practitioners will eliminate the evil persecution towards Dafa with their righteous thoughts.
[Jilin City, Jilin Province] Exposure of Crimes Against Falun Dafa Practitioners at the Jilin Labor Camp
Inhumane, vicious policemen at this hellish, horrible Jilin Labor Camp brutally persecuted Dafa practitioners. Practitioners detained there suffered from brutal beatings and burnings. Some were even forced to swallow burning cigarettes. Others were kicked under the bed and were not allowed to come out. Still others were forced to move their bowels in their pants. Some were forced to brush their teeth with a shoe-brush, numerous practitioners were electrically shocked and some were handcuffed for a long time. Other tortures, too many to describe, were also used.
In the middle of March 2001, the head of the "education team," Liang, personally ordered all policemen to perpetrate inhuman, violent acts on Dafa practitioners. They shocked and tortured over 120 practitioners with electric prods and beat them with a "wolf's-teeth" club, a club with spikes on one end and a long handle on the other. All this happened in just 3 days' time. Some practitioners were so severely wounded that they even fainted from the beatings. Some were so severely wounded that they required hospital emergency treatment. Liang ordered the common criminals to beat Dafa practitioners and said, "It is fine; you can do what you want as long as you don't beat them to death."
One day in the middle of March the guards gathered all practitioners into a small yard for the purpose of searching them for Teacher's articles. They searched everybody at will out in the open. From underwear to shoes and socks, they searched everywhere. They found articles on several practitioners who had been assigned to each "education team." The leader Xu and the guard Cui, then beat, kicked and verbally abused the practitioners. The search lasted about 40 minutes. All of the practitioners' personal belongings they kept in their rooms were also ransacked. They stole all the money they found which belonged to practitioners and put the money into their own pockets. They harassed practitioners like this every two weeks.
[Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Strive Forward Together, Resist the "Reform Class" Intimidation
Before May 1, Hengshui City tried three times to hold a "reform class," but failed each time. The first time, no practitioners showed up; the second time, some everyday people attended instead of practitioners; the third time, some practitioners were forced to attend. They surreptitiously escaped after writing "Falun Dafa Is Good" on the wall. The "reform class" had to be cancelled in a hurry.
Four practitioners were forced to attend a "reform class" being held in Taocheng District. A young man, who, after having obtained Dafa, had practiced off and on, was sent to this "reform class" by his relatives under pressure of the evil force. As a result, this young man understood a lot from sharing experiences with other practitioners in the class and came to firmly believe in Dafa. Another practitioner, an old lady in her 70s also became more determined. After exchanging experiences with each other, one practitioner walked out of the class. The old lady and the young man were released and 2 practitioners were sent to a labor camp. Upon seeing the changes in the young man, his relatives regretted their decision and said, "We should not have sent him to the 'reform class'."
[Dongning County, Heilongjiang Province] Dongning County Police Thugs Persecute Dafa Practitioners
Before the Spring Festival of 2001, personnel from the Dongning County police station and No.1 police station of Dongning Town arrested over 20 Dafa practitioners and beat them severely.
Cheng, a Dongning County Detention Center guard ordered common, criminal prisoners to beat Dafa practitioners Li Guizhe and Han Jingtao. The prisoners even connected the electricity to a pipe from the heater to shock Dafa practitioners.
List of names and places of vile persons who persecuted Dafa practitioners:
Politics & Security Section of Dongning County Police Station "officers": Zou Qinglin and Lin Xiaowei
All policemen in No.1 Police station of Dongning Town at Dongning County are evil.
Director of Detention Center of Dongning County Police Station: Wei
Politics & Security Section of Suifenhe City Police Station: Section Chief Yao and Vice Section Chief Li
Vice Director of the Propaganda Department of Suifenhe City: Wang Shaobo
Directors of the Forestry Police Station of Suiyang City: Wang Lianxi, Lun Ciyuan, Yang Hongxin, Gao Derong and Liu Wan
Director of the Detention Center of the Forestry Police Station of Suiyang City: Zhang Ping
[Guang'an City, Sichuan Province] The Experiences of a Dafa Practitioner in Guang'an City
Chen Bing, male, 35 years old, former employee of Electric Engine Factory of Linshui County of Guang'an City:
In December 1999 Chen Bing went to Beijing with Ge Decai, Zhang Guangquan and other practitioners to appeal for Falun Dafa. They did the sitting meditation in Tiananmen Square where brutish policemen from the Tiananmen Square police station beat them severely. The Dafa practitioners suffered enormously. Here is what happened: since they refused to tell their names and addresses they were thus tortured with an insidious punishment called "riding on airplane." [with one's head and back bending over low at 90 degrees and two arms lifted up high from one's back] After being escorted back, they were illegally detained for more than 30 days and were later put under surveillance until February 18, 2000.
In July 2000, Chen Bing had to suffer additional persecution. He was illegally detained again, put into a detention center and placed under surveillance for another 23 days. That was his punishment for passing Dafa truth-clarifying literature and 50 Yuan to a fellow practitioner. His home was also illegally ransacked many times.
Six months later, in November of 2000, he was again lured to the police station under false pretenses after distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials. The police tried to force him to work for them as an informer and actually offered to pay Chen Bing money for any information he could provide. Chen Bing rejected them. Before long, he was once more unlawfully held at the detention center and eventually released on February 8, 2001.
After his release, the police badgered Chen Bing to attend the forced "reform" class. When Chen Bing refused they forced him to hand over 3,000 Yuan [about $360.00, the average monthly income in China's urban areas is $60.00] extortion money instead. Since then, Chen Bing has had no choice but to leave home and wander about as a homeless person.
[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Dafa Practitioners Arrested and Beaten in Jiamusi City
On May 11, Dafa practitioners Li Shuhua and Yang were arrested while clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to the public.
Jiamusi Dafa practitioners Wang Huadong, Wu Xushu, Wang Yufang and Zhou Puxiu were arrested as they were preparing truth-clarifying materials. We have heard that they were badly beaten.
Officials from Security Section of Jiamusi Flax Factory have many times assisted personnel from the Yonghong police substation to persecute Dafa practitioners. A Dafa practitioner by the last name of Sun was found by people from the security section when doing truth-clarifying work. The security section people threatened to report his activity unless he would hand over 3,000 Yuan extortion money. This practitioner was forced to leave home also.
Pan Changli, Chief of Security Section of Jiamusi Flax Factory, phone number: 011-86-454-8555241 ext Security Section.
[Handan City, Hebei Province] Dafa Practitioner Huo Junmei from Hebei Province Forced to Serve Overtime Detention
Dafa Practitioner Huo Junmei was once in Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa. On February 16, 2001, officers from the Quzhou County Police Station of Handan City and from the Politics & Security Team of Shijiazhuang Police Station took her away from home. She was first detained at the Quzhou County Detention Center and then, two days later, she was transferred to Jizhe County Detention Center. After the 40 days of detention she started a six-day hunger strike to protest the government's holding her without due process of law. The administrators in the Jizhe County detention center forced her and and other Dafa practitioners to listen to the "reform report." One policeman was standing behind each practitioner. Her husband, who is not a practitioner, reported her situation to many government offices and tried to rescue her, to get her released. At this point, however, he has not yet received a reply. Even though her detention time is up, this practitioner is still being detained long after the due date.
[Shanghai City] Dafa Practitioner Xiong Wenqi Disappeared
Shanghai Dafa practitioner Xiong Wenqi was sentenced to 2 years' stay in a forced labor camp. Due to a hunger strike to protest his prison sentence and treatment, his life became endangered. He was temporarily released in order to receive medical treatment but disappeared afterwards. Dafa practitioners: Those of you who know the inside story, please pay attention to it.
[Qing'an County, Heilongjiang Province] An Example of Retribution in Qing'an Town, Qing'an County, Suihua District of Heilongjiang Province
An everyday person asked the daughter of a practitioner, "Did you see Cao who has been watching your mom recently?" The girl replied, "No." That person said, "You know, I heard he died of a stroke on May 6. He was only 31 years old. What a pity! He tortured those kind people who practice Falun Gong, and now so quickly he already suffered the retribution!"
Cao was in charge of the Falun Gong "issue" in Qing'an Town of Qing'an County. He participated actively in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners living in his jurisdiction area. Always ordering his men to follow and harass practitioners, he himself often went to practitioners' homes to disturb their normal life. Consequently, he received the swift retribution.
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