1. [Jilin Province] Exposing the Deputy Provincial Party Secretary of Jilin--Lin Yanzhi's Persecution of Dafa
Lin Yanzhi, the deputy provincial party secretary of Jilin Province, went to the branch "6.10" office in Songyuan City to hold a forced brainwashing class for practitioners. During a meeting, he viciously spewed forth all kinds of profanity. Also, he pointed to practitioner Xin Guoquan and asked him to talk about his experience. However, right after Xin said, "Falun Dafa is good," Lin Yanzhi called in several fierce policemen and shouted, "Get him out of here and send him away for a year of forced labor!" Thus, Xin Guoquan was beaten black and blue by the malicious police. Afterwards, he was illegally sent to Jilin Provincial Labor Camp.
Lin Yanzhi abused his power instead of abiding by the law. He vented his personal spite and persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners. It won't be long before he suffers retribution for his malevolence!
2. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Qi Guilan Sent by Force to Mental Institution
Qi Guilan is a 59-year-old woman who resides within Yucai Police Station's jurisdiction. When she went to Beijing to appeal in November 2000, she was unlawfully arrested and escorted back to Songyuan. She was sentenced to 15 days of so-called "detention for disrupting public security," which was later illegally changed to "criminal detention." During this period, in order to protest the illegal detention, she fought for her freedom with a hunger strike. However, through an agreement between the police department and the detention center, the custodial center pressured her family members and forcibly sent her to Taonan Mental Institution in Songyuan.
Persons responsible:
Director of Songyuan City Detention Center: Zhang Zhenfu; Deputy director: Gao Shuai
Songyuan City Police Department chief: Wang Yuhai; Deputy chief: He Tiejun
3. [Song Yuan City, Jilin Province] Police Extort Money from Practitioners
Liu Zhimin, a female practitioner who lived within Heping Police Station's jurisdiction in Ningjiang District, obtained the Fa in 1997. When she went to Beijing to appeal on November 30, 2000, Beijing Tiananmen Police Station unlawfully arrested her. At first, she was detained in Beijing's Miyun Custodial Center. Later, Heping Police Station in Songyuan sent a policeman who escorted her back and detained her in Songyuan City Detention Center for "criminal detention." After that she was sentenced to one year of forced labor and Heping Police Station demanded 2000 Yuan [about US $250] from her family. Since her spouse was the only one working to raise the family, which includes two children, all they could pay was 1000 Yuan. After Liu Zhimin was illegally sent to forced labor "re-education," her heart disease, which had been cured through practicing Falun Dafa, reappeared after the repeated tortures. She is now carrying out her sentence outside the labor camp.
Persons responsible:
Songyuan City Ningjiang District Police Department chief: Meng Biná
Director of Songyuan City Detention Center: Zhang Zhenfu
4. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Police Shamelessly Cheat Practitioners of Their Money
Han Yanhua and Xuan Guibo are residents of Heping Police Station's jurisdiction in Ningjiang District. When they appealed in Beijing on December 12, 2000, Tiananmen Police unlawfully arrested them. They were then sent to Baodi Custodial Center in Tianjin City where they were brutally tortured. After being escorted back to Songyuan City Detention Center, they were illegally detained there until January 22, 2001. At that time, they feared being sent to labor camp and did not act with their righteous thoughts, so under intense interrogation, they agreed to give up the practice. Still, the detention center charged their families 5000 Yuan for bail and gave them a receipt. Unwilling to let them go, Ningjiang District Police Department still sentenced them to forced labor "re-education," which was held outside the labor camp, and took back the receipt for the 5000 Yuan.
Persons responsible:
Songyuan City Police Department chief: Wang Yuhai; Deputy chief: He Tiejun
Ningjiang District Police Department chief: Meng Biná
Director of Songyuan City Detention Center: Zhang Zhenfu; Deputy director: Gao Shuai
5. [Jilin Province] Oil Field Police Illegally Arrest Practitioners
Jilin Province Oil Field Administration Bureau Planning Institute officer Li Guifang, female, age 27, went to Beijing in mid-October 2000 to appeal. She was illegally escorted back and detained at Songyuan Custodial Center for "criminal detention," and was later transferred to Songyuan City Detention Center. She was sentenced to one year of forced labor on December 12, 2000, and is currently still being unlawfully imprisoned.
In mid-December 2000, Zhou Yelin, a 30-year-old female practitioner, was suspected by the oil field police department to have printed and distributed Falun Gong flyers. They ransacked her home without a warrant and found a Falun Dafa truth-clarifying flyer, so they illegally arrested her and asked if she would continue her practice. If she persisted, they would either sentence her to forced labor "re-education" or force her to resign and cut off her connection with the oil field. Because Zhou Yelin stood firm in her belief, she was detained in Songyuan City Detention Center.á
Persons responsible:
Jilin Province Oil Field Administration Bureau Police Department chief: Wang Jiang
Director of Songyuan City Detention Center: Zhang Zhenfu
Associate Director: Gao Shuai; Songyuan City Detention Center head: Zhang Zhenfu; Associate head: Gao Shuaiá
6. [Jilin Province] Authorities Force Faculty and Students to Sign Petitions Against Falun Dafa
Jilin Province Science Committee, the police department and others jointly held a so-called "promoting science and rejecting [slanderous term omitted] exhibition." They also issued a petition against Falun Dafa and used underhanded methods to collect signatures. The deputy party secretary of Songyuan City and the main person in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong, Ni Shenglu, and Songyuan City Police Department's former deputy chief, He Tiejun, issued an "administration fulfillment" order regarding the signature collection at Songyuan Normal College. Signatures should be collected on a voluntary basis, but the process was "administratively fulfilled" here.
The principal of Songyuan Normal College, Pan Kuiying, and deputy party secretary Zhang Leizhen organized all of the middle level administration staff, all faculty members in charge of classes and all students. In such an extremely menacing atmosphere, they were forced to sign their names in an "organized and ordered" way. Some students did not want to sign their names but didn't dare to leave, either, so they just drew circles on the long paper. All students and faculty members at Songyuan City No. 2 Middle School were also made to sign.á
This was the so-called signature ceremony. "One Million signatures" were collected this way, which were not at all voluntary but were gathered under coercion.
7. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Police Illegally Arrest Dafa Practitioner from Her Home
Zhang Libo is a 34- year-old female practitioner. She is divorced and has a daughter in elementary school. One day in November 2000, Yucai Police Station in Ningjiang District illegally took her away and her child was left home alone. After one month of unlawful detention, Zhang protested with a hunger strike and the police sentenced her to one year of forced labor for her "stubbornness." She is currently still in custody.
Persons Responsible:
Meng Bin, head of Songyuan City Ningjiang District Police Department
Zhang Zhenfu, head of Songyuan City Detention Center
8. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] No.1 Branch Police Department Cheat Practitioners Out of Money
Three female practitioners Wang Yanlan, Hao Limei and Liu Guiying from Songyuan City were arrested on June 6, 2001 when they distributed truth-clarifying materials in a village. On June 15, they were sent to Heizuizi Female Labor Camp in Changchun City, but were sent back to the No. 1 branch police station in Songyuan City because they didn't pass the health examination. Police officers in the No.1 police department forced their families to each pay a 4,000-Yuan [about US$480] fine.
9. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Wang Na, female, resident of Baidong building in Jiangbei of Songyuan City, was taken from her home and sent to a brainwashing class by the community office. In order to resist the evil brainwashing, she escaped from the class and became destitute and homeless. Unaware of the truth, her family found her and took her back, which caused her to be sent into a custodial center on the next day by the vicious police from No.1 branch police department in Ningjiang District. Thirty days later, she was transferred to Heizuizi Female Labor Camp in Changchun City and sentenced to one year of forced labor.
10. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Normal School Authorities Persecute Practitioners and Their Families
Six practitioners, Gong Xiuyan, Zhang Minghao, Zheng Demin, Wang Zhanhai, Wang Lijun and Wang Zhiyuan were either teachers or teachers' family members at Mongolian Normal School in Qianguo County. In late December 2000, they traveled to Beijing to appeal. The director of the "6.10" office ["6.10" office is a national institution specializing in persecuting Dafa practitioners] in Songyuan City became furious when he heard about this and ordered some people to stay at the school to monitor them. He also increased the propaganda defaming Dafa to the staff and teachers. After being illegally escorted back to Songyuan City, the practitioners and their family members were severely tortured both mentally and physically due to pressure from the "6.10"office.
Gong Xiuyan, a Chinese language teacher at the school, was sentenced to one year of forced labor because she went to Beijing to validate Dafa in December 2000. Due to the tortures she received in the labor camp, she suffered a heart attack was released back to her workplace to be "controlled and disciplined." Because she refused to write a "guarantee letter," [renouncing Falun Dafa] the principle of the school forbade her to work. Furthermore, her husband's academic accreditation and promotion were also impeded. They voided his certification as the provincial excellent teacher, which greatly upset him.
These six practitioners were extorted about 1700 Yuan [about US$205] each to cover all expenses including meals, hotel fees and transportation fees for the police and the school security officers and officials' trip to Beijing. They were also charged for the transportation fares and meals of four of the practitioners during their transfer to Changchun and Jiutai labor camps, which included the expenses of police who escorted them. All six were illegally sentenced to forced labor, and Zhang Minghao was sentenced to 2 years. á
Wang Lijun and Wang Zhiyuan are a couple. They were sentenced to forced labor with suspension. However, their salaries were cut off. Liu Jie, the chairman of Yucai street neighborhood committee in Qianguo County said viciously, "This time, cut off all their resources!" During this period, they were forced to pay 200 Yuan to attend a brainwashing class and were forced in front of many people in the class to write "guarantee letters," because they had gone to Beijing to appeal. The couple wasn't clear minded at that time and wrote as requested against their true will. They received no salary until later, when they strongly insisted on getting it back. á
Villains responsible and persons in charge:á
Liu Jie, chairman of Yucai street neighborhood committee in Qianguo County of Jilin Province
Pan Kuiying, principle of Songyuan Normal School
Yi Guihai, group leader of Wenbao security group in Songyuan City Police Departmentá
11. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Liaison Office in Beijing Extorts Money From Practitioners á
Songyuan City's liaison office in Beijing not only charged each practitioner 150 Yuan [about US$18] for meals and lodging, (regardless of whether the practitioners were detained in the cafeteria or the guest room), but also confiscated all the cash the practitioners had with them. At the same time, they also charged each practitioner a 200-Yuan transportation fee when they picked up the practitioners at each custodial center. á
Director of the liaison office: Gu XX [name unknown], female
Police: Xin Yamin, male
12. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Custodial Center Officers Extort and Embezzle Practitioners' Money
Between October 2000 and January 2001, the Songyuan City Custodial Center has illegally detained over 30 practitioners. Although the rule states that detainees should not be charged for meals, the practitioners illegally detained here were each forced to pay 300 Yuan. Practitioner Li Jiafang couldn't pay because her salary had been cut off, and her family, who lived out-of-town, was unaware of her incarceration. Therefore, the chief of the custodial center beat her with a stick. A deputy director, Gao, took the advantage of practitioners' hunger strike protest, and collected false documents to charge the practitioners with criminal activity in order to obtain credit for himself. The custodial center used whatever underhanded tricks they could think of to extort the practitioners and gain quick profits. á
The conditions at Ningjiang Custodial Center are terrible. Over 20 persons were jam-packed into one room and were only given two basins of cabbage in water. Some couldn't even get a sip of the cabbage water and had nothing to eat but dry buns made out of corn flour. Some people had to sleep on the floor in the doorway of the cell and the restroom doorway. Visits are prohibited here. á
13. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners to Complete Quota in the "Strike Hard" Campaign
In December 2000, the "Strike Hard" national campaign began [Which requires a certain number of criminals to be arrested]. The assignment was passed down to every police bureau, which further passed it down to every city police station. á
Li Shufan is a 55-year old female practitioner from Wenhua Street Police Station's precinct in Ningjiang District. She obtained the Fa in 1998. In mid-November 2000, she went to Beijing to validate Dafa and was illegally arrested and escorted back. Although the police station consented for her to return home, the community office did not agree and sent her to Songyuan City Detention Center, where she was detained for 15 days. Then, the detention was changed into one month of criminal detention. Later, in order to fulfill their "Strike Hard" quota, they sentenced her to one year of forced labor. á
As we can see, there is no such thing as a legal system in China.
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