Day 18
Thursday August 30, 2001
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
On our way to Regina we stopped to let the people of Brandon know about Falun Dafa. This was not a scheduled stop, but we would not arrive in Regina in time to notify the media, so we took advantage of this opportunity. We received local T.V. coverage on such short notice, and dropped a package off at the local paper. When we stopped at the library, the librarian had seen our news coverage in the Winnipeg Sun, and had thought to herself, "Now people in Brandon will be asking for this." She immediately accepted the materials from us and offered her support. Our media report made the difference!
Our accommodations were in a practitioner's restaurant. His family was not supportive of Falun Gong, so we sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the restraining factors. In fact we sent many righteous thoughts in Regina to eliminate evil in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. These areas are still very new in their understanding of the Fa.
Day 19
Friday August 31, 2001
Regina, Manitoba, Canada
Victoria Park was an excellent location for hongfa. Nearly every person who passed by that day took a flyer! Actually, they really wanted to learn about Falun Dafa. This park had a large group of young adults who wore interesting clothes and hairstyles. One young man told me that when he first saw the signs we had posted on the truck, he began to make fun of the persecution, but his friends who had already learned the truth quickly explained the situation to him, so he came over to meet us. The two of us sat on the ground and talked a bit, and he was truly touched. At first he thought our response to the persecution was too passive, but then he thought about it and said, "Actually, what you guys are doing today is more than I have ever done, and I have no idea how much you do. How lucky I am to be able to sit and talk with you for ten minutes. I wish more people would have a chance." When I gave Zhuan Falun to him he said, "Don't worry, I know this book is precious." I imagined that this young adult would truly benefit from reading the Fa and I hoped that he would share it with the rest of the group gathered in the park that day. He really seemed to have a heart for helping others.
Day 20
Saturday, September, 1
Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
Rotary Park this morning was quiet, but the local concession owner agreed to accept some flyers for the public after hearing our media coverage recently. This was the first place we really left a stack of flyers anywhere. We also met with representatives of the local paper, who were very interested to learn the truth.
Moosejaw reporter
Next we drove a long distance to Medicine Hat where we caught a last minute interview. The photographer was out of the office, and made a point of phoning us to confirm the meeting. We also made the mistake of leaving our pre-arranged location before the end of the scheduled time and missed the TV reporters on this day. We had wrongly reasoned that we had not been able to communicate with the media directly regarding our meeting, and it was nearly the end of business hours on a Saturday. Actually this was not acceptable, and each missed opportunity is taken very seriously. We would not repeat this wrong thought again.
Day 21
Sunday, September, 2
Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
First thing this morning we met those TV reporters we had missed once. Our site in this town was on the edge of a mall parking lot. A few local people seemed to walk right up to us in this remote location, at odd times, to ask us their important questions. These kind people had just been waiting for us to come to town. One lady said she had heard about Falun Dafa for a long time, and had wanted more information, but no one knew the real story. One Cantonese man drove right up beside us, and got out of his truck. He asked us many questions, and really learned a lot. It seems that everywhere we go there are kindhearted people waiting for us. It is good that the Fa has arranged things so well. We are always happy to help these people to obtain the Fa.
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Medicine Hat photographer | CHAT TV Medicine Hat |
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CHAT TV Medicine Hat | Cantonese man just drives up to learn |
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
In the afternoon we visited Lethbridge, Alberta. First we had a meeting with Global TV. This reporter had phoned twice to ensure our meeting. We also had a radio interview. In this park there were a number of native [aboriginal] people. We learned that when we talk to the native Canadians who have suffered a complete loss of culture due to the colonization of the country a hundred years ago, their faces become very serious when we share with them that Dafa is a path to return to one's true self. This makes them interested to accept the flyers. They also understand the prophecies related to this period of time. While we were at the park, a group of people came by for a barbecue. When the first people arrived, we offered them some flyers. One girl took a flyer, and another man said no one else was interested. We could not let one man decide for the others, so when more of the group arrived, we offered more flyers, and two more accepted. There was also a lady who touched our hearts with her support. She picked up a flyer while passing through the park, and went away with it. Later she returned, and her face was nearly frantic. "This is terrible [referring to the persecution]! What can I do? How can I help?" We quickly offered our petition and a postcard that she could send to our Prime Minister. She even took postcards for others.
Stopping at a native gas station, we asked if they would accept some flyers for the public. The store owner answered no. We asked if he had heard about the persecution? He answered, "we are also persecuted. So what can we do?" "This is the path to return to your true self." We let him know. Then he said okay to the flyers.
Day 22
Monday September 3
Fort MacLeod, Alberta, Canada
Amazingly we managed to speak with a reporter in Fort. MacLoed Alberta, who agreed to pass our donations of books to the public library and our media package to the next editor in charge. This man really took the time to learn from us.
East Kootnay, BC, Canada
Today was a statutory holiday, so we took another approach to Hongfa. Today we would pass by many small and tiny towns, so we decided to drop flyers in local businesses. Doing this we had some lessons. We first tried a grocery store. We spoke with customer service, and the girl agreed to accept our materials and we placed them on the counter. It was apparent at the time that she didn't have a good understanding, but we were still happy that the materials would be available for others. Out in the mall we found a man who was interested to learn many things about Falun Dafa. We clarified what Falun Dafa is, how it is different from other practices, how it is organized, and how he can benefit. We spent quite a while answering this man's questions. On our way out we looked in to check on our flyers, and they were all gone. Could they have been picked up so soon? Looking behind the counter we discovered all the material in the garbage bin! We asked to speak with Customer Service. When the lady arrived she admitted she was responsible for throwing our material away. She was a little upset, and said that her store could not carry anything political. We explained many things, but this lady was not very receptive. She continued to think we were trying to persuade her. "This is not a joke," we told her. We realized we needed to educate this lady and not allow her to make such a big mistake. She repeatedly said she did not have any problem with what we were doing, but she could not display our flyers due to rules from her superiors. On a personal level she accepted a flyer in the end.
On reflection we realized our mistakes. We could have said or done things differently. A large chain store has many interests, and the employees are not able to make decisions according to their own conscience. We also felt we should not leave too many flyers in one place; better fewer flyers in more locations. After this we asked for the store owners and talked with them directly. We also chose smaller businesses like gas stations, cafés, Laundromats, and restaurants. In this way, we distributed many flyers throughout the day. As we passed by towns, we collected media information, and left messages on their voice mail. One paper called the next day to ask for more information. In this way we made the most of a holiday. In the evening we met one interested couple and left them the exercise video and the book, Falun Gong, as well as many flyers. We practiced the exercises in a park, and one child jumped out of a passing vehicle, after he made his parents stop the car, to pick up a flyer for his parents.
Day 23
Tuesday, September 4
Cranbrook, BC, Canada
In the morning while washing dishes, a lady asked, "What's the 'Urgent' for?" After our explanation she took more information and was very interested to read it.
In first contacting media, and in the communication among us this morning, we were feeling some difficulty. When we arrived at the park, one practitioner sent forth righteous thoughts. "Clarify the truth thoroughly, eliminate the evil with righteous thoughts, save all beings, and safeguard the Fa with determination, because you are a part of Dafa, indestructible; rectify all that is not righteous." ("Dafa is Indestructible") There was immediately a huge difference in the environment. We all sat down and sent out righteous thoughts continuously three times. The interference was eliminated, and the day continued brightly and smoothly. Actually, we do this often. When one practitioner is conducting a media interview, another practitioner will eliminate evil. This really makes a difference! We had an on air radio interview, and a newspaper meeting that would report in two towns.
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Hong-fa in Cranbrook | Continuous righteous thoughts | Continuous righteous thoughts |
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Meeting the reporter in Cranbrook | The handshake |
When we brought materials to the local library, the librarian was exuberant in accepting our materials. She was aware of Falun Gong from friends, and thanked us many times for stopping by. We also visited our first bookstore today. As our materials were in limited supply we arranged to display our book and video in the store. The store owner would order the books on special request, and in this way more people would still have the opportunity to see the book.
Librarian happily accepts Falun Gong material
Kimberly, BC, Canada
The town of Kimberly was full of predestined opportunity. While one practitioner used the computer at the library, another walked around dropping off materials at local businesses. One man was very happy we stopped in. We talked very little, and he just accepted the material. He said, "Great! This is just what I need. I wonder if my friend who is suffering from a disease could benefit. I will pass these flyers to others. Thank you."
Donating books at library in Kimberly
While studying in the truck, a practitioner met another very new practitioner. He said he had been reading the books of Falun Dafa. "Where can I buy the books?" he asked. He would travel to Edmonton, where there was a practice site, so we encouraged him to obtain the books there due to our limited supply. Next he offered us $20.00 for gas to support our trip. We told him we could not accept any donation. He insisted that it came from his heart, so we gave him Zhuan Falun, and the exercise video. Continuing to talk with this man, he said, "I need a dummy book-something easy to learn." We told him, "The essential principles are explained in the book. Read it, and you will understand." Later we were telling him we donated books to the library, but the librarian was not sure if they would accept. He quickly offered, "If they throw away that book, I will give them my book."
Several young boys stopped to ask for directions, and were curious to learn what our signs were about. "We will definitely read this," they exclaimed. Actually, this is characteristic of so many people we met on our trip. They really want to learn the truth!
Day 24
Wednesday September 5
Nelson, BC, Canada
We first dropped off many flyers to various businesses, while talking with many interested people on the street. We also visited four media offices within the first hour of our visit.
Meeting the local news editor
In this town there are many people seeking spiritual paths. When we arrived at the prearranged media event, there was already a boy there waiting to learn about Dafa. He expressed genuine interest in learning the truth. While demonstrating the exercises for the reporter's photos, one of our signs blew down, and this boy quickly ran to pick it up for us. The reporter we spoke to was predestined indeed. She understood without my saying, why this persecution is the most severe, and how Zhen-Shan-Ren relates to every human being. She was so happy to meet us: "pleasantly surprised," she said.
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Young man waiting for us in Nelson | Hongfa in Nelson |
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This reporter really understood | Righteous thoughts make a difference! |
Next we set up a table and banner display at the local grocery, where we handed out 500 flyers. The majority of people we met had never heard about Falun Dafa before. Still, many people wished that they could buy the books, but we did not bring enough. We also discovered the public library already had the books, and Zhuan Falun was checked out.
We did the exercises almost continually, and one young girl asked her father if she could try the meditation exercise. We encouraged her with his approval. One woman watched a practitioner meditate for a long time, then she asked if she could borrow the exercise video, watch it, and return it as soon as possible. She seemed so sure she wanted to learn that we handed her Falun Gong and the exercise video. She stayed and read Faun Gong for a long time, but still could not understand the gift. I let her know this gift came from our heart, because we would like her to benefit. It was the Fa that touched her heart this day. Another man was touched when he learned about the persecution. He offered money to help. We explained we could not accept money, but his heartfelt signature on our petition would have much meaning. Some people were feeling this persecution is so incomprehensible. Another man offered money, so we offered him a postcard he could send to our Prime Minister. He accepted while taking some for others as well.
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Reading the book | They asked, "Why are people beaten?" |
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"They just want to do the exercises." |
A child picks up the book |
In the evening we had arranged a video seminar. Two boys happened to meet us there and stayed one and a half hours to watch. One girl was biking past our spot in the park, and saw our sign. She had seen practitioners in Toronto before. She was so interested she stayed two hours, watching video after video.
There was one woman who came specifically to practice the exercises. This would be her third time practicing. She expressed her gratefulness over and over, and said we were in the perfect place, because she loved to do the exercises so much, and this was her opportunity to learn again. After one rotation of exercises she felt nauseous and asked to sit down, but after one minute she said she was ready to practice again. I was moved by her steadfast determination. She said she wouldn't miss this opportunity in the world, and we had come so far to teach her. She later shared with me how she had enlarged a photograph of a Falun and put it on her wall because it represented the moving and changing feeling she was experiencing. We wish this lady all the best in her future cultivation practice. We hope more people in this area will decide to learn Falun Gong, and soon return to their true selves.
Day 25
Thursday September 6
Trail, BC, Canada
We spent the morning in Trail, at Gyro Park. One man was walking by with his dog and accepted a flyer. On his return he asked, "Will you show the exercises here? What time do you start teaching? When is the next time?" We answered, "We will have to return in the future, but for today we have a flyer and a website."
Castlegar, BC, Canada
Midday we spent in Castlegar. We treated the cameraman from the major Canadian news network with a righteous mind and benevolent thoughts. During the interview set-up we thought of many things to suggest for improvements to the story, and they were very receptive. It was apparent our purpose for traveling across Canada would be broadcast loud, and with clarity. We hope that even more kind- hearted people can learn the truth, and express their kind thoughts for Dafa so that they can be saved.
Interview with SHAW TV
Next, a major news reporter arrived on a very busy schedule. This lady had sacrificed her limited time to come meet with us because she believed it was important. She thanked us gratefully for our press package, and hurried off, promising to write the story.
News reporter in Castlegar
At the public library, the librarian was happy to receive our donation of Falun Gong and the exercise video. To our surprise she had already compiled a folder with newspaper clippings on Falun Gong for people who inquired. We learned a big lesson! These kind-hearted people did not have any material from practitioners. People are like an empty container. If they become filled with evil, they become hard to clean. We must fill them with Dafa to ensure a good future for them. So we brought from the truck many more publications, and the librarian happily accepted everything! We realized how important it is to provide the most information to public libraries.
Donating material to Castlegar library
Grand Forks, BC, Canada
In Grand Forks we were sending righteous thoughts when the photographer/reporter arrived. He took some photographs and began to read our signboards very carefully. From the beginning of the interview I was explaining the practice in depth. Each question I answered thoroughly, and this reporter listened intently. His understanding was apparent when he said his paper was weekly, so he would take the time to "do everything I can." We were touched by this man's openness to Fa.
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A thoughtful reporter in Grand Forks | Righteous thoughts make a difference |
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Hongfa in Grand Forks | Donating material to Castlegar library |
During dinner, a kind-hearted man seemed to find his answers to his suffering in life when he asked us about Falun Dafa. He was immediately thinking about who he could share the video with, and who he could help. This man was obviously enduring a difficult situation and was working long hours, but his heart was good, and this evening he received a precious gift. A local practitioner will assist him to learn the exercises.
Day 27
Thursday, September 6
Penticton, BC, Canada
A group of ladies were already waiting to learn the exercises when we arrived at the band shell at 8:30 in the morning. Despite the chill, everyone endured a little, and learned all five exercises. We also met with the reporter from the Penticton Herald.
Kelowna, BC, Canada
On this day a local practitioner arrived ahead of us to meet the media, in the instant before they left the site. The Fa would not allow any evil arrangement from interfering with our peaceful appeal on this day. We quickly arrived to conduct an interview and perform the exercise demonstration, before the next reporters arrived.
Vernon, BC, Canada
Two radio stations had reported on our Cross-Canada tour in the Vernon area. This was quite positive. Again we met with two news reporters. There were also a few people who spent nearly the entire time talking or observing us during our event. We were happy to do everything we could to assist the local practitioners in Vernon, and we will continue to send righteous thoughts to this group.
Day 28
Saturday, September 8
Merritt, BC, Canada
A beautiful morning at Vougt Park. We phoned all the media we could find to let them know why were visiting their town, but only connected with one radio station. They reported on our story. While at the park, one car stopped to find out why one practitioner was sitting by this truck. They were extremely supportive when they learned about Falun Dafa, and this made our morning so worthwhile.
Chilliwack, BC, Canada
We continued to phone all the media, but we will have to follow up on Monday. We could do nothing but return home to our family of fellow practitioners. We will share our lessons and enlightenment tomorrow at group study. We feel so positive that Canada has been so touched by the heart of Falun Dafa. Our appeals have been recognized by thousands of Canadians, and one day soon the Fa will be rectified in heaven and on earth, and all these beings will enjoy a wonderful future for the good thoughts they have had.
All content published on this website is copyrighted by Minghui will produce compilations of its online content regularly and on special occasions.
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media