- [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] People From the Hometown of the Alleged Self-immolators Speak Out, "We Know It Was Staged by Jiang, the Murderer. "
- [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Southern Suburb Prison Guards Ruthlessly Torture Practitioner Pan Yuzi
- [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Local Officials Arrest Practitioners In the Name of Searching for Falun Gong Materials
- [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Police Receive Orders to Arrest More Practitioners
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Local Officials to Set Up Brainwashing Classes Soon
- [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp Officials Torture Practitioner Zhu E
- [Changchun, Jilin Province] Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp Extorts Money From Practitioners' Families
- [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] The Local 610 Office Persecutes Dafa Practitioners Who Had Been Forced To Live Away From Home
- [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] A Labor Camp Guard Meets with Due Retribution
- [China] Inmates' Family Members, "None of Them Are against Falun Gong!"
- [Tianjin] Strong Winds Uproot Decades-Old Trees, Warning the Local People
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] The Evil Deeds of Yi Zhiyong
1. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] People From the Hometown of the Alleged Self-immolators Speak Out, "We Know It Was Staged by Jiang, the Murderer. "
Some practitioners came to Kaifeng City to distribute truth-clarifying materials and pictures of "the self-immolation event." After reading the materials, some kind-hearted people said, "We know that it was staged by Jiang, the murderer. He is so cruel. Good is rewarded with good and evil is met with evil. He will meet his retribution."
2. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Southern Suburb Prison Guards Ruthlessly Torture Practitioner Pan Yuzi
When I saw Pan Yuzi in the Southern Suburb Prison in Yantai City, she was just brought in by the police and was covered with cuts and bruises. The policemen burned her face three times with cigarette butts, leaving marks each time. The next day, the police interrogated her twice, each time using two electric batons to shock her at the same time. Pan Yuzi was tortured until she was on the verge of death. Her eyes were swollen shut, and her mouth was swollen to the point where eating was impossible. Her face was so distorted that the inmates couldn't bear seeing it and condemned the evil conduct of the policemen. Pan Yuzi declared that she would never give up practicing Falun Dafa, and the police did not know what to do with her. They sent her to the Wangcun Labor Camp on June 28, 2001. What happened to her afterwards is unknown.
3. [Mengyin County, Shandong Province] Local Officials Arrest Practitioners In the Name of Searching for Falun Gong Materials
On June 20, 2001, the Taoqu Township officials in Mengyin County, ordered the arrest of fourteen practitioners in the name of searching for Falun Gong materials. The next day, they arrested another four practitioners. On the night of June 21, they wildly beat and cursed the arrested practitioners. At least four practitioners are known to have been beaten up to the point where they cannot walk. The town government officials fined the practitioners 300 Yuan (note: the average income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.) for each of Teacher's articles that they found at a practitioner's place.
More cases of persecution:
Shi Yunxin was extorted 12,000 Yuan.
Wang Guangjian's brother had to pay 1,200 Yuan to buy back his confiscated television and furniture.
Gong Piyue's mother (in her 70's) was extorted 300 Yuan.
Sun Shilan was extorted 600 Yuan.
Shi Yunting was extorted 2,000 Yuan and then arrested. He is still currently being held in the detention center.
After this wave of arrests, at least eleven practitioners in Taoqu Township have been forced to leave their homes. Wang Fubao, Gong Piyue, and Shi Yunting are being sought by the police department.
The same thing is happening in Liancheng Village and Tanfu Township. Officials in these areas have arrested practitioners for no reason or in the name of searching for Falun Gong materials.
4. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Police Receive Orders to Arrest Some More Practitioners
The local police recently received another set of orders from "higher authorities" to arrest more practitioners. We learned that Man Chunmei and Sui Shuqing in Zhigang District were taken from their homes by force on August 28 by policeman Zhao Zhiyi (whose evil deeds have been exposed on Clearwisdom.net many times), Wang Fuli, and Zhang Minghui of the Zhigang District Police Station. Another practitioner with the surname of Song was also arrested.
5. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Local Officials to Set Up Brainwashing Classes Soon
In the last few days, the staff members in the residential committees have been visiting practitioners, forcing each of them to sign a promise to give up practicing Falun Gong. They told those who refused to sign that they will be taken to brainwashing classes by force. The time and place of those classes are to be arranged.
In Longtan District, such a class will be held at the Jinzhu Retirement Home from Sep. 5 to Oct. 5. The practitioners sent to the class have to pay 500 Yuan each. (note: the average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.)
More and more practitioners who once went astray have come back to the right path of the Fa-rectification, and the evil forces are full of hatred and fear. In the August issue of a local magazine, one article claimed that 80% of Falun Dafa practitioners have given up practicing. However, a local policeman said that in his district, only one practitioner has given up, while the rest of the practitioners are still practicing.
6. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp Officials Torture Practitioner Zhu E
In order to let the government know the truth of Falun Dafa, practitioner Zhu E from Jilin City has gone to appeal in Beijing several times since July 20, 1999, when the government first banned Falun Gong. She was arrested in Beijing in October 1999. Her heels were black and bleeding from wearing shackles. She was taken from Beijing and detained in Beishan Detention Center in Jilin City for over 40 days. Later Zhu E went to Beijing again and was detained for 15 days.
On the Lantern Festival Day of 2000, she was arrested again and sentenced to one year in the Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp. Currently she is being held 6 months past her original sentence, yet she is still being detained. Because she refuses to give up practicing, the guards do not allow her family to visit her.
Her righteous mind greatly encourages practitioners inside and outside the labor camp to continue assisting Teacher in the Fa-rectification and clarifying the truth to people.
7. [Changchun, Jilin Province] Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp Extorts Money From Practitioners' Families
Heizuizi Women's Labor Camp in Changchun is not only torturing female practitioners in various cruel ways, they are at the same time extorting money from practitioners' families, asking for large amounts from those who want to visit their loved ones. If the visitors do not give the guards enough money, usually several thousand Yuan, then they are not allowed to see their loved ones. Moreover, the guards routinely direct inmates to beat practitioners to apply pressure to their family members to pay.
Persecuting practitioners has become a big source of income for government officials and policemen. For each practitioner arrested for appealing in Beijing or posting truth-clarifying materials, the arresting officer gets a bonus. In many places, the money has motivated a lot of plainclothes policemen to lie in wait at night for practitioners and arrest them.
8. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] The Local 610 Office Persecutes Dafa Practitioners Who Had Been Forced To Live Away From Home
Recently the local 610 Office has escalated the persecution of Dafa practitioners who had been forced to live away from home. For example, Lingyun Factory officials have laid off those who house practitioners and threatened the relatives of Dafa practitioners who have been forced to live away from home.
9. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] A Labor Camp Guard Meets with Due Retribution
Guard Guo Yong, a team leader of the Shenxin Labor Camp, often defames Dafa and Master, and tortures Dafa disciples. He has repeatedly demanded money from family members of practitioners under the pretense of medical expenses. He does not allow them to visit unless he is paid off first. Even though some practitioners have been tortured so severely that they have become bed-ridden, he still tries everything possible to brainwash them into give up cultivation.
However, Guo Yong has met his retribution. He suddenly contracted a "strange disease". When it happens the pain around his navel is so severe that he perspires all over his face and becomes very pale.
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10. [China] Inmates' Family Members, "None of Them Are against Falun Gong!"
A fellow Dafa practitioner's friend went to prison one morning to visit her husband, who was incarcerated for financial crimes. When she came back in the evening, she told her family and guests excitedly, "None of them (the inmates) are against Falun Gong! They all say openly that Falun Gong practitioners are good people. They are by no means ordinary! They would rather die than relinquish their faith. Everybody admires them! Don't be intimidated, Jiang Zemin's days are numbered. Just wait and see!"
11. [Tianjin] Strong Winds Uproot Decades-Old Trees, Warning the Local People
Strong winds gusted one night over a month ago in Tianjin, smashing quite a few windows of suburban homes and making walking on the street impossible. A number of trees that were several decades old were uprooted and left lying in the streets with leaves and branches strewn about. Local residents said that they have lived there dozens of years and have never experienced such high winds.
12. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] The Evil Deeds of Yi Zhiyong
Since the inception of the 610 office, principal perpetrator Yi Zhiyong has signed all the documents used to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners. In front of Dafa practitioners and family members, however, he always shows a hypocritically compassionate face.
Please see his wickedness clearly and send righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil that controls him.
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