I would like to tell you this story. I have an old friend, and she is about my age-- 58 years old. Last year, she felt very sick, and I told her to try the practice of Falun Gong. She tried it once and claimed that the 'holding wheel' exercise was so hard. But after that one day of practice, the hospital told her it discovered there was nothing wrong inside her, despite the fact that she had gone to the emergency room for urgent treatment before that. So the pain was gone and she forgot all about the practice. Later, she went on vacation at a remote mountain and had an accident, falling from a very high place. As she told me later on, she thought it was over for her, but there was a very exceptional circumstance which rescued her. A few weeks later, she was in a car accident with her family, but everyone was all right, although the car was completely smashed. Yesterday, we came in contact again and had the opportunity to speak about Falun Dafa. After a while, she told me , "I see your Master now while speaking with you; he wears a golden robe and is even smiling. I see Him in my head, maybe because I looked too much at his image on the Internet." I asked her, "How is Teacher's hair?" She told me, "Normal, black hair." "My dear friend, I think it is time for you to resume your cultivation practice." I cheerfully told her this and was very happy for her.
This story tells me something very important: Our Master is so benevolent that he takes care of everyone who has once encountered Falun Dafa! Because of my "humanness," I used to restrain myself from offering Master's salvation to all sentient beings. I am very ashamed of myself. Shouldn't we know that those beings might have been saved because of our Master's inconceivable compassion -- the ones who took our flyers as they hurriedly passed in front of us, who looked at our exercise demonstrations even for minute or accidentally heard the Dafa music from far away on their road, who glanced at our Falun Dafa posters once somewhere in the town, who read 'Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance' once on our T-shirts, .... ? Master said: "One person cultivates, the whole family benefits." [Exposition] Very soon "new life" will appear in the new cosmos and everyone in every dimension will live happily after that in the Buddha law. Shouldn't we cherish every opportunity to offer Dafa to every person we are in contact with every day so that they have the chance to be saved into the new, brilliant environment?
Thank You, Master, for teaching me this great story of your infinite benevolence.
September 7th, 2001
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Category: Standing Up for Falun Dafa