29 July-4 Aug
I never knew an Icelander before. But this spring I started to "bump into" Icelanders wherever I went-- Switzerland, Denmark, and England etc. I finally came to realize that I should go to validate the Fa, clarify the truth and hongfa in Iceland, since there are no known practitioners there. Several Icelanders said the same thing: " ...for several reasons there are just two weeks to go to Iceland, the two last weeks of July." These were the same two weeks practitioners went to Washington DC.
I was given many comments questioning my decision to go to Iceland, such as "They are so few, why spend time on Icelanders?" or "Why go to Iceland, when you can go and see Master?" etc. The more comments I received the more determined I became to go to Iceland. My answers to their questions enhanced my determination. We are running short of time now but these people never had the opportunity to even hear about the Fa. How could I not be compassionate enough to give them a chance to position themselves as well as give them a chance to establish their connection for the future? This was not only necessary but also acute, something that had to be done for the future of the country. Thanks to the criticism I received, my determination was now solid and my heart clear.
After my determination and heart had settled like rock that nothing could move, I was given glimpses beyond my own abilities. (I normally don't see scenes in other dimensions). I saw that everything was already settled in another dimension, crystal clear. The only thing I had to do was to follow naturally, to help the reality manifest itself in the human world too. What I saw helped me understand to an even deeper extent that it wasn't really me going to Iceland. It was actually Dafa going to Iceland, and with a clear mind and a pure heart I should let Dafa do the work. Thanks to this I never worried about the fact that it was just one young lady practitioner (myself) going to Iceland for two weeks. With nothing but Dafa in my heart I should be able to assist Master in Iceland.
(Later on I heard that three practitioners would stop by Iceland and help me for two days on their way back from Washington to Europe.)
One proof that this was all pre arranged is that within hours after my arrival in Iceland, without doing anything myself, I was being interviewed by the TV-news. This gave me an opportunity to clarify the truth in many respects and to launch the SOS urgent appeal in Iceland on the 22nd of July!
In the first week, 22-29th of July various connections were established, translation work was done, and posters and fliers were produced. There were also interviews with TV and newspapers. At the same time, of course, classes and courses were held for people to learn the exercises. (More about this in Iceland Part1)
Sun 29th of July: After the three additional Scandinavian practitioners left Iceland having made their two night stop-over, I fell into a human state that lasted for a few hours. I wished they could have stayed longer, and wished they had not gone. I even had interference that made me say to an Icelander, "Maybe I should go around and take the posters down? What if there are too many people on Tuesday and I cannot handle that many?" (All introductory courses had been announced on TV, in newspapers and on posters across town. And on Tuesday a new introductory course started.) The Icelander who had been introduced to Falun Gong six days ago gave me a stern look and said: "What on earth makes you suggest such a thing? You have been doing so well since you came here one week ago. What makes you think, that all of a sudden you don't have the same capacity?" Upon hearing this I instantly realized that I had left loopholes for the demons. I am a particle of Dafa, what is there that I cannot do?" I thanked him for pointing it out to me, eliminated the demons both internally and externally and went home to read.
Mon 30th of July: Four people came to practice with me at 06.30 in the morning and 18 people came at 18.00. Many expressed their gratitude and you could see that they had already realized the preciousness of Dafa. My heart expanded with compassion, and in my heart I thanked Master for giving these people a chance; being a small population or not, Icelanders are different from others. They can see, accept and understand things that people in the human society usually cannot. Furthermore they can accept things they neither see nor understand, the intangible. This is in their tradition.
Tue 31st of July: We practiced in the morning as usual, and in the evening the new introductory course began. 49 new people came. I was the only assistant. I could not believe how well they performed the exercises. During the entire session (3 hours), I only had to correct 3 or 4 times. So the vast majority did it perfectly already from the beginning, even the "turning Falun" at the end of the third exercise, and "rotate the ball" in exercise 4 were perfect. It was obvious that they, and I, were given an enormous amount of "invisible" assistance, and the energy field was very strong. Newcomers could see light and colors. This successful evening showed the great power of Dafa.
1st of Aug and onwards: Due to the Icelanders showing such a great interest, a new practice time was introduced. So from now on we met in the park 06.00, 09.00, and 18.00, to make the groups smaller and give each beginner a chance to get assistance and ask questions. The majority from the class yesterday kept coming. Some of them came to two classes each day. On the 1st of September 41 people came for the three classes all together. Due to the great interest the Icelanders showed, I had less time to call media etc, so from now on the media started to chase me instead, for interviews about Falun Gong.
Sometimes we practitioners want to prepare a lot and do extensive planning. Sometimes this planning and preparation consumes a lot of time, and in the end, on location, the situation often times demands that we leave the plan and do it differently anyway.
There was never time for much planning or preparations in Iceland, because the decision to go was made with very short notice. My experiences in Iceland however, have given me an even more solid trust in the fact that if we only study the Fa well and keep a pure heart, everything else will follow, naturally and successfully.
Please note that the achievements in Iceland cannot be credited to me. It was actually already done in the higher realms. All I had to do was to go there to help the reality manifest it self, by taking the opportunities I was given from the arrangements and from the numerous beings who wanted to position themselves.
I thank Master for the magnificent gift we have all been given: This precious opportunity, in this precious period of time.
Immeasurable amounts of gratitude
A European practitioner
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Category: Journeys of Cultivation