(Clearwisdom.net) The terrorist attack on New York and Washington DC triggered unanimous condemnation of terrorism from across the entire Norwegian society.
On the next day, a practitioner suggested that we should go out to reach people at this special time, to bring them the message of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. This suggestion was welcomed by all. We started the preparation work right away.
On Thursday afternoon, holding high a banner that proclaimed "The World Needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," practitioners arrived in front of the Parliament House, where a permit was acquired in advance.
Some of us practiced the exercises and some introduced Dafa (Great Law) to the passers-by. Many responded: "Today's society really does need Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance!" A moving little story also happened there. A teenage girl (around 16 -17) walked passed the Parliament House, and one practitioner handed her a Dafa introduction pamphlet. A little while later she returned, holding a fresh red rose in her hand. She gave the rose to the practitioner who had handed her Dafa material. With a little shyness, she calmly said to the practitioner, "I feel really good here where you are!" The practitioner, whose eyes were wet, felt so happy for her and was touched by her beautiful heart. Just like this, one more kind-hearted person had established her predestined relationship with Dafa.
Though it was raining, not a single Dafa pamphlet was left at the end of the day.
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Category: April 25 Events