(Clearwisdon.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Xia (psuedonym to avoid further persecution) of Qinghua University was forced to leave her home. She had to leave in order to escape forced attendance of a brainwashing class. On the afternoon of June 30, Xia was illegally detained at Guanzhunag Police Substation in Chaoyang district. A fellow practitioner, Wu Lanlan, was also illegally detained there.
In the Detention Center, Xia refused to reveal her name in order to avoid further persecution. For every question asked of her, she answered with "I don't want to say" or "I am not willing to say". This left the policemen no opportunity to attack Dafa. Since the policemen could not find any excuse to persecute her, they continued to detain her for not telling her name. She was finally released on bail because of high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and a heart murmur. Her pager, cell phone, and over RMB10, 000 Yuan cash that were confiscated from her were not returned .
This practitioner has been fired from her job because she will not renounce Falun Dafa. Public security officers have confiscated all the money given to her by relatives and friends. After returning home, the Residential Committee came to "inquire". She was forced to leave home again in order to avoid further persecution. She is staying in an abandoned place.
Practitioner Wu Lanlan was illegally arrested. Wu is now illegally locked up in the Beijing Major Cases Detention Center in the Seventh Section of Beijing Public Security Bureau. Practitioner Liu Zhimei, an undergraduate student of Qinghua University, who was formally locked up in Fengtai Detention Center, was transferred and is probably locked up in the Seventh Section as well.
A Ph.D. student of Qinghua University, Yu Ping, has been illegally sentenced to four years of imprisonment for practicing Falun Dafa. He has lodged an appeal.
Practitioners Zhu Ying, Zhu Baolian from Chaoyang district, and Hu Haihua from Jiangxi province had been arrested for mailing Dafa materials last December. They have been sentenced to between four and six years of imprisonment. They have all lodged their appeals.
The above-mentioned practitioners are very determined in cultivating Dafa. Let's use our righteous thoughts to eradicate the evil, work more diligently in the Fa-rectification process, and help to free them from persecution.
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