The Voice of Justice
In Cities like Nottingham and Grantham, many non-government organizations support Falun Gong. Many people signed their names on the petition letter. More and more non-government organizations and associations show their support of Falun Gong in various ways. The deception perpetrated by Jiang Zemin's regime is coming to a dead end overseas.
Breaking Through the Information Blockade, Clarifying the Truth, and Offering People Salvation
A practitioner was invited to a wedding. The practitioner went one day early and on the day before the wedding, the practitioner used her personal experiences to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to her relatives and friends. The relatives and friends all agreed: "Your Dafa will surely rectify the world." Upon listening to the truth, the whole family of the practitioner's sister-in-law was very excited and wanted to practice Falun Gong. Another relative who had late-phase cancer said in regret after listening to the truth, "Oh, it is too late for me [to cultivate]." The practitioner realized deeply that everyone was waiting for Dafa. Clarifying the truth to the relatives and friends face to face had very good results.
The truth-clarifying Video-CDs have great power. A practitioner's angry neighbor said one day, "The rampant Falun Gong practitioners gave me a flier and two Video-CDs." The practitioner said, "We know little about many things, you can take a look at the content of the Video-CDs." After watching the Video-CDs carefully, the neighbor said, "There are so many Falun Gong practitioners outside China, why there is no self-immolation and suicide overseas? Jiang Zemin is really a political hoodlum!" The neighbor changed completely after watching the truth-clarifying Video-CDs.
How a village official was saved. A village official came to my house to watch me. After reading the truth-clarifying card I gave him, the official said, "I don't know if I am saving you, or you are saving me." [Note: the official's purpose to watch the practitioner was to prevent the practitioner from appealing thus "saving" the practitioner from the persecution.] When he was ready to leave, he asked me to hide the Falun Gong materials well, since there would be people coming to search for them. In 30 minutes, another person was saved.
Latest News From China - 01/10/2002
Today, 197 people published solemn declarations, claiming all their past words and actions that did not conform to Dafa are completely void. They will walk on the path of Fa-rectification with determination, cherish the solemnity and sacredness of Fa-rectification cultivation, and (they) won't let down Master Buddha's benevolent salvation. They will cultivate into altruistic and selfless, great-enlightened beings, bring fully into play the effect of Dafa particles and become dignified and indestructible Dafa practitioners.
The dark inside story of the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City: the guard encouraged a prisoner to violently hit my face over 20 times until my head spun and I could see nothing but darkness [temporary loss of sight]. Some prisoners beat practitioners with wooden planks until the practitioners couldn't move. Guard Wang Tao brutally beat practitioner Chang Shuai, and when Wang's hands and feet began hurting from the beating, he then shocked Chang with an electric baton. When he was tired of beating, he ordered the prisoners to help him beat Chang Shuai.
Right now, vicious policemen in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province are relentlessly torturing practitioners. They kidnap practitioners during the night by breaking into their homes. The thugs at the Anshun Police Station brutally tortured practitioners by cuffing their hands to iron rings so their feet are off the ground. A malicious policeman said while beating a practitioner, "I'd be more than glad to stab you all to death with bayonets."
Solemn warning to Wang Yenwei, director of the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City: you worked as a roughneck for Jiang Zemin's criminal group's persecution of Dafa practitioners, and your hands are full of practitioners' blood. Practitioner Jin Junjie was tortured to death by you, and others were injured or even disabled due to your torture. Unless you change your evil nature and make up for the suffering you have caused others, you will pay back the boundless karma you owe to Dafa in endless pain in hell.
Dafa practitioner Yu Zhanchun from Changchun (Jilin Province) went to Beijing to appeal in March 2000, and he was arrested and sent to the Weizigou Forced Labor Camp. In the labor camp, perpetrators used hardwood bats to beat Yu Zhanchun. In July 2000, Yu was transferred to the Fenjin Forced Labor Camp, where he was brutally tortured resulting in a long deep depression left on his back from the abuse. In May 2001, Yu was next transferred to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, where director Wang incited inmates to severely beat him. Yu's face was disfigured from the beatings, and he lost his hearing.
Officials from Liaoning Province closely follow Jiang Zemin in the persecution against Falun Gong: they illegally detain and torture Dafa practitioners in forced labor camps. Their deeds have caused natural disasters: a coal mine in Dandong City exploded and killed 8 people; the gas pipe in Shahekou, Dalian City leaked, poisoning 16 people and killing 2; a truck over-loaded with methanol exploded and caught fire near Huludao City on a freeway.
Jiang Zemin's regime persecutes benevolent people and brings disasters to people and the country. On New Year's Day, the boiler of a public bathhouse in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province exploded killing 6 and injuring many. In Gansu Province, a boat turned over in Linxia County, killing 11 people. On January 6, the boiler of a public bathhouse in Taixing City, Jiangsu Province exploded killing 1 person and injuring 4 people. In Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, there were 16 fires reported in a single day. In Guangxi Province, a forest fire destroyed over 300 acres of forest.
Falun Dafa Overseas
After learning that the Chinese Embassy in Belgium will hold an exhibition to defame Dafa inside the Embassy on January 8, practitioners there immediately contacted the government and media and clarified the truth to people. On the night of January 8, the practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together near the Chinese Embassy. People coming out of the Embassy all liked to take the truth-clarifying materials, and they asked about the real story of Falun Gong.
When Dafa practitioners in Hiroshima, Japan finished their Hongfa (introducing Dafa to the public) activities during the New Year's Holiday, one of them found there was some handwriting on one finger of his right hand. It turned out it was "Hiroshima OK" written in a reverse manner. All the practitioners were very inspired and they enlightened to the fact that they should be more diligent in cultivating Dafa.
Cultivation Stories
I was arrested while clarifying the truth in early November 2001. After I was illegally detained for over 30 days, I walked out of the detention center in a dignified manner. I understand that only when a cultivator has righteous belief, righteous enlightenment and righteous thoughts can he have righteous action. Any thought of ours should be grounded in the Fa. When we encounter unexpected things, our spontaneous thoughts will determine the outcome.
Female Dafa practitioner Jiang Zhen was the former director of a policy research office in a certain city of Sichuan Province. She started to practice Falun Gong in 1997. In the past two years, she had been clarifying the truth with righteous thoughts.
Cultivation is very serious. We should step out of humanness and view everything from the perspective of the Fa. Last year I was illegally jailed in a detention center. I completely opposed the arrangements by the evil. However, on the eighth day of my hunger strike, I loosened my guard and thought karma then came to interfere. So I strengthened my main consciousness and kept sending forth righteous thoughts. Finally I eradicated the warped notions and interference.
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