- [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners On Hunger Strike at Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp To Protest Torture
- [Sanshi City, Jilin Province]
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners On Hunger Strike at Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp To Protest Torture
Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp organized a so-called "violence prevention" team for the express purpose of persecuting Dafa practitioners. Actually, it should be called a "violence promotion" team. According to inside sources, this team employs various methods of torture, all of which are extremely vicious. They have established a brainwashing center where they plan to assemble all detained male practitioners from throughout Jilin Province. On December 24, over 80 male practitioners who were being detained in labor camps in Songyuan, Liaoyuan, Tonghua, Baicheng, Nongan and Jiutai, were transferred to Changchun Chaoyanggou Labor Camp, where all of them suffered savage torture. Cell 1 and Cell 2 are the worst places, where guards beat Dafa practitioners with bamboo sticks 30 cm long, 1.5 cm wide and 2 cm thick. Many practitioners were beaten to the verge of death. Guards would beat practitioners if they made even the slightest noise when sleeping. They prohibit practitioners from speaking, enforced with two criminals monitoring one practitioner. Most of the detained practitioners are charged with false accusations. In order to protest the illegal detention and torture, Dafa practitioners in Chaoyanggou Labor Camp began a collective hunger strike on New Year's Day and called for their immediate and unconditional release. People from all walks of life are urged to please pay attention to this issue and to support the Dafa practitioners.
[Sanshi City, Jilin Province] Sanshi Court System Holds a Show Trial of Dafa Practitioners
As part of the relentless persecution of Falun Gong, on December 28 the Jilin Provincial Supreme Court held a so-called "public trial" of Dafa practitioners in three separate cities: Jilin, Shulan and Yanji. Ten practitioners were sentenced to prison terms ranging from 4 to 10 years. Illegally sentenced Dafa practitioners and their sentences: Pan Zhaorui, 10 years; Qiao Hui, 5 years; Zhao Tao, 7 years; Wang Hongliang, 5 years; Yuan Junfeng, Li Heju, Cheng Lei, Qu Hongxiang and Meng Fantie, 4 years; Li Xiyou, 5 years.
[China] Police To Escalate Persecution Before the New Year Festival
According to inside sources, police departments all over the country were given an order calling for a new cycle of persecution against Falun Gong to begin before the New Year. In order to prevent Falun Gong practitioners all over the country from going to Beijing [to appeal for Falun Gong and protest the persecution], there will be police checkpoints at various main transport sites, as well as heightening of surveillance of known Dafa practitioners at their homes. The police are also initiating a large-scale campaign to search for and round up homeless practitioners who had been forced to move from place to place. Practitioners everywhere please be alert and send forth righteous thoughts more frequently to wipe out the evil. May we each take our steps firmly in the Fa rectification.
[Ningxia Province] Congratulations on "Changchun Falun Dafa Day"
We are very pleased to hear that December 22, 2001 (the first day of winter on the lunar calendar) has been declared "Changchun Falun Dafa Day". Warmest congratulations from practitioners in Ningxia Province!
[Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] The Police Arrest Practitioners and Ransack Their Homes
At the end of December 2001, truth-clarifying literature was sent to many people, and more and more lives were saved. In response, the Political Security Section of Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province launched another mass ransacking of practitioners' homes. The police lied in ambush near practitioners' homes in an attempt to arrest the practitioners who sent the truth-clarifying literature. They also interrogated and checked IDs at the entrance of the buildings. The police even broke into practitioners' homes. They pried open the door of Zhang Yutang's home, smashed the window panel, and turned his home upside down. They also arrested Zhang's wife, a non-practitioner. His wife is still being held in the detention center. The officials from Jidong County Police Department also illegally took away Yang Xiaoguang's mother, Bai Jinglan, who is over 60 years old, and his son Yang Ce. Their whereabouts are unknown.
[Fusong County, Jilin Province] Party Secretary Attempts to Frame Falun Gong
A person from Fusong County, Jilin Province went to clear up some bureaucratic problems left over from the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The county officials didn't resolve the problems even after stalling for a long time. In a moment of anger and frustration, this person, whose last name is Han, jumped out of a third-floor window of the County Committee Building and died on the spot. According to sources close to the matter, the County Committee Secretary blamed Falun Gong when reporting this case to superiors. He gave Han's family members 10,000 Yuan, so that the matter would not be publicized. The Secretary was able to maintain his official post.
This case was handled by the Vice County Committee Secretary Li Shuyan.
[Deyang, Sichuan Province] Lawless Officials Spread Rumors to Slander Falun Gong
On December 29, the work units in each city and county in the Deyang area participated in a conference on security during New Year's Day and Spring Festival. Aside from routine security topics, the conference put emphasis on arranging surveillance of Falun Gong practitioners. Each work unit was required to strictly prevent Falun Gong practitioners from distributing flyers or going to Beijing to appeal. Sichuan Province officials demanded that no practitioner goes to appeal during the two holidays and the two conferences to be held in Beijing.
In addition, a contemptible rumor was spread during the conference that the U.S. government paid Falun Gong 100 million US dollars every year, to be used as the budget with an intention to disrupt the Chinese Communist Party. This rumor was spread level by level to each area. The Jiang Zemin regime is trying everything, so a new round of slandering Falun Gong started. However, no matter how furious the evil is, it's lingering on in a steadily worsening condition. We'll be more rational, wiser and more steadfast to eradicate the evil elements.
Li Boqing spread a lot of stories that he fabricated in order to slander Dafa, the Teacher and Dafa practitioners. He has exerted a very bad influence in Sichuan.
[Deyang, Sichuan Province] The Recent Situation of Persecution of Local Practitioners
1. Xia Pinhua is a steadfast Dafa practitioner in Shifang City. The authorities sentenced him to 2.5 years of forced labor, but he was not sent to forced labor camp due to some special circumstances. One day in late December, the police suspected that Xia Pinhua posted Dafa truth-clarifying literature, so they intended to send him to the forced labor camp. The practitioner jumped out of the fourth floor window of his bedroom. Right in front of the police, he crossed over three walls and succeeded in escaping. A policeman shouted," Old Xia has reached Consummation!" This practitioner has left home to avoid arrest and torture.
2. Zen Xiaocheng, a Dafa practitioner from Luoshui County, Shifang City, was illegally sent by the authorities to Xinhua Forced Labor Camp in Mianyang, Sichuan Province in 2000 simply because he persisted in cultivating Falun Dafa. Recently, he was released from the forced labor camp due to his physical condition. This practitioner weighed only 80 jin (about 88 pounds) when he went back home. After regaining his freedom, he has gradually recovered. Zeng's wife is still being illegally detained in the Nanmusi Female Forced Labor Camp for cultivating Dafa.
3. The holidays are approaching. The authorities in the Deyang Area launched a new round of action. They went to practitioners' homes and work units, and pretended to "chat" with the practitioner by assuming a hypocritical face. It's so ridiculous that they even didn't dare to tell these practitioners their identity. When it didn't work, they immediately started threatening the practitioners.
[City of Pengzhou, Sichuan Province] Corrupt Police Abduct Falun Dafa Practitioners
Recently, some corrupt officials in the city of Pengzhou have started to illegally detain some Falun Dafa practitioners in order to meet the requirement handed down by Sichuan Province officials that nobody be allowed go to appeal for Falun Gong. To avoid this illegal arrest, some practitioners were forced to leave their homes . Nevertheless, the practitioners are very steadfast and optimistic, as they are still doing work for Fa-rectification.
[City of Wuhan, Hubei Province] After Being Released From a Forced Labor Camp, Falun Dafa Practitioner Is Abducted Again and Sent to a Brainwashing Center
On November 28, 2001, Falun Dafa practitioner Yang Chen from the Wuchang District of the city of Wuhan was released from the Hewan Forced Labor Camp; however, the local police station had no intention of releasing him. On the following day, they abducted him and sent him to the district's notorious brainwashing center. He still has not been released yet. His family members were forced to pay 900 Yuan every month. Although the stated purpose of the fee was to pay for the detention, it was actually just plain extortion. As a matter of fact, the food in the brainwashing center was barely edible, yet the guards themselves had good food and drink although they publicly claimed that they ate the same food as the prisoners. Some practitioners were not even allowed to go back to work after their release. If they refused to write the so-called guarantee letter, they would be sent to the brainwashing center. Thus they were forced to leave home to avoid illegal arrest and torture.
[City of Shanghai] Police Ransack Practitioner's Home
In July 2001, three police officers in Shanghai, guided by an official from the neighborhood administration office, came to arrest a Falun Dafa practitioner at around 11:00 p.m. Because the practitioner refused to open his door, the policemen broke into his home through a neighbor's window on the sixth floor and took the practitioner away. After they arrested him, they pulled out a "search certificate," and threatened the practitioner's family members who were not familiar with the law. They ransacked the practitioner's home thoroughly and even went through his bank deposit book. They confiscated all the Falun Dafa books and a computer. The police then took the family members away and interrogated them on whether they had seen the practitioner practicing the exercises. When they answered "yes", the police accused them of having covered up for the practitioner by not reporting him. They made the family members prove that they were not practitioners themselves, and they also wanted to see their work unit officials. The police were not even lenient on the family members who did not practice and implicated them at will. The practitioner's family members were not released until daybreak.
[Chicheng County, Hebei Province] Police Abduct and Brainwash Falun Dafa Practitioners
On the night of December 26, 2001, Wang Yushuang, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Chicheng County in the city of Zhangjiakou, Wang Bin (alias), a practitioner from the city of Zhuozhou of Hebei Province and practitioner Wang Yunfei (alias) were turned in by informants. They were subsequently arrested and detained in the Laoshan Police Station in the Shijingshan District. On December 30, Wang Yunfei escaped.
[City of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] The Facts of the Local Persecution
Since July 22, 1999, the lawless officials in the Liwan District of Guangzhou have indiscriminately trampled upon human rights and the Chinese Constitution. They have abducted, detained and sent Falun Dafa practitioners to forced labor camps.
1. According to incomplete reports, at present, Falun Gong practitioners who have been illegally sent to forced labor camps are Zhou Mintong, Chen Yi, Yan Haiyu, Zhuo Yue and Lao Jianduo.
2. The illegally detained practitioners are Xu Ming, Mo Shaoying, Gao Qianmin, Chen Hongchun, Zeng Xingyang, Huang Muzhen, Shi Huifeng and several others.
3. About 70 practitioners have been illegally abducted and sent to be brainwashed .
Currently, there are still many practitioners who are being persecuted. As a way of not cooperating with the evil forces, some practitioners have left their homes . Some families have been broken apart in this way, and many practitioners have endured great hardships in jail. We call on the international community to pay close attention to the severe human rights violations happening in China.
In related news, the former assistant head of this district was sentenced to prison for a financial crime. The head of this district was also involved and dismissed from his post. Their unscrupulous deeds have finally caught up to them.
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