[Clearwisdom.net, January 12, 2002] Today, Saturday, Jan. 12, the 3-day vigil in front of the Chinese consulate in New York entered its second day. Practitioners gathered starting at 10AM and stayed until a little past 9PM, sending forth righteous thoughts every hour.

Practitioners Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts
By 3:30PM there was a very large crowd of practitioners gathered together. As I sat down at 3:45PM to prepare for sending forth righteous thoughts, I noticed there was something very different in the air...something had changed. The Chinese consulate sits on the far western side of Manhattan across the street from the Hudson River. Typically, it is terribly cold in front of the Chinese consulate and the winds blowing into Manhattan off the river are notoriously brutal, sometimes blowing so hard that it can almost knock people over. This afternoon, however, everything was very different. The air, although still a little cold as we are in the middle of winter, was somehow gentle, even soft. It did not bite into the skin as it usually does, but gently rested on your face. The winds blew very lightly...almost not at all. As I took my seat amongst the practitioners, a strong sense of solemnity, righteousness and tranquility filled the air. It was stronger than I had ever felt before in front of the consulate. At moments while preparing for sending forth righteous thoughts, I could feel as though sitting amongst great enlightened beings, all of us quiet, righteous and unmovable.
As it began to get dark, practitioners lit candles and lined them up along the street, where they flickered in the gentle winds.

Practitioners Hold Candlelight Vigil
Because the consulate sits on the corner of the West Side Highway and 42nd street, there is a lot of traffic driving by throughout the day and evening. As the cars would turn onto 42nd street and drive past our practitioners, every car would come to an almost complete stop as they leaned out their windows to see what was happening. Some even pulled over so they could stop and read our banners.
As Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification we must strive forward diligently, and not slack off for even a day. We must assist Master in the human world and, through our diligently studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts and clarifying the truth to the world's people, truly be worthy of being Dafa disciples. There is much work still to do, for the evil in the human world is still running rampant in many areas, and the effect of its poison still jeopardizes countless beings throughout the world, but today in front of the consulate in New York, I could see how the righteousness of Dafa disciples is truly suffocating the evil.
The righteousness of the gathering of Dafa disciples was truly magnificent.
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Category: April 25 Events