- [Xingtai City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Sentenced to Long Terms in Prison
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Trial of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Wuchang District Court Adjourns Abruptly
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Wuhan Railway Bureau's Conspiracy to Sabotage Falun Dafa Fails
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Urgent Appeal to Rescue Practitioner Zhou Meihua
- [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Sun Jixiang Arrested
- [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] The Message, "Falun Dafa is Good" Appears on a Policeman's Cellular Phone Screen
- [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Unidentified Drugs Fed to Practitioners on Hunger Strike at the Chongqing Female Detention Center
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] A Dafa Publishing Site is Destroyed in Wuchang District
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] More than Ten Practitioners Arrested in Xinzhou District
- [Dalian City, Liaoning] Suffocating the Evil in a Dalian Jail
- [Tianmen City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Gao Yan Persecuted in Yuxin Township
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Exposing A Vicious Policeman
1. [Xingtai City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Sentenced to Long Terms in Prison
On the afternoon of January 11, 2002, Qiaodong People's Court, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, illegally sentenced six Falun Dafa practitioners to long prison terms, ranging from 9 to 16 years. Among those sentenced were Gao Zhenzhuang (16 years), Wu Zengrui (15 years), Sun Shuqiang (15 years), Du Jianhong (female, 13 years), Sun Junxiu (12 years) and Chen Zhenquan (9 years).
2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Trial of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Wuchang District Court Adjourns Abruptly
On January 15, the Wuchang Court of Wuhan City, Hubei Province put five Falun Dafa practitioners who had been jailed for one year on trial.
Practitioners in Wuhan City sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil force behind the trial. In the courtroom, the practitioners on trial rebutted the accusations eloquently and demanded a declaration of innocence, and to be released. Hearing their fair request, the judges seemed dumbfounded and finally adjourned the session in confusion.
3. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Wuhan Railway Bureau's Conspiracy to Sabotage Falun Dafa Fails
In January 2002, Wuhan Subdivision of the Railway Bureau set up an anti-Falun Gong exhibition in Guangshui City, Hubei Province. In addition to forcing their employees to visit the exhibition, the security department also asked party secretary Xu Bingsheng and a female employee named Li Yulan (who had never practiced Falun Gong) to stage a TV interview. Li Yulan was asked to pretend to be a Dafa practitioner, and talk about how she was re-educated to give up practicing Falun Gong. Television reporters were sent from the TV Station of the Wuhan Rail Subdivision to the exhibition and they were ready to videotape the show. However, Li Yulan, with a fair sense of justice, refused to cooperate. She said, " I have never practiced Falun Gong. I don't want to fake it." Xu Bingsheng also declined, "It is nonsense to ask a visitor to fabricate this." The on-lookers burst out laughing, deeply embarrassing the reporters and the officers from the security department. Subsequently, the exhibition was closed earlier than expected. Meanwhile, Falun Dafa truth-clarifying literature was widely distributed in the nearby areas.
4. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Urgent Appeal to Rescue Practitioner Zhou Meihua
Zhou Meihua, 27, female, a resident of Dalian City, has been held at the Dalian Correction Center. Both her husband and her younger brother were forced to leave their homes and live on the street to avoid being illegally arrested, while her elder sister is not allowed to return from Japan because she practices Falun Gong. Her bed-ridden father and her 4-year old child have been left in her mother's care.
Recently, it has been discovered that Zhou Meihua's life is in danger due to mistreatment by the center authorities during her long hunger strike. Her mother was recently allowed to visit her, but was met with an unreasonable demand: "If you want to take Zhou home on bail for medical treatment, you have to pay for the medical costs during her hunger strikes too."
We appeal to kind-hearted people to seek justice. Allow Zhou Meihua's child to visit her to ease the exhausted grandmother's worry over the safety of Zhou Meihua and her siblings. Free Zhou Meihua soon, let her recover, and let justice reign.
5. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Sun Jixiang Arrested
On January 17, over twenty policemen broke into female practitioner Sun Jixiang's home and took her away. The police in Qingdao City usually send out many policemen to arrest just one practitioner, leaving no chance for practitioners to escape.
6. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] The Message, "Falun Dafa is Good" Appears on a Policeman's Cellular Phone Screen
On January 10, 2002, a practitioner named Su was taken by policemen from the No. 1 Police Department to a local detention center after his home had been ransacked. At the detention center, he was talking about the crimes against Falun Gong practitioners and clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to the police, when a policeman of the department finished his call and suddenly screamed and shouted, "Look, here is a message on my cell phone screen! It says, 'Falun Dafa is Good!'" Everybody heard him and saw the message.
7. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Unidentified Drugs Fed to Practitioners on Hunger Strike at the Chongqing Female Detention Center
About two weeks after I started a hunger strike during my detention in the Third Brigade, Chongqing Female Detention Center, in 2001, I drank some soymilk, given to me by Captain Xiao and I felt terrible afterwards. It felt like my stomach, lungs and abdomen were falling apart. I felt like throwing up all the time, and I realized that something had been added to the milk. Other practitioners who drank the same milk also felt sick; some even experienced blurred eyesight. I lost some of my memory and my mind felt numb. Later, Captain Zhang took me to a hospital for laboratory test. The results showed that I had blood in my urine, so he told my family to bail me out for medical treatment. A month after I had been bailed out I was as thin as a rail, and my mind was not clear at all. However, because I have been studying the Fa and practicing the exercises since then, my health is recovering gradually and my consciousness is starting to get clearer and clearer.
8. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] A Dafa Publishing Site is Destroyed in Wuchang District
On December 28, 2001, police illegally broke into practitioner Yuan Aimei's home and thoroughly searched it. They seized a photocopier and Dafa materials, and also illegally arrested four female practitioners, Peng Qingqing, Yuan Aimei, Yan Fuxiang, and Yao Yilian. Peng Qingqing's husband is also a practitioner and his case was posted on Clearwisdom.net, which resulted in her being stalked for many days. That day she did not realize she was being followed when she went to Yuan Aimei's home. Police got there 10 minutes after she arrived. Now, no one knows their whereabouts.
In the same district, practitioners Miss Wang Lezhen and Miss Huang of the Rail Sub-district were arrested on October 22, 2001 while they were posting some truth-clarifying fliers near a university. Both were sentenced to one year of forced labor "re-education," and they are now locked up in the Hewan Labor Camp.
9. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] More than Ten Practitioners Arrested in Xinzhou District
On December 28, 2001, police in Wuhan City conspired to arrest many practitioners. Between 8 and 11 pm, Xinzhou District Police Bureau and Zhucheng Police Station dispatched several police teams to break into practitioners' homes and arrest many of them. Among the arrested were female practitioners Tong Julan and Zhang Xigui.
Tong Julan, 60, had been sentenced in 1999 to a 2-year term of forced labor for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was released in April 2001. It was about 10 pm that night when police officer Zhou Baoyin led several of his policemen to arrest her. These policemen kept the arrested practitioners, including the old woman, outside in the freezing weather that night.
Arrested also were two young doctors, Xu Jianpin and his wife Zhu Chunxia, both of whom have been highly praised by their colleagues in the People's Hospital of Xinzhou District. About 10 pm that night, Li Zong, the director of Zhucheng Police Station, and Jiang Zong, an officer from the bureau, led more than 20 policemen into the couple's home and pulled Zhu Chunxia from her bed before she could even put her clothes on. They carried her to a police car without allowing her to put on a coat. Xu Jianping protested this mistreatment and he was also taken away. Their 2-year-old child was left with nobody taking care of him. The child was very frightened; he cried until his voice became hoarse and has been sick ever since. Later, police came again and searched their home. Witnessing the arrest, neighbors felt it was unbelievable, "Why are people like this couple being arrested? We really don't know what has happened to our government!"
Practitioners Yao Ronghua (female), Yang Shoulin, and Zhang Yanrong (female), as well as several others were also arrested.
10. [Dalian City, Liaoning] Suffocating the Evil in a Dalian Jail
Even after female practitioners Chu Yulian and Li Xiumei were killed by force-feeding in the Dalian Jail, police there are still brutally force-feeding practitioners. The chief of the jail, Tian Ping, was recently killed in a car accident which appeared to be his retribution, and this should be considered as a warning to all police in the jail. Listed below are the individuals who should be held responsible for the deaths. We ask all practitioners to send forth their righteous thoughts to stop their further persecution of practitioners.
Director, Jiang Ming, phone number, 86-411-3792-718
Female instructor, Jia Ling, 86-411-3792-731
Jail Clinic, 86-411-3792-720
11. [Tianmen City, Hubei Province] Practitioner Gao Yan persecuted in Yuxin Township
Shortly before October 1, 2001, police ransacked Gao Yan's home and found two big bags of fliers with truth-clarifying articles. For being in possession of those materials, he was taken to a brainwashing class in Tianmen City, where he refused to write a guarantee to give up Falun Gong. Then he was sentenced to a 2.5-year term of forced labor "re-education." Now he is being held in the Shayang Qili Labor Camp. Remaining at home are a five and a half-year old child and his mother who is mentally ill. In the camp, Gao is being monitored and controlled by Captain Zhang, Instructor Wang, and Instructor Han (phone: 86-724-4066-454).
12. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Exposing A Vicious Policeman
He Lanping, male, about 40, an officer of Qingshan Police Sub-bureau, is a policemen who persecutes practitioners. Since July 20, 1999, he has been cursing and beating practitioners, not allowing them to eat or sleep, and even torturing them. In the middle of September 2001, he tortured a practitioner for 7 hours. As of New Year's Day, 2002, he was still relentlessly arresting practitioners.
Reported on 1/20/02
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