Starting late September 2001, San Diego practitioners come to Balboa Park to hold Hongfa activities every Saturday. In addition to the photo exhibition and distributing Hongfa flyers, they also do a 15-minute exercise demonstration every 15 minutes. The Hongfa activities have attracted many visitors from local area, other states and people from all over the world. Here are just some of the stories happened during their Hongfa activities.

A one-year-old girl has a predestined relationship with Truth-Compassion-Tolerance
It was an early morning with a few visitors. Practitioners were busy in setting up the tent and table and suddenly they noticed a western gentleman videotaping us. A practitioner turned around and found out that he was aiming the camera at a very lovely girl who kneeled down right in front of the Zhen-Shan-Ren banner that had just been set up. The little girl raised her face and looked at the banner attentively, seemingly thinking. A practitioner was deeply moved by the poetic serene scene. After having looked at the girl for two minutes, she just remembered to grab a camera. However, the girl's attention was disrupted by the conversation of another practitioner and she turned her face to other direction (see photos 4 and 5).
The girl's father also felt curious, saying, "she seems to have something to do with Truth-Compassion-Tolerance. She was stuck to it once she got here." The girl was just one and a half years old. "Never before has she been attracted to anything in this way." The practitioners, however, knew the real reason.
Three year-old learns meditation

There were several weekends in which after practitioners had finished a set of the exercises; a three-year-old would come to our exhibition with her mother. According to her mom, the girl was very active and was always running about except when sleeping. However, each time when she came to learn meditation, she kept absolutely still. What a miracle! Before, she was always playing for a long time in the playground, but since she found out about us, she always dragged her mom to us.
Five elderly ladies learn exercises
Five elderly ladies were mesmerized by our demonstration and started to learn Dafa exercises. We thought they were friends or from a tourist group. Actually they were strangers to each other. One had just returned from Hawaii to accompany her mother and "met this golden opportunity."
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Category: April 25 Events