Saturday, October 19, 2002
It is not a religion
Members of Falun Gong or Falun Dafa, an ancient Chinese practice, will peacefully demonstrate against the prohibition of this discipline by their government
By Fernando Castillo Dominguez
Members of Falun Gong or Falun Dafa, an ancient Chinese cultural practice, consisting of meditation techniques and exercises, explained the way the Chinese communist government had violently prohibited this life philosophy through repression, imprisonment and even death. Next week at the APEC meetings at Los Cabos, they will peacefully request the participating countries to speak against the position of the Chinese government.
Falun Gong followers emphasized it is not a religion but a philosophy, similar to Tai-Chi. They practice the virtues of truthfulness, compassion and tolerance, which has expanded to more than 50 countries around the world, even though the practice was prohibited by the Jiang Zemin's Chinese government. In the American continent, it is practiced from Argentina to Canada.
In a press conference, practitioners of this philosophy informed yesterday they arrived a few weeks ago to Los Cabos, where they have started the teaching of this practice, especially in San Jos del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.
Due to the aggression and repression received from the Chinese government, where Falun Gong has originated, [the practitioners] have requested almost all the countries in the world to speak against these measures, and in Los Cabos, they will do the same.
When asked if they will demonstrate at the APEC meeting, where the economies of Asia - Pacific will participate, they responded that [practitioners] from many countries will arrive at Los Cabos and will exercise in parks, gardens and public spaces as a way of protest.
They made clear that they do not support violent demonstrations, do not participate in actions against globalization, do not favor any party, they only pursue the free practice of Falun Gong, especially in China, where the prohibition continues and where hundreds of practitioners are imprisoned or concentrated in isolated zones for forced labor.
Through this medium, they invite all the inhabitants of Los Cabos to learn this new philosophy that arrived last year in Mexico, which is practiced at the Mijares Square and Amelia Wilkes Square. It is free of charge and no age or religious faith matters.
They recognized that in Mexico they have been warmly welcomed, same as in the United States or Canada. They hope the practice of Falun Gong will spread rapidly and hope to receive the support of the government of this country to oppose the actions launched by the Chinese government.
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Category: Falun Dafa in the Media