(Clearwisdom.net) We learned at the last minute that a large-scale conference entitled "Initiative for Peace for Women, Spiritual and Religious leaders" was going to take place in Geneva, with sessions to be held at the United Nations and at the Hotel Beau Rivage. This conference was to follow the "Millennium Conference" of religious leaders held in New York in 2000. Having been unable to attend the opening of this conference like other practitioners, I decided to participate on the following day. Unsure as to whether it was necessary to register in order to participate in the conference, I decided to go there to find out. When I arrived at the hotel where the various meetings were taking place, I saw that a lot of people were there, including representatives of many religious communities. They were eating and talking together informally, so I decided to sit down among them and await the opening of the sessions. I still had thoughts about the registration details but then suddenly I realized that the important thing was to be there with an open heart. I repeated the words that are very close to my heart in difficult moments: "Master, your disciple is here and will remain here no matter what happens." No sooner had I finished that thought when a person sitting opposite me engaged me in conversation. She was wearing her nametag and was a member of a Swiss association. Like myself, she lived in Geneva, so we began talking about various things. She was extremely interested in Falun Gong and asked me a lot of questions. She was horrified by what I told her regarding the situation in China and informed me that she herself had undertaken a long spiritual search. She was very impressed with the teachings of Falun Dafa and felt the Teacher who offered this without any charge must be remarkable. The more we talked the happier I felt for her. I began to think that even if I did not succeed in participating in the meetings, I had not come for nothing. I had come for her, and if I could help just one person it was worth it.
We entered the conference room while continuing our discussion, and I was able to attend some of the meetings. Upon leaving, I met an acquaintance, a member of an NGO (non-government organization), who asked me how I had been able to attend without a nametag. I smiled inside, for I knew it was the Master who had really helped me.
I returned the next afternoon and was immediately able to join a meeting in which the topic of "religion and government" was being discussed. I found myself sitting next to an Asian lady, with a Mr. McDonald leading the debate. He asked us to form a circle around him but I remained in the background, thinking it would be better to listen rather than to speak. He turned towards me, however, and invited me to join them. I became a little anxious and I thought that should I take part in the discussion, I need to admit to not having officially registered. I tried to calm down and said to myself that this was all part of my cultivation. Were all these rules of ordinary people going to prevent me from speaking and clarifying the facts? Certainly not! After having these thoughts, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from me and I decided to await the opportunity to speak. I know that nothing happens by chance and that my presence here was for a reason. As a disciple in the Fa-rectification I had a sacred mission, which was to "hurry up and tell them," but I did not know how I was going to introduce the subject. I reminded myself to "trust", and my heart became calmer. Suddenly, as though in answer to my waiting, the lady beside me, Mrs Laetitia Shahani, a United States senator for 12 years and presidential adviser, began to speak about the situation of religions in the world and also in China, giving as an example the persecution of Falun Gong. Thus the opportunity to participate in the discussion came about naturally. However, there was interference that attempted to prevent me from speaking, manifesting itself in the guise of a Malaysian Sikh lady who assured us that she knew very well the situation of religions in China where, according to her, the greatest respect was shown for the various religious communities. The lady beside me, Mrs. Shahani, replied that this was normal since these religions represented the official religions of the State. Following the dialogue between the two women, therefore, I was able to enter the conversation by saying that I was a practitioner of Falun Gong (an "Ah!" of surprise could be heard) and that I knew very well the situation of Falun Gong in China because I was among those who had denounced the persecution from the beginning. I was astonished to see the reaction of those present (some 30 people). Everyone appeared not only interested but also touched by the question, for I reminded them that this was about a brutal persecution that had been raging for three years and that seventy percent of those in detention were women. I asked them not to forget the brutal persecution happening in China. I reminded them to keep these facts in mind.
It therefore was a good opportunity for me to clarify the facts to the people around me and from the bottom of my heart. I thank Master, who truly arranges everything. We have only to go out and to be there, for everything to happen naturally. Thanks to this, I learned once again to put aside my concepts of ordinary people and my feelings of apprehension. These concepts are obstacles that prevent us from speaking or acting and it is time for us to rid ourselves of them definitively. I understood that we should do everything with a pure heart, without preconceived ideas and without sentimentality, always putting the Fa first. I understood also, once again, that whenever and wherever we step forward, it is not only for others but also to rid ourselves of all our attachments.
On leaving, I thanked Mrs. Shahani, who sent me a note and wanted to know more about Falun Gong. I went home with the feeling that there is still a lot to accomplish and that there are still many people who are waiting to be saved.
This was just my cultivation experience. Please correct me if anything I have said is not in conformity with the principles of the Fa.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events