(Clearwisdom.net) Practitioners
in Washington, DC took advantage of two recent opportunities to share the
magnificence of Dafa with thousands of visitors to the nation's capital. The
first event was the National Council of Negro Women's Annual Black Family
Reunion, which took place on the grounds of the Washington Monument on September 6 and 7. A number of
practitioners from New York joined those in Washington and enjoyed two days of
beautiful, sunny weather while introducing Dafa to thousands of attendees.
The vast majority of those who visited the Falun Gong display in the Health and Fitness Pavilion were unfamiliar with the spiritual practice, nonetheless, they asked many questions and were eager to learn more. "It seems as if people are just waiting to hear about Dafa," exclaimed one practitioner after an extended conversation with a curious visitor.
Some were fascinated to see practitioners sitting in peaceful meditation or moving through the gentle exercises amidst the high-energy music accompanying aerobics and martial arts demonstrations nearby.
One guest was prompted to ask, "Will this teach me how to be quiet in the middle of all this...?" When a practitioner directed her attention to those meditating peacefully behind her, she immediately asked to learn how to meditate.
Other visitors were aghast to discover the truth about Jiang's brutal campaign of persecution against Falun Gong. They found it incredible that practitioners in China could be arrested, imprisoned, tortured and killed for maintaining such a peaceful practice.
The following week, practitioners exhibited at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation's Annual Legislative Weekend (September 11-13). The CBCF was established to support black members of Congress and other African-American leaders. Each year it plays host to thousands of legislators, business leaders, community activists, and regular citizens from across the country and throughout the Washington metropolitan area. The massive exhibit hall featured displays by multinational corporations, non-profit organizations, government agencies, NGOs, and various merchandise vendors.
Over three days, Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises and talked with guests about Dafa. They visited all of the other exhibitors who were unable to stray very far from their sites and shared information with them.
The Falun Gong display was very eye-catching and easily attracted the attention of passersby. It included a continuous videotape of Master Li demonstrating the exercises, copies of Dafa books in various languages, a large poster of practitioners in meditation with the Washington monument in the background, brochures, other reading material, and an area where practitioners took turns demonstrating the exercises.
Once again, visitors watched in awe as practitioners sat in meditation. Many were so amazed that a person could sit in such stillness in the midst of so much activity. Dafa practitioners were honored to have shared the Fa with so many people and to have clarified the truth of Jiang's brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events