- [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Excruciating Methods Used in the No. 1 Section of Changchun City's Police Department
- [Shanghai City] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Zheng Kang and Du Ying
- [Lanzhaou City, Gansu Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Yin Xiaolong and Niu Wanjiang
- [China] Jiang's Regime Commits Crimes Prior to the 16th National Party Congress
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Illegal Arrest of Practitioners
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] More People Start to Practice Falun Gong
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Citing the 16th National Party Congress as an Excuse, Police Rampantly Arrest and Persecute Dafa Practitioners
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Duan Yuying
- [Hejian City, Hebei Province] Criminal Record of the Chief Officer of the Political & Security Section in Hejian City's Police Department
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Excruciating Methods Used in the No. 1 Section of Changchun City's Police Department
Policemen from the No.1 Section of Changchun City's Police Department often blindfolded practitioners and brought them to a hotel in a suburban mountainous area near Jinyuetan. While the officers were drinking beer and playing skittles with public money, they inhumanly tortured the Dafa practitioners. Recently, two pieces of news were verified.
1. Lawless policemen from No.1 Section tortured Dafa practitioner Mr. Liang Zhenxing for many days. The thugs kept shocking his nipples with electric batons, burning one of them completely away.
2. Other lawless policemen from No.1 Section burned a Dafa practitioner's body with a red-hot screwdriver. They also pushed pins into all of his fingernails.
[Shanghai City] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Zheng Kang and Du Ying
In September, Dafa practitioner Mr. Zheng Kang from Shanghai City was arrested and sent to a brainwashing class for clarifying the truth of Falun Gong in his work unit. Ms. Du Ying was detained afterwards.
[Lanzhaou City, Gansu Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners Yin Xiaolong and Niu Wanjiang
At about 1:00 a.m. on October 17, 2002, Dafa practitioner Mr. Yin Xiaolong was forcibly taken to Lanzhou City's Qilihe Gongjiawan brainwashing center and Niu Wanjiang was taken to the No.4 Team of Chengguan District's Detention Center.
Recently, Gansu Province's "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] issued orders to all enterprises and street administration offices that over 780 determined Dafa practitioners on a police list should be forcibly brainwashed. The units that have many Dafa practitioners must hold a brainwashing class themselves, while the units that have few Dafa practitioners must send them to brainwashing classes. They tried to ensure that prior to the 16th National Party Congress no Dafa practitioners would be going to Beijing to appeal, nor accomplish the broadcasting of Falun Gong messages via cable television.
[China] Jiang's Regime Commits Crimes Prior to the 16th National Party Congress
According to reliable sources, Jiang's regime issued an emergency order to every level of government. It was ordered that all levels of government, from provincial to county levels, should dispatch three persons with one car to Beijing to arrest Falun Gong practitioners from their county during the 16th National Party Congress. Roll call would begin at 8:00 a.m. every day. Each level of government should have five sub-groups to take turns arresting those people who are still practicing Falun Gong. Whoever reports one Falun Gong practitioner would be rewarded with 10,000 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income in urban areas of China; in rural areas it is approximately 200 Yuan]. Each county government must hold a brainwashing class, which is subject to inspection by higher government authorities. All those who go to appeal, like retired soldiers, unemployed workers and farmers, should be arrested, too. There will be extremely heightened security , but to outsiders, everything must appear as if the citizenry is enjoying complete freedom and the country is "safe and united."
[Jilin City, Jilin Province] Illegal Arrest of Practitioners
A practitioner's home in Jilin City was ransacked during the practitioner's absence. Two other practitioners were at the residence and opened the door when the head of the residential committee and a policeman came to inspect the home. The more elderly of the two practitioners did not want to be arrested. That person jumped from the second floor of the building, and was injured and sent to a hospital. The policeman took the other practitioner away. Scores of Dafa books and Dafa truth-clarifying materials were confiscated. By the time this news came out, practitioners who had contacts with this practitioner were all already placed under surveillance.
[Jilin City, Jilin Province] More People Start to Practice Falun Gong
As the 16th National Party Congress approached, Jilin Province's "610 Office" designated Jilin City as an " important city." Recently, each residential committee director and every police precinct have subjected practitioners to yet another registration procedure, updated each individual practitioner's file, talked to every practitioner and asked him/her to write the "five statements" which indicate, among other things, their intention to give up the practice of Falun Dafa. If practitioners refuse to write this, their relatives have to write it for them. This new round of registration is due to the fact that many former non-practitioners whose names were not on the previous list have started to practice Falun Gong.
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Citing the 16th National Party Congress as an Excuse, Police Rampantly Arrest and Persecute Dafa Practitioners
According to information provided by fellow practitioners in China, authorities in Dalian City recently commenced another round of persecution. Many Dafa practitioners were arrested and their homes ransacked.
Practitioners who just finished their detention terms at Liaoning Province's Guanshan Forced Labor Camp were immediately transferred to brainwashing classes for further persecution.
Rumors were spread among staff at many subsidiary stores of Dalian Friendship Corporation and Dashang Corporation. The personnel in charge even illegally ordered people to sign their names on a so-called "Guarantee Statement" when recruiting new staff. Those who refused to do so wouldn't be considered for employment.
[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Duan Yuying
On the evening of October 26, 2002, police removed Wuhan City Dafa practitioner Ms. Duan Yuying from her home and put her into a brainwashing class. The excuse they used was that she had put up a banner reading, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, Falun Dafa is Good," on her own balcony facing the street. One year ago, this practitioner had been sentenced to one year of forced labor because she participated in a group study with fellow practitioners. She did not give in to the evil's pressure at the forced labor camp. By the time her term had expired, the police did not release her, as she refused to write a so-called "Guarantee Statement." Finally she walked out of the evil's den in June of 2002, on the 7th day of her hunger strike.
After her release she kept spreading the Fa and clarifying the truth and put up a banner reading, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance, Falun Dafa is Good" on her own balcony facing the street. As she had very strong righteous thoughts, the police didn't arrest her right away. Recently, the police began to rampantly persecute practitioners again. It's said that in the Hongshan District alone, within the last week, six practitioners have already been taken to brainwashing classes.
[Hejian City, Hebei Province] Criminal Record of the Chief Officer of the Political & Security Section in Hejian City's Police Department
Zhao Tieqiao, chief of the Political & Security Section of Hejian City's Police Department, is the person in charge of persecuting Falun Gong. He led a group of accomplices from his section to search around for Dafa practitioners who were forced to live in exile and threatened practitioners who were staying at home. The gang ransacked the practitioners' homes and constantly climbed over walls to forcibly arrest practitioners in the middle of the night.. Many practitioners were forced to live in exile and many families were broken up. The thugs' outrageous behavior has aroused people's indignation. Many Dafa practitioners tried to persuade this evil man. Not only did he not feel regret and mend his ways, he persecuted practitioners more rampantly.
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