Truth and People's Heart
I had poor health and was afflicted with insomnia for several decades. I suffered from neurasthenia insomnia for 38 years and it became worse as I grew old. Before I retired, I was taking five sleeping pills everyday to help me cope with the disease. I can hardly describe how much I suffered from all the illnesses, and I deeply felt that I was walking toward death. In 1997, I began practicing Falun Gong. After merely three months miracles took place, and all my disease symptoms disappeared. I no longer needed sleeping pills, which I had been using for several decades. I became energetic and I even gained weight. My friends and family all saw the improvement in my health. When my colleague saw me, he said, "Wow, what a surprise!" I directly benefited from Dafa, and nothing can ever waver my determination to cultivate Dafa!
Practitioners Exchange Insights
Use celestial eye or the Fa as our guidance? A practitioner's xinxing [mind and heart nature] represents his cultivation level, not the level of their celestial eye, the length of time they do the fifth exercise cross-legged, or certain things some practitioners with open celestial eyes are able to see. A few practitioners didn't study the Fa well enough and circulated gossip according to certain things seen by young practitioners with opened celestial eyes. Some practitioners in charge not only failed to look at this issue from the perspective of the Fa; they encourage such behavior, and treat certain practitioners in an unkind manner according to what was seen by young practitioners with open celestial eyes. Those who made this mistake should correct it immediately and completely. We are dignified and magnificent Dafa practitioners, our cultivation and Fa-rectification must truly reach Master and Dafa's requirement. Everything we do, we must do it righteously.
Truth About the Persecution
I am an old woman around 60 years of age. I used to suffer from all kinds of diseases, all of which were cured after I practiced Falun Gong. I was arrested and detained for clarifying the truth and they extorted 40,000 Yuan from me. Before the opening of the sixteenth party congress, I was searched and forced to go to the police station. I was again extorted 10,000 Yuan. All the money that I worked so hard for during my whole life was robbed by the police. Now I truly understand the term "national terrorism."
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