Ministry of Foreign Affairs, French Republic
The Minister
Paris, October 24, 2002
Mr. Member of Parliament,
You had wanted to draw my attention to the issue of the repression of the Falun Gong [spiritual practice] in China. France is paying attention to the human rights violations in which Falun Gong [practitioners] are victims. With her European partners, France has anxiously taken note of the numerous allegations of torture surrounding this 3-year campaign.
Our respect of fundamental freedoms, most notably the freedom of expression, is regularly brought to the attention of the Chinese authorities during bilateral meetings with the European Union. In the Euro-Sino dialogue on human rights, whether during the time of making conclusions in the Council of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers or in statements made before the UN Human Rights Commission, the European Union has expressed on many occasions their concerns on the current situation in China.
I ask you, Mr. Member of Parliament, to accept the expression of my highest respect.
Dominique de Villepin
Mr. Didier Migaud
Is re Member of Parliament

Translated from French original letter.
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