Practitioner Exchange Insights
The following is from "Studying the Fa is Fundamental to Maintaining Strong Righteous Thoughts" which discusses the events in Texas. Over the past three days of battle between the righteous and the evil we experienced a wild storm (Houston Ellington Airport), a huge test to our physical bodies in the pouring rain (appeal in front of the George Bush Library of Texas College Station), and the grand trial of sending forth the purest righteous thoughts in the icy cold wind (near President Bush's ranch at Crawford). Through all of this I saw my deeply rooted attachments surface. I enlightened that it is important to constantly look inward and cultivate our inner selves so that we can put the Fa first from our most inner beings. At the same time, I realized that "self" as a material substance, forms a blockage that prevents all Dafa disciples from forming into one body. Only through cleansing deviated matter from our own systems by sending forth righteous thoughts, constantly seeking internally, and cultivating inward, can Dafa disciples melt into one body.
Cultivation Story
The following is from "Cultivation Diary: Buying a Cell Phone." I said to my husband, "I need to buy a cell phone. Can I use your bank card?" He said, "No!" I could sense his selfishness, but ignoring how it might affect him, I, for the first time, mentioned some past incidences when he had been careless. As I was speaking, I could not help but feel strings of discontentment and hatred surface like waves. Meanwhile my husband could have cared less, and appeared rather amused. In those two days, I went through a major inner struggle. On one side, I thought this was unfair and discontentment kept pouring out. The other side quickly recognized that those mentalities were wrong. Suddenly a thought appeared: all my discontentment and thoughts of "unfairness" came from my own selfishness! As soon as I sensed my own selfishness, my discontentment with my husband disappeared. My conduct changed a great deal. My husband's attitude was melted within a day. He said to me tenderly, "Go ahead, buy a cell phone, use my card!"
Open Forum
The following is from "Chinese People Are All Fooled by Jiang." A Falun Dafa practitioner who is a Westerner from the U.S. went to Tiananmen Square on October 30, 2002 after a two-month long business trip to China. He opened a banner, which had "Falun Dafa is Great" written on it in Chinese, and was arrested by police right away. When police interrogated him in the station, one young policeman saw his English version of Zhuan Falun. The young policeman insisted that if the parts which the Westerner revealed were lies that Jiang fabricated about Falun Gong, weren't in the book, then the translation must be wrong. That English-speaking policeman was very angry and agitated. But surprisingly, he confessed that he had never read Zhuan Falun. "I felt sad for him! He never formulated this opinion on his own; rather he was force-fed it by the government. If only he read through Zhuan Falun from cover to cover, he would know! I felt so sad that so many Chinese people were fooled by Jiang!"
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Category: Journeys of Cultivation