In September of 2002, many truth-clarifying VCDs appeared in the No. 3 Residence Community of the Beiyan Corporation of Xinji City, Hebei Province. Local authorities and the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong practitioners with absolute power over all levels of administration in the party and all other political and judiciary systems] suspected that they had been distributed by female practitioner, Yin Yumei, who lives in the No.1 Residence Community and was an employee of the Beiyan Corporation. For 3 years her salary had been suspended for her determination in practicing Falun Dafa. The party secretary, who works closely with the Xinji City Public Security Bureau and the Xinji City "610 Office," proceeded to forcefully take Yin's husband Yang Zhanhui, a non-practitioner, into custody to torture and beat him continuously for two days and nights in an attempt to acquire information. Yang is currently being detained in the Xinji City Detention Center. In addition, they confiscated the family's TV, VCD player and motorcycle. Yin was forced to leave her home to avoid further persecution with her two and a half year old son.
Moreover, the Tianzhuang Village government and the local police station of Xinji City, Hebei Province sent over 20 people in the middle of the night to female practitioner Xiaohong's home in Tianzhuang Village and surrounded it. They then proceeded to use a ladder to jump over her fence and stormed the house. The thugs ransacked her home, taking away all valuables and kidnapping her. Since then, Xiaohong has been undergoing severe torture and persecution.
Many families have been in similar situations. They have been torn apart as a result of Jiang's regime's persecution of Falun Gong. We appeal for the support and assistance of the all the world's kind-hearted people. Additionally, we urgently appeal for the United Nations Human Rights Commission, other administrative organizations and all governments to act on this issue in order to end human rights abuses in China.
November 5, 2002
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