Image for article Testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus: The PRC's Anti-Human Rights Tactics in the United States (Part 7)

I (a Westerner) remember thinking: "I am in a Chinese police station behind a closed door, being beaten by a policeman who is trying to extort information from me. Who will hear me cry for help?"

Image for article Amnesty International Raises Concern about Ms. Yoko Kaneko and Calls for her Immediate and Unconditional Release

AI-index: ASA 17/047/2002 01/09/2002


The crackdown on the Falun Gong spiritual movement

The Chinese authorities have made it clear that one of the main targets of the 'strike hard' campaign is the Falun Gong spiritual movement which has been banned in China since July 1999 along with other so-called '[slanderous word omitted] organizations'. There are serious concerns that the Chinese authorities have sanctioned the use of violence as one of the means to eradicate the group.

Image for article Member of European Parliament Objects to Chinese Officials Regarding the Serious Oppression of Falun Gong


4th November 2002

Dear [Friends of Falun Gong]:

Thank you for your letter drawing my attention to the proposed Article 23 legislation in Hong Kong.

I have raised the issue of persecution of the Falun Gong in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing when a European Parliament delegation met Chinese ministers and I objected to the serious oppression they endure. Recently I have had a meeting with members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong and ...

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