- [Northeast China] Jiang Regime Issues a Secret Order: Those Who Go to Beijing to Appeal During "the 16th Party Session" Are to be Sent to Mental Hospitals
- [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] "610 Office" at the Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Illegally Accumulates Money by Means of Holding Brainwashing Classes
- [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Qian Houming Is Illegally Sentenced to Seven Years in Jail
- [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] The Shaqu Branch of the Public Security Bureau Abducts Falun Dafa Practitioner Yao Bin and His Family Members
- [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ding Zhiyun Is Unlawfully Abducted from His Home
- [Changchun City, Jilin Province] First Dust Storm in Changchun City
- [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Gu Xiaorong Is Illegally Abducted
- [Zhoukou City, Henan Province] A Falun Dafa Practitioner Is Unlawfully Captured
- [Beijing City] Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Abducted
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Zhang Weihong Is Illegally Arrested
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] A Banner Announcing "Falun Dafa Is Good!" Flies From the Top of a Wuhan Department Store
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] "610 Office" Brainwashing Class Cuts Practitioners Off from the Outside World
- [Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Abducted
[Northeast China] Jiang's Regime Issues a Secret Order: Those Who Go to Beijing to Appeal During "the 16th Party Session" Are to be Sent to Mental Hospitals
Not long ago, a mental hospital in Northeast China got an order from higher authorities: Treat those who went to Beijing to appeal during "the 16th Party Session" should be treated as mentally disordered patients (meaning that the hospital can use all so-called "means of treatment" to "cure" them). Although the order didn't mention "Falun Gong practitioners," everyone knew what it was referring to.
[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] "610 Office" at the Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Illegally Accumulates Money by Means of Holding Brainwashing Classes
In November, the "610 Office" at the Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau set up a brainwashing class in Rang District, and designated that a certain number of Falun Dafa practitioners from each work unit subordinate to it be sent to the brainwashing class. They also passed a regulation stating that each practitioner needed to pay 5000 yuan (equal to almost a year's income of an average worker in China-- translator).
The team leader of one of the companies subordinate to Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau is very positive toward Falun Dafa. He tried his best to protect a Falun Dafa practitioner when the "610 Office" tried to have the practitioner sent to the brainwashing class. However, the "610 Office" constantly pressured him, and after a while he could no longer resist. So, the practitioner had to leave his home to avoid persecution. The "610 Office" and the work unit were afraid that the practitioner might go to Beijing to appeal, so then they promised the practitioners' family members that they wouldn't send the practitioner to the brainwashing class. In order to fulfill the quota (the number of practitioners to be sent to the brainwashing class and the amount to pay the "610 Office"), the leaders in the work unit had to ask two non-practitioners (employees of the work unit) to attend the brainwashing class (one of them replaced the practitioner, the other acted as a supervisor) and handed in 5000 yuan. Once the "610 Office" got the money, they didn't create further trouble.
As of now, leaders of each work unit are fully aware of the purpose of the "610 Office," and they feel such a thing is disgusting.
[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Qian Houming Is Illegally Sentenced to Seven Years in Jail
Falun Dafa practitioner Qian Houming and some other practitioners were illegally arrested on April 19, 2002 in Zhaodong City. During detention they suffered from all means of torture. In August, Qian was secretly sentenced to seven years in jail and was sent to the Hulan Prison on October 9. During his detention, the police had never informed his family members of his situation. His family members and the leaders of his work units had tried hard to find him. Only just recently, they found him at Hulan Prison. When his family members saw him, they found they could hardly recognize him due to the tortures suffered during his detention. But he is still very steadfast in Falun Dafa cultivation practice. Although his wife doesn't practice, she has very strong righteous thoughts and knows well that Falun Dafa is good. She supports him strongly.
[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] The Shaqu Branch of the Public Security Bureau Abducts Falun Dafa Practitioner Yao Bin and His Family Members
Falun Dafa practitioner Yao Bin was illegally arrested at home on April 18. The policemen from the Shaqu Branch of the Public Security Bureau unlawfully took away all the commodities (he has a family business, selling hardware and electrical appliances) and clothes at his home.
His wife, Xiao Jiang, and his sister, Yao Li, were also abducted. They were illegally detained in the Daqing Detention Center for 45 days. Yao Li had been on hunger strike all the time, protesting the illegal detention. This continued until the 45th day, on which she was released unconditionally. After the release of his wife and sister, the police didn't allow them to live at their own home. They had to find another place to live.
Yao Bin's brother tried hard to find out the location that he is detained and intended to bring him some necessities. However, it was only recently that the police finally told him that Yao Bin is detained in the Shaqu Detention Center in Daqing City. It has been found out that he was secretly sentenced to jail. The police couldn't find any proof to warrant a guilty sentence, so they made up a story that he had sold illegal commodities. People with a sense of justice said that Yao Bin had been in business for over seven years, selling the same kind of commodities. Why were the goods he sold before not illegal?
[Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ding Zhiyun Is Unlawfully Abducted from His Home
Falun Dafa practitioner Ding Zhiyun, from the Changqing District Two of Rang Area in Daqing City, was illegally arrested at home in early September. He has been detained in the Longfeng Detention Center for over two months. During the arrest, the policemen illegally took away his computer and other appliances.
[Changchun City, Jilin Province] First Dust Storm in Changchun City
Early on the morning of November 11, Changchun City was dark and dusty, and it was very hard to see things clearly. This was due to an early winter dust storm, which has never before occurred. Even my colleagues said jokingly, "Yellow winds welcome the '16th Party Session'." While inquiring about the source of the dust, someone immediately asked whether it came from Beijing. Then somebody answered that it was from Tiananmen Square, which caused a burst of laughter. Similar weather appeared on April 7 this year in Changchun. And it has never before been as dusty as this.
[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Gu Xiaorong Is Illegally Abducted
On the morning of November 1, Falun Dafa practitioner Gu Xiaorong was captured in his company and his home was searched. Police illegally confiscated his TV set and DVD player with the excuse that those were "tools for committing crimes." They also took away the 5000 yuan they found in his home, using the excuse that it was "capital for committing crimes." At the same time, his friend Chi Xianming, a non-practitioner, Chi's son, Chi Qiang, and practitioner Nu Dedong who happened to be at his home were abducted as well. The police fabricated charges that these people were a "criminal group". They forcefully interrogated them, using extreme means of bodily punishment. They fabricated charges against them by saying that they had printed truth-clarifying materials. In fact, they don't even have a printer or photocopier. The next day, the police searched Gu Xiaorong's father-in-law's home and forced him to bring out his books. Because his wife wouldn't have been able to take care of herself if he were to be captured, the old man, with tears in his eyes, had to give them the books to avoid being arrested. The four people mentioned above are currently detained in the Yaojia Detention Center, awaiting so-called "sentencing."
[Zhoukou City, Henan Province] A Falun Dafa Practitioner Is Unlawfully Captured
Around November 6 of 2002, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Zhoukou City (male, over 30 years old) was captured in his rented living place. His cellular phone, pager, notebook computer, and desktop computer were confiscated. Presently, he is illegally detained in Zhenzhou City, the capital city of Henan Province.
[Beijing City] Three Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Abducted
Two practitioners whose last names are Liu, and a practitioner whose last name is Zhou were arrested a couple of days ago in Beijing. One practitioner's wife is currently pregnant.
[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Zhang Weihong Is Illegally Arrested
Falun Dafa practitioner Zhang Weihong, from Wuhan, is a Geography teacher at Wugang No.10 High School. About a month ago, she suddenly disappeared. According to various sources, police had abducted her. Prior to this, she had been illegally detained in 2001. After nearly a month of hunger striking, her father arranged her released on bail with a deposit of 10,000 yuan. The terms of her bail agreement ended in November this year. The police arrested her for no good reason in order to keep the deposit. Her whereabouts are still unknown.
[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] A Banner Saying "Falun Dafa Is Good!" Flies From the Top of a Wuhan Department Store
Yesterday morning (November 10th), on top of a Wuhan Department Store, Falun Dafa practitioners successfully put up a banner. The bright red banner stating "Falun Dafa Is a Righteous Fa" glowed, fluttering in the breeze, attracting every passer-by's eyes. Although the thugs frenziedly arrested many practitioners and searched their homes before the opening of "the 16th Party Session," Fa-rectification banners kept appearing in Wuchang and Hankou neighborhoods of Wuhan City during the "16th Party Session."
[Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] "610 Office" Brainwashing Class Cuts Practitioners Off from the Outside World
Before the opening of "the 16th Party Session," all brainwashing classes in Guangzhou City started to cut practitioners off from the outside world. They don't allow practitioners' family members to see them. They don't allow practitioners to call home either. This fully shows how weak and desperate the situation of the wicked beings really is. On the other hand, the thugs started to increase attempts to arrest or put practitioners under surveillance. Currently some Falun Dafa practitioners have been forcibly sent to brainwashing classes.
[Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Abducted
In the Jixi area, police have recently destroyed a site that produced truth-clarifying materials. Four practitioners were arrested. The computer equipment was also destroyed.
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