(Clearwisdom.net) From October 20 to 28 during Jiang's visit to the US, practitioners from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States sent forth righteous thoughts at each top of the hour. They gathered at either their practice sites or practitioners' houses to have group study and send forth righteous thoughts.

An indoor practice site in St. Petersburg was open 24 hours a day during this period. Practitioners who did not need to go to work came here to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts, while others came after work. In cold wind and heavy snow, practitioners in Moscow gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy to send forth righteous thoughts each day from 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Practitioners said that sending righteous thoughts outside the Chinese Embassy enabled them to concentrate more and was more powerful. Practitioners who had their Celestial eye open saw intense battles between righteousness and evil while practitioners collectively sent forth righteous thoughts.
Latvian practitioners held a peaceful demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy. A protest letter from Baltic Falun Dafa Association to the Chinese Embassy was read at the gathering. The letter said, "Jiang is responsible for illegally persecuting Falun Gong and violating human rights." "Today while Jiang is visiting the US, we have come to the Chinese Embassy to join all kind hearted people around the world who are protesting in front of Chinese embassies and consulates." "Practitioners around the world will continue to clarify the truth to the public and peacefully protest until this brutal persecution initiated by Jiang Zemin has ended." Baltic News reported the event.
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Category: April 25 Events