(Clearwisdom.net) I have practiced Falun Dafa for several years, and run a small restaurant in a North American city. I have often had copies of Dafa books sitting on the bar in view of many customers, yet for the longest time, it was as if most of them never saw the books. If they did see them, they never expressed much interest in knowing what they were, or what they were all about. Until recently, that is.
Since my return from Fa-rectification activities in Mexico last week, things seem to have dramatically changed. Every day, people ask me about the books. Many have picked them up and started to read them. Regular customers and employees have long known that I practice Dafa, but haven't expressed much interest in it, until now, as they too, now participate in discussions about Dafa and pick up the wonderful books that seemed to have been invisible to them in the past.
Last weekend, a regular customer who knew that I'd been traveling to appeal, brought the issue up in front of six of his friends, asking me to explain where I'd been and what I'd done. He returned last night and saw the book on the bar and began asking about it, so I offered it to him. A speed-reader, he immediately read the first couple of chapters of Falun Gong and remarked, "Wow. This is amazing. I've got to read more of this book!" He then engaged me and other customers at the bar in a conversation about Falun Gong and the persecution.
Many similar incidents have occurred in the last week since my return. A journalism student has called wanting to conduct interviews for an article. New people are coming to the practice site to learn the exercises. It seems that now, more than ever before, people are not only ready to hear the truth, but stepping forward and asking about it themselves.
My own understanding is that the result of practitioners' worldwide concentrated efforts at sending forth righteous thoughts while the evil head traveled is profoundly dramatic. Maybe we can't see the change with our old flesh eyes, and practitioners like me can't see much of anything in other dimensions, either, but the change has occurred. So many of the evil forces that have obstructed our truth clarification efforts, and blocked people's ability to hear what we say, have been cleared away.
Teacher has just told us in "Righteous Thoughts," "Dafa disciples' sending forth righteous thoughts at this special historic period--in order to reduce the evil beings' persecution of Dafa, Dafa disciples, and the people of the world--has played a very critical role. A large number of evil beings have been cleaned out in a timely manner before the force of Fa-rectification arrives, and this has reduced many potential losses."
[...] "Dafa disciples are now sentient beings' only, sole hope for salvation. So, in order to do Fa-rectification more effectively, while you clarify the facts you have to take sending righteous thoughts very seriously, and in a timely manner purge the evil and your own problems so that you won't be taken advantage of by the evil."
My own understanding, then, of the current cosmic climate, is that we should not slack off, that we must continue to diligently send forth righteous thoughts. Also, as Teacher tells us, we must:
"Hurry Up And Tell Them
As Dafa disciples tell people the facts,
It's like sharp swords shooting out together from their mouths,
Shredding apart the rotten demons' lies.
Lose no time and save them, hurry up and tell them."
It seems the world and its people are now more ready to learn the facts about Falun Dafa, the persecution, and the wonder of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Let's be sure to live up to our historic oaths and take advantage of every precious opportunity to save the sentient beings of the cosmos.
I hope you will kindly correct any misunderstandings you see here, and that practitioners around the world will feel encouraged to share their own observations of changes in the cosmic climate, as well.
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Category: Journeys of Cultivation