(Clearwisdom.net) On December 6-8, in Warsaw, Poland, practitioners from the Ukraine, Sweden, USA and Poland took part in various Fa rectification activities.
We held several peaceful appeals at the Chinese embassy, sent forth righteous thoughts, distributed materials in downtown Warsaw, and for 3 days manned an information booth during the International Human Rights Film Festival hosted by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. The documentary "Falun Gong's Challenge to China" was shown during the festival to a large, receptive audience, and over the course of the 3 days many people learned the truth about the persecution.
In order to attend the activities, Ukrainian practitioners had to overcome considerable interference from the authorities. One of the practitioners was approached by the chief of police in his city, who requested that he not come. The Chinese embassy in the Ukraine has been very active in causing trouble. The authorities tried to convince him not to come, even trying to bribe this practitioner with money. The police told the practitioner that the Chinese embassy claimed that any country which took part in the festival would put their economic relationship with China in jeopardy. The practitioners in Ukraine have been facing all sorts of interference to their cultivation environment.
Nonetheless, they remained undeterred by the interference and came to Warsaw. There was a large group of Russian speaking people who attended the festival, and thanks to the Ukrainian practitioners' presence, those people learned the truth about Falun Dafa.
The temperature was very cold that weekend, about -10 C or colder. On Saturday night, after the festival broke for the night, we went to the Chinese embassy to send forth righteous thoughts and practice. Although it was very cold at night, several practitioners felt currents of energy entering their bodies, keeping them warm.
During the festival, we were able to clarify the truth to many people. In addition to handing out flyers and talking to people, we also set up a laptop computer at our booth, playing truth-clarifying videos. People were interested and keen to have a look.
Over the course of the weekend, many people understood how evil the persecution is and the true nature of the criminals directing the persecution.
We also shared experiences as a group and tried to upgrade our understanding. We saw that being together is a precious opportunity and we cherished every moment. We felt the boundless mercy of Master, who has borne so much tribulation for the sake of sentient beings, and we strived to be worthy of his painstaking salvation. We hope that we can do more, do better, and improve in the Fa together.
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Category: Parades & Other Community Events