1. Introducing Falun Dafa to the Peruvian Government at All LevelsAt the end of September 2002, we sent Falun Dafa truth-clarification material to the Peruvian Foreign Ministry officials who were going to attend the Asia Pacific Economic Forum in Mexico (APEC). At the same time we also sent some truth-clarification materials to the Presidential Palace and a letter to President Alejandro Toledo calling for his assistance in stopping the persecution of Falun Dafa by the Jiang regime. To help the President have a further understanding of Falun Dafa we delivered a copy of Spanish versions of Zhuan Falun and Falun Gong as well as a truth-clarification VCD through the Presidential Correspondence Appeal Office. One week later we received a letter written by the leading member of the Public Affairs Department on behalf of the President. At the same time we presented to all the important ministers the same package of truth-clarification material, photos and appeal letters.
In the past two years we had overlooked truth clarification to the Peruvian head of state, officials at the ministerial level and members of parliament, so we needed to make up for this. We began with sending letters of appeal and Falun Dafa materials to 33 members of parliament residing in Lima and called on them to help stop Jiang's persecution of Falun Dafa in China. We very quickly got a response and one of the MPs requested to meet us. During the meeting, the MP was deeply moved by the words and deeds of Falun Dafa practitioners so she expressed her wish to further get to know about Falun Dafa. Before we left she gave us her home address and phone number, inviting Dafa practitioners to go to her home to teach her the exercises. Now she is practicing Falun Gong. After that we presented truth-clarification material of Falun Dafa and letters to 85 MPs in the rest of the Peruvian provinces. In this way every Member of Parliament received Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials.
2. Spreading the Fa to 6,000 Students and Teachers of Three State SchoolsA western practitioner who teaches at a school in the San Juan Lurigancho District in Lima suggested that we go to his school to teach the students Falun Gong. We agreed with his suggestion and helped him to coordinate the activities.
On Monday, November 4, 2002, we introduced Falun Gong to nearly one thousand students and teachers in the school. The school made arrangements for us to come back to teach Falun Gong to Physical Education classes each year. At every PE class, several hundred students filled the playground. The teachers learned the exercises with the students. We also introduced Falun Gong to the parents who came to pick up their children. The following day, parents sent representatives to ask the Principal to invite us to teach them as well. As a matter of fact they even handed us a formal invitation. After we finished two weeks of teaching the exercises in this primary/high school we went to a primary/high school in La Molina District. In mid November, we also taught Falun Gong at an evening school. On December 6, we ended our month long Fa-spreading activities to students and teachers. All together we taught more than 6,000 students from over 200 classes. Because the five sets of exercises are simple, graceful and serene, no matter how undisciplined some of the kids were, they were able to sit down and learn. Teachers were amazed and very happy to cooperate. The Principal devoted the full 45 minutes of PE class for us to teach the exercises. In the process of teaching the exercises, children also learned to read and write "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" in Chinese.
At the request of the teachers we plan to teach them the five sets of exercises during school and kindergarten holidays.
3. Introducing Falun Dafa and Clarifying the Truth to the Precious Chinese People
Over the two years since Falun Dafa practice sites have been established in Peru, we used all kinds of methods to clarify the truth to the Peruvian Chinese and the staff of the Chinese Embassy. Besides handing out Dafa material to Chinese restaurants and overseas Chinese, we also mail letters as well as truth-clarification VCDs and Falun Dafa material to the local Chinese restaurants and the staff of the Chinese Embassy. This has produced wide repercussions in the Chinese community. In the process of validating the Fa, we face Chinese people who have been poisoned by Jiang's propaganda, so we continue to study the Fa and have come to understand the Fa from the Fa. When we prepare truth-clarification materials, we consider the best ways for people to accept and understand the truth and at the same time send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors in other dimensions that hinder people from learning the truth. The practitioners remind each other to act strictly according to the standards of a practitioner, pay attention to what we say and do, look at everything from other people's angle and take care of their needs, as well as treat everyone compassionately. A lot of people who used to have prejudice against Falun Dafa have now changed their attitude after seeing all these facts. Some of them asked for the book Zhuan Falun. Some have become intimate friends with practitioners and hold no secrets from them, and still others step forward to speak fairly for Falun Dafa.
We Dafa Practitioners have waited tens of millions of years for today. Today is the Fa rectification period during which we are together with our respected Teacher. All the sentient beings have waited for today with an expectation of being saved. Let us cherish the grand mission the Lord Buddha bestowed on us to save sentient beings. We should not let down the sentient beings or our Teacher.
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