(Clearwisdom.net) Recently several Falun Dafa practitioners have received threatening phone calls at midnight from China's Ministry of National Security. When practitioners picked up the phones, the other side simply introduced themselves saying, "I am a special agent for Ministry of National Security of China." It is well known that China has sent a lot of spies overseas, and we have also eye-witnessed their secretive behavior. Some practitioners suffered directly from their damage, but before this, no spies had ever dared to state their identity so brazenly and openly.
What they said to Falun Dafa practitioners over the phone generally includes: "I warn you to stop practicing Falun Gong. You know we will bring trouble to you. I have been watching and tracking you for a long time." Some of these people even called practitioners again after an hour and asked practitioners to sign the "guarantee letter" to give up practicing Falun Gong. It was unbelievable that the agents were active to such an extent.
Aimed at such vicious threats from China's Ministry of National Security, some practitioners reported these threats to the police immediately after receiving the phone calls. The police investigators immediately arrived at practitioner's home at midnight, and paid serious attention to these cases whereby Australian citizens were threatened for their belief by the security ministry of another nation. The officers not only took a detailed report about the matter, but also recorded all the harassment cases that Australian practitioners had suffered before, one by one, and gave confidential instructions to practitioners how to protect themselves. The Australian authorities were extremely serious when relating this case to the report published by International Education Development (IED) on the Internet, that China's persecution of Falun Gong is state terrorism.
Australia is a free country. It is so evil that Jiang's hired spies even dare to cross over the line in defiance of the law and public opinion. Falun Dafa practitioners felt sadness for the terrible crimes committed by Chinese spies against Dafa. During the time that the tyrant Hitler was in power, those Nazi party members devoted to him were eventually brought to trial, one by one, and could not escape the judgment of history. We hope that those spies of China's Ministry of National Security will take this as a serious warning.
Because of this incident, practitioners also began to study the Fa and look inward, since the evil would not have chance to take advantage of us as long as we have no omission in our cultivation.
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